So how hard will they just fuck our FF7 up?
So how hard will they just fuck our FF7 up?
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There are so many locations I can't fucking wait to see in 3d. Mideel, the Ancient City, Costa Del Sol... I don't even care how much they fuck everything else up., I just want to see this shit in full 3d. I wonder if they'll have the balls to do the Great Glacier justice?
inb4 they blow their entire budget on the motorcycle chase, the game flops, and we get no more episodes
>inb4 the game isn't a 1:1 remake
>linear action focused streamlined gameplay instead
This game is my only reason to live , been dreaming with that 19 years after complete ill kill myself
Best case scenario
>they leave the character interactions intact, and add some new ones
>gameplay is serviceable, thus much better than the braindead ATB system of VII
>items, EXP, and special events you did carry over between episodes; while they just make default builds for anyone that didn't start since episode 1
Worst case scenario
>they remake it as a playable Advent Children
>no fun allowed
>everything and everyone is emo and grimdark for the entire plot
>there is no way to carry over your progress through each episode, you always start in level 1
>gameplay is as braindead as vanilla Kingdom Hearts 2 on normal difficulty
Only thing im worried about is if the 3 episodes will be combinable into one game
It's already fucked up beyond repair since they confirmed it to be a multi-part series of games instead of just one.
Apparently FF7 has too much content for one game in 2016.
The whole episodic bullshit kills the game for me already. I cant even imagine how the fuck this should work. It was supposed to be one (1) game and they whole fucking gameplay builds up on that and the progress you've made. At the very least levels should carry over as well as the skills and whatnot.
But what about when they re-remake it in 20 more years
It'd be hard to fuck up since it was so shit.
No it wouldn't.
wow what an edge im sure glad you were here on Sup Forums to share your opinion thanks desu L O L thx xD
>KH battle system
>Most likely guaranteed T for teen
I had an infinite level of hype at initial announcement. But now its dropped to just another game I'm somewhat interested in.
I hope it proves me wrong but can anyone name the last good thing Squeenix Japan studios has made in the last decade
As opposed to M for Mature?
fucking kek, the state of you
>can anyone name the last good thing Squeenix Japan studios has made in the last decade
FFXII is my favourite of them all.
>Excited for Barret to say GOSH DARN IT CLOUD
>Excited for no bloodbath shinra headquarters
>implying I treasure this game like the rest of the bandwagoners
I see FF7 for what it is and not like some venerated idol of the genre.
The costs of content creation have become extraordinarily bloated thanks to all the graphical fidelity high definition shit and the expectations of everything being voiced.
Cut out all the voice acting shit and every scene getting some unique cinematic animations.
Just give me the walls of text and simple actions. Production costs plummet, file size reduced to a fraction, devs can focus on the fucking game and not non-game shit.
>the last good thing Squeenix Japan studios has made in the last decade
Crisis Core
The Last Remnant
There is literally no way they're going to pull off "goofy segments" in a good way using this dumb ultra-realistic shit. They'll probably cut out Cloud in drag entirely.
>KH battle system
Much better than shitty turn based combat
>episodic content delivery
>developed by square enix instead of square soft
>likely to suffer from downgrades based on FF15 development history
>Crisis Core
>Still limited to 3 characters at a time
>Can't have some huge battles with all eight characters fighting at once
>changing it to an arpg
>compilation faggotry
They already did, OP.
There's that battle at the end where you can switch your parties
>Listing two KH re-releases (inb4 durr final mix has some extra content)
>Listing crisis core when it gave us Geneshit
>Last remnant some mediocre rpg
>Mash square dissidia
Just curious, but how many threads do you have open right now for games you have no interest in?
>Mash square dissidia
Sorry, what?
You can thank Nomura for that.
I only have 2 tabs this thread and base board
Let's be honest, the real reason everyone is hyped for this is to see Cloud in a sexy dress
All they are doing is make new game with the same story. Its a new game.
Why didn't SE call it FF7 Reboot or make FF7-2 instead?
It's pretty much like how anime games work, they change genres and gameplay each game but the story is still the same.
Because it's neither a reboot or a sequel dumb fuck
It's gonna be episodic?
Fork over 180 burgerbucks for one game
The combat in FFVII is crap dude.
>chromatic aberration
When will this stop?
There's going to be plat changes, and I said "make "FF7-2" not "call it FF7-2" fag
Can we go into a theater to watch LOVELESS?
How the fuck do you make an episodic JRPG?
google Xenosaga or .hack and find out
Square Enix finds a way.
It's going to be fucking fantastic and there's nothing you can do about it.
Want you 1:1 FFVII experience? Go play FFVII
.hack// 1-4
.hack//G.U. 1-3
O was kinda hyped for this, I tried playing FFVII but the translaytion was crap, the game looked horrible even for its time and the combat was stupid.
I embrace when that the devs wanted to shake it up, even going so far as making it an ARPG - but this whole episodic thing is making me skeptical.
Oh well. Just gotta wait until they release it all together.
Or maybe three parts like the original game was. Jesus Lord
If you ever wanted a FF7 remake, congratulations you are a fucking retard. Everyone sane said it would be shit, it would be based on Advent Children, it would retcon to story to suit the rubbish spin offs, it would have some awful hybrid action rpg combat and none us were surprised when these things came true. And every retard, including those who respond to me, say "hurr you don't know it will be shit, you hate games, jaded," and other ignorant strawman shit deserve to be swindled.
But hey, we didn't predict Episdodic, Square Enix is worse than even us "haters" thought.
When did I say the original wasnt 3 discs?
It was 3 discs but it was sold as one game
This game is 3 discs sold as 3 games
You are pathetic. The only reason the game was on 3 discs was because filesize of FMVs were too large for 650mb cds. FF7 isn't even a long game.
>With regards to the current HD capacity and volume, the idea is that we wouldn’t be able to encompass it all in just one installment. So, if we’re just looking at each of these parts, one part should be on par with the scale of one Final Fantasy XIII game.
What did he mean by this?
I think he just said the game is shit and told me not to buy it.
I think you just said something retarded.
> the scale of one Final Fantasy XIII game.
>What did he mean by this?
It will be corridor shit
It was more clever than, "ur retarded," at least.
Eh, it was about the same.
Negative. It was at least one order of magnitude cleverer.
each episode will be roughly 21 gB
Episodic isnt a total turnoff as long as its say, 1 months between each episode, say maybe 3 parts max, EVERYTHING carries over, not just levels and items, the relationship system or whatever you want to call it a,so carries over, you can return back to old areas and shit you did is the same, peoples diagloue remains advanced, so on and so forth so it doesnt feel like a hollow experience.
>$60 game
>each episode is $10
>$80 for 150 hours+ of gameplay
Thats my max. but it will be 80, then $30+$30+$30+$30.
>buy the game 3 times for $60 for the full experience
where have I heard that before?
how will they handle Barret's swearing with voice acting? Are they gonna bleep his voice out like Conker's bad fur day?
No, he will just say "Damn" and "Dilly Dally"