>Tell guy I don't like Dark Souls
I'm considering telling people I hate videogames and never play it in order to avoid these shitty discussions
Tell guy I don't like Dark Souls
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ok, good
thanks for letting us know
Yeah that's cool and all but check out this fat bird
Yes but who are you talking to in this situation? You must be far away from normies because most just think the game is hard and that Skyrim is the best game ever made.
that's a pretty fat bird
Actually he made the same argument about Skyrim
>hates Dark Souls
I don't think you like videogames then faggot.
The series certainly has flaws, it's just that most of the things people choose to criticize it for are fucking dumb. Enjoy what you want and stop crying about other autists, you autist.
Ill fucking kill you
It was him crying about it, I was perfectly fine with him liking it
Fair enough. Stop associating with faggots like that then.
I've had this issue with Soulsfags and Tumblrtale retards
Fuck off with you echo chamber
Well undertale is way shittier than dark souls but you're correct
I have several favorite games but I couldn't see myself ever jumping to argue with someone's option about them.
whats going on w this birdo
The worst thing about the Souls games is its cancerous, elitist community. Probably the highest concentration of delusional bigots I've ever seen in one place. That being said, they are really good games, but I don't think that the community even realizes that they are killing their own reputation.
Not subtle enough, dummy.
Wow user.
Thats a really fat bird!
You shouldn't tell anybody that you play video games
>that short amount of time where you think he's upside down
That's a cool bird
Is that one of those birds that eat other birds brains while they lay down and sleep
You can't battle cancer with subtlety.
Seems like you worry too much about your opinions being validated. Maybe your friend really likes dark souls?
I fucking hate geese man, They shit all over the place where i work.
nice blog post, faggot. now kindly fuck off.
Haha, pretty nice, but have you seen this duck?
I don't think you understand how irrational soultards can be.
>Is that one of those birds that eat other birds brains while they lay down and sleep
You're thinking of woodpeckers. Fuck those birds, they're complete dicks.
>have a friend over
>at one point he mentions how he really thinks bloodborne looks fun from the stuff he's seen
>tell him he's welcome to try it since I have it and I can help him a bit since soulsborne games can be a bit overwhelming at first
>he plays for 30 minutes, dies because he just runs at enemies and spams attack
>rarely rolls, never locks on and misses all his attacks
>try to calmly tell him to just try fighting slower (even though bloodborne has probably some of the fastest combat of them all) and lock on ffs
>he gets mad every time he respawns and sees he has to fight the same enemies
>tell him he's supposed to learn from them and he's only died like 4 or 5 times
>he says he doesn't really like it
>"that's fine, it takes some time to get into and it's not for everyone"
>apparently that was an insult, even though I said it in the nicest way possible
>the next day someone mentions dark souls and he goes on to trash the games (even though he's only played 30 minutes of bb)
Then he started playing DOTA 2
Just because a game has a flaw doesn't mean it sucks.
Just because you think a game sucks doesn't mean you need to tell everyone
>Just because you think a game sucks doesn't mean you need to tell everyone
If everybody took your advice, Sup Forums would be the slowest board on all of Sup Forums.
This is exactly what anti souls fags are like.
They're just to dumb to play video games where they die.
i like birds
especially tublards like this one
thanks user
What don't you like about Dark Souls, friend?
>20 hours into a fortress
>I feel like I'm forgetting something...
>Praise the Miners! You have struck adamantine!
>Oh nice!
>You have discovered an eerie cavern...
I would like to pet this fat bird
I don't even get it, especially in his case. He played the game, didn't like it, so we just quit and did something else. And yet he felt the need to call them terrible games.
>can see the whole lightspecter
NIgger, that picture is talking about coastal bald eagles. Midwestern bald eagles are fucking ginormous. Maybe not harpy sized but 7-8 foot wingspan easy.
did you know that bald eagles forcefully remove their beaks and talons in a "rebirth" type change. they can either do that, or die.
You can't argue with soulsborne fans.
They act like they are the elite of gaming.
I don't mind Dark souls but holy shit is it overrated. And holy double shit the fanbase is terrible. Yeah I had fun with it but it's not my fucking life stop bugging me about it.
Stop discussing video games with people. Hide your power level.
>couldn't think of any reason the shitty robin is good
>resorts to spamming a meme in hopes no one notices
Inshalla britbong ;)
Just because you like a game it doesn't mean others can't critizice it.
Vidya is all but mainstream at this point, nobody will think you're fucking weird if you talk about it unless it's some loli raping sim or whatever.
>Tell guy I don't like Dark Souls
>Must be too hard for ya, git gud ;)
>point out how unbalanced the pvp of every souls title is
>"le git gud xD"
>point out how some areas feel like a chore rather than a videogame
>wow dude go to play undertale lol!"
>point out how dark souls is a good game but overrated as helll
>"I bet you couldn't get past X"
ayyy best fanbase
name of this lil nigga?
PVP is trash in 3, somehow they do it worse every game. Greatswords are slow as molasses and do the same damage as a straightsword with a single hit and get a 2 hit combo vs the dark sword's 5. Not to mention they have WORSE REACH than weapons half their length because from decided everything has to be a fucking drawcut with them FUCK I"M MAD STILL
Stay salty, friendo :^)
Umm..... he's right though. You just have the most cringeworthy plebeian taste in video games faggot OPEE.
Still, talking to normies about vidya is grating. All they talk about is CoD, AssCreed, or some other boring AAA bullshit.
Talking to spergs about it always leads to them sperging out.
Don't get me wrong, Dark Souls is my favorite game, but it's extremely flawed.
I'd pump that rump if you pickle my pee here
>play DaS1
>P O I S E
>H A V E L
>S T A G G E R
>Play DaS3
>D E X F A G
>S T A G G E R
>E S T O C S
Wew lad
>Say a boss in Dark Souls is hard
>Every boss in the entire series is apparently the "easiest"
Why are soulsfags on Sup Forums always like this?
Don't get me wrong, [Insert Game Here] is my favorite game, but it's extremely flawed.
post more pickle pee chan
They feel acomplished when they think that they belong to a elitist group of people who are "good" at videogames.
Man you are incorrect about DaS1 PvP and Havels. Poise also is just a key mechanic, it's not an issue.
>point out how unbalanced the pvp of every souls title is
Did you try to prove a stupid point instead of a valid one? No one will argue against straight swords and quality builds being gamebreaking in 3 for example.
About the only thing right in there is that greatswords are slower than weapons that are smaller than them. The fact you think it's even possible for a straight sword to get a 5 hit combo makes me think you just lost a fight against one and need to chill.
>Investing 0 points in damage stats and going full tank while shitting damage with a chaos greatsword is ok
>Being able to facetank most bosses is ok
Poise is a shit mechanic that makes the game boring and literally rends light fighters unviable.
>Lighting Zweihander
>Giant Dad
>Or hanky spanky r1 spammer
Before dark wood was nerfed, everything was FULLHAVELS FLIPROLL
>DAS 2
>No poise
>DAS 3
>Dark sword
>All armor is the same
>Heavy armor is literally a handicap
>Dark sword
>Dark sword
>R1 combo spam
You're on Sup Forums, everyone here has to act like an asshole while discussing or explaining anything, no matter what it is. It's just how things are. Dumbass.
The two tigers in 2 are literally the hardest and no one can say otherwise
>and literally rends light fighters unviable
except fast roll is stronger than poise and you're fucking wrong
The only real problem with poise was prepatch DWGR, prepatch elementals allowing for vit/end gouging, and the hornet ring. You don't even have to minmax like a sperg to hit reasonable breakpoints with armor you like, and toggle-escaping is a thing if you don't mind being a scumbag.
Meanwhile in real life
>Tell guy you don't like Dark Souls
>he's fine with that
>You start shit talking Dark Souls to try and goad a reaction out of him
>You say Dark Souls is shit
>he asks you explain why you think its shit
>You go on a wild tangent about how he is a cock sucking fanboy without ever raising valid points about the game
and the fucking boss run
You obviously haven't done a lick of research Jefferson.
giantdad is literally a noobkiller build, you morons
it's easy as shit to beat if you're good
I honestly dont know what the fuck is worse.
Poise makes heavy armored characters strong as hell but no poise makes everything come around as "who deals the first blow and staggers you to death."
>fast roll
>zwei hits on a 180ยบ radius
>sometimes it hits you even if you are behind your target
QUICK Sup Forums
>"lol this build is good only if you play the game whatever the hell you like!"
>"if you use this, and that and this exact build you can win!"
Literal shit PvP design. Blizzard tier, Riot tier.
the zwei is not viable against good players of the same level, doubly so if they can fastroll; it's a noobkiller
>Poise makes heavy armored characters strong as hell
Use armor with fire or lightning resist. There's few nonscaling weapons that can put out decent physical damage, so tanky builds are heavily reliant on elemental damage.
>the zwei is not viable
>literally 7/10 guys in pvp will use a zwei on DaS1
J-Jackie Chan?
As someone that's played a shitload of Dark Souls 1, 2, and 3 PvP, 1 had the most viable weapons and the most varied builds. You can win handily with basically any loadout if you're skilled and clever.
>I barely played the game, but I'm an expert on it!
come at me tweetie i'm fucking ripped
Barely anyone uses the Zwei because it's too slow and easy to parry/punish. It's a noobkiller. Confirmed for not PvPing much.
Pretty much this. 1 v 1 duels are frankly not a thing in real Dark Souls pvp unless you like playing the game wrong
You haven't logged on in a while do you?
Poise could be fixed by making weapons do more poise damage per type and weight
>Dagger 1
>Estoc 15
>Straight sword 20
>Katana 18
>Great sword 30
>UGS 50
>Great hammer 50
And then make the max poise 50, don't attach poise to rings or cloth and keep rolling equally as good as it is. Maybe make armor actually absorb damage too
I played 100 hours in 2012-2013 and, 50 hours in 2015, and 100 hours in 2016.
That's actually a really good idea.
(define (sort-nines lst)
(append (filter (lambda (x) (not (= x 9))) lst)
(filter (lambda (x) (= x 9)) lst)))
>Mention that I like Dark Souls on Sup Forums
It's even possible to win with the shitty whip or bare fists too, just reaaaallly hard. Any decent weapon is basically on equal ground though
I'm certain I've played far more than you have, and the Zwei's usage has always been overexaggerated. It is used very often in PvE as an early crutch, but dex weapons were the real overwhelming PvP presence, especially coupled with a bit of faith or int and a buff. I'd even go as far as saying the MLGS was more common than the Zwei.
300 hours in 2016 here, every fucking one uses a zwei.
I mean, it's my fault because Im not a tryharding piece of shit and I do cosplay runs or some shit like that instead going full meta with the most boring build just to win in a game from 5 years ago with 3000 players on.