Mfw someone says they never played the first Dead Rising

>mfw someone says they never played the first Dead Rising

>mfw they tell me they have a favorite Dead Rising yet havent played the first.

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Impossible, the first two are the only good ones. I doubt anyone is gonna select 3 if it's their first DR.

DR2 OTR is fun with a friend, otherwise it's a boring left 4 dead clone.

I think DR4 will return the series to where it was. DR1 & 2 were so much fun. I kind of still prefer 1 though just because you could place objects to build a barricade.

I played the first Dead Rising on Wii

So you played RE4.

When the fuck does the DR1 remaster come out?

Yeah that too, and Dead Rising 1

>mfw the only dead rising i've played is 2 and it was shit

who's your favorite psycho and which one did nothing wrong

>an anime poster with shit taste

Holy shit what a fucking new and crazy concept.

Cliff and Cliff.

>mfw the remaster of DR 2 will NOT have Case West and Case Zero

dead rising wii was basically a modded re4

Dead Rising 1 was the game that made me get a 360. I fucking loved it. The time management, survivor escorting, psychopaths, the whole shebang. I loved how you got to restart the game with your stats, it made me feel like I was turning Frank into this zombie-killing expert. When I hit lv. 50 and steamrolled the game it was amazing.

I really hope they don't change the time management system in the rerelease. I love having to switch things up on the fly to grab survivors/beat bosses when things go off the rails. I remember giving like 6 survivors handguns/shotguns and grabbing the book that made survivors bloodthirsty. We were a walking wall of carnage.

One of the few games that I 100% the achievements for.

>yfw Capcom later adds them as DLC
>that you have to buy

Favorite psycho was Adam the Clown, if only for those mini chainsaws. Alternately: crazy Chuck Greene with the Katy doll on his back.

Cliff did nothing wrong. Poor guy.

Why does Capcom hate all things that are good?


Almost got all achievements, except like the 40 and 50 survivor savior one, that shit is seriously fucking hard.

Even just read a guide for Savior, you literally have to be near perfect, even at level 50 you are really skimping on time.

> he actually did 7 day survivor
Absolute mad man

>Capcom never made another Chuck/Frank team-up game, after teasing with all the banter in Case West/OTR



Aside from TJ Rotolo being replaced, would you still play it?

Is that Frank?

>return the series to what it was
>no timer

They confirmed no time limit, and continuing what DR 3 did instead of escourting survivors: Collection missions.

It's not looking too good.

That shit caused so many red rings. God damn.

Ha, this thread made me go pull out Dead Rising, and tucked inside I found the route I made for doing my Savior run way back when.

DR1 was super fun.

Is the DR1 remaster coming out for PC?

If so I can't fucking wait, I loved the original.

It is, but no idea when. I'm hype as fuck.

>that one dude stuck in the closet
>that fat guy you had to get food for
>the drunk
>The one guy you had to carry to help him walk, but the zombies don't really know how to deal with you supporting him so running around is pretty easy
>Psycho who you could put out and save
>The fat guy again when he needs food or else he'd fucking mutiny
>The Jap tourists
>Assholes who would shoot/stun you in the gun shop and almost murder you

ah, the memories

>ill never get to play dead rising because i know there will be some catch for the pc version coming soon that will keep me from getting it

September 13, the pages are up on the Xbox Marketplace

9/13 on the xbox store. Probably a simultaneous release for the PS4/PC too.

If it runs as bad as 3 did I won't touch it. 3 fucking dipped to 15 fps constantly

Fantastic. I might even go for the guardian angel achievement again after I missed one survivor all those years ago.

Fucking bulldyke cop fucked me over.

>tfw escorting survivors through the park

Thank god that one survivor opens up the shortcut between Wonderland and Paradise plazas

I could kiss you guys. Thanks niggas.

The first Dead Rising was a bit shit though.

DR2OTR is best.

Cliff was probably my favorite, Cletus also dindu nuffin desu. He was just scared and defending himself.

It's "Frank".

Different voice actor and he looks younger despite being the oldest he's ever been, but yes.

Trailer was hype as fuck, too bad the announcements about the game seem to be pretty dreary. Still cool seeing Willammette again.

I fucking LOVE a Christmas setting when Christmas isn't the direct theme.

There's nothing comfier.

I wish DR2 never introduced combo weapons though

>Commit to doing survival
>Get to day 5 for that sweet sword
>Do it wonderfully
>Stop there
>Realize my mistake
>Regret it to this day

2 is a poor successor. Let's not mention anything after that.

Can't wait for the PC release, and the chance to play one of my favourite games without useless failing hardware.

Yeah Cletus legit did nothing wrong at all.

He gave multiple warnings.

Literally pointing a gun at them doing so.

Obviously scared.

Frank at least fucking realizes it, other guy deserved it.

Heres a cute tip, you can RUSH straight to the Gun Store at the very start, before the first 3-4 hours go by(game time, not real time) and he wont be at it.

Great time to stock up on early game shottys.

dead rising 1 is shit, and the series is shit. is your face trying to convey happiness for someone being spared of that garbage?

>the first Dead Rising was a bit shit though

I will slap your fucking face.

DR2+OTR are very good, though.

They are kind of necessary. As fun as it may sound to "use anything as a weapon" it gets really frustrating to constantly have to replace broken weapons, especially when you are trying to free retarded survivors.

In terms of what almost all play throughs eventually head towards, in Dead Rising 2 it's just a handful of combo weapons, in Dead Rising 1 it's mini chainsaws with three durability books (or megabuster)

any one who hates the timer doesnt get it. it was ironman mode before ironman mode became a thing. the fact you kept your levels was a massive bonus to replayability.

TFW there are some people that have never felt the dread of hearing


With a full entourage of survivors.

My autism is infinitely triggered by Frank's voice and personality being different. It's not Frank, yet they will keep saying it is and never admit they ever did anything wrong. I haven't confirmed it or anything but I heard he will occasionally just say "thanks Obama" for no reason. New Frank is almost as bad as new Dante, people just haven't realized it because they still market him as old Frank

Anyone know if they've given a date for this yet? Been wishing for DR1 on PC for years, so glad it's finally happening

L4D clone???

Wait are you joking? The two are not even similar.

It's probably going to be an alternative reality scenario thing or maybe they'll bullshit something with the cure given to him 1 did some reverse age thing to him.

I can see the reverse aging thing.


>it's just a handful of combo weapons
You don't play for fun do you? I mostly use dildos and skateboards.

I played Dead Rising but never played the story parts, just dicked around. If they make one that doesn't involve constant escort quests then I think it'd be pretty great.

>My autism is infinitely triggered by Frank's voice and personality being different.
Where have you seen this? I've only seen the trailer they put out.

But that's what's great about the replay ability of the game. You can do differently types of run throughs

This is why DR sucks. It's one chain of escort quests mixed with mediocre generic zombie fighting, a time limit, and takes place in one area that you go through over and over again. It's like capcom asked themselves how they can cram as many bad game mechanics in one game.

dead rising sucks. dying light is better in every way

It's like you asked yourself how you could cram as many bad opinions as possible into one post.

The problem with weapon combos is that very few of them are viable, balancing resource accessibility, vitality, and damage output. The Baseball bat with nails is probably among the best ones you can craft in that regard, as not only can it drop zombies in one hit, it lasts a really long time. Plus, nails and baseball bats are fuckeasy to find.

I tried for a very short time, but when playing the game seriously for survivors, I immediately stockpile some nail bats and shit, and just use weapons when I absolutely have to

Am I the only one that is completely in love with the way blood splatters in Dr1 and no other game comes as close to who satisfying it is

Threads over shit taste is here.

I never really noticed, but I promise you when the PC rerelease comes out, I will pay attention to it.

Almost no story quest is Escort related though, only survivor calls dumbass.

You escort like a total of 3 people during the story, excluding the roof tutorial survivors.

I managed quite well using whatever I pleased, the only issue I ever had was of course psycho's which require serious weapons (fuck the cook)

But once you are like 30-50 level in DR1/DR2 everything is viable.

I know in DR1 at max Throw lvl you can throw fucking Gems like a fucking shotgun going off. Its insane.

I remember throwing benches across the first Plaza in DR1.

Why has no other DR came close to the hype of the end fight in overtime mode on top a tank with no weapon s?

How do you get your GFWL version of the game on steam?

shitposting isn't an argument. it's bizarre to think there are DR fanboys. I guess any garbage can have fanboys, though.

I also forgot to mention that you have to play the game through multiple times to unlock everything. As if bumbling through the same mall over and over wasn't bad enough.

>throw fucking Gems like a fucking shotgun going off.
How have I never seen that. That seems pretty cool.

>no timer
yjis actually might get me back into the series. I haven't played 3 though.

The timer and weird save state thing was just horrible for me. I couldn't take the game seriosly because if you fuck up once you undo hours of gameplay.
I ended up just messing around killing zombies for fun.
also, having to take pictures for points was annoying.
still I enjoyed 1 more than 2.

Dont forget no other DR has a better ending song for the TRUE ending.

Its fucking hilarious, you throw them so hard and fast you can hardly see them, they DESTROY zombies. Bad against bosses, but 10/10 zombie killer, honestly I think its stronger than guns at Max Throw.

You explode heads with it at that point.

Am I a pleb if a mixture of these guys suddenly spawning everywhere plus that one asshole in the gun store preventing me from getting any guns made me lose to that bitch on the motorcycle

I ran out of time on that quest right when I was about to beat her, what a crock of shit. i stopped playing after that but i forget why, i don't think fucking up one quest totally ruined your playthrough. if it did then this game was even more brutal than i remember.

never mind fixed

the timer was the meat of the game though
without the timer the game itself wont have any sense of intensity

1 quest mess up, ESPECIALLY any with that girl, completely stop the True Ending from happening.

You can still get A iirc.

I had a similar love for the game, but DR2 just didn't do it for me. It was good, but it wasn't the same level of amazing that DR1 was.

I just did not bother with DR3, maybe when it's five bux on steam I'll get it.

Why did people think Dead Rising 2 was worse then 1? In every single way I can think it was better and I honestly prefer chuck to Frank (Although they are both pretty great and better then that mexican dude in 3).


Without the timer it's just a dumb zombie sandbox game.

I never understood complaints about the timer, anyway. You can ignore all the cases and go zombie-killing crazy if you want, the game gives you six hours of real-time to do so.

>without the timer the game itself wont have any sense of intensity
yeah I can respect that, I mean it did make DR what it is. a cross between comical zombie killing and a quite difficult game.
I personally didn't like the challenge. Couple that with the endless escort missions and having to take photos I didn't find it fun.
My most fun was where I disregarded the timer and story and just messed around.

1 had a way better end game(Overtime Mode)

WAY better Psychos(way less HURR DURR RANDUMB and more well written, realistic, but bat shit insane)

amazing OST.

Top notch setting.

Honestly, fantastic design, it was like a Roguelite done better than most.

Frank is god tier(Chucks good as well though)

2 only improved on actual zombie killing, while 1 excelled in tone/atmosphere, and near everything else.

Except Survivor AI, anyone saying its even decent in 1 is lying and its one of my favorites.

DR2 is not bad, but its nowhere as good as DR1 imo.

>Survivor AI, anyone saying its even decent in 1 is lying and its one of my favorites.

This is my only complaint with DR1. Even still, mashing the Y button while escorting them overwrites whatever their retarded AI was going to have them do and forces them to switch to following Frank.

You just have to deal with "COME ON" and "HURRY UP" over and over and over again.

Probably have Denuvo

I don't like combination weapons.
They really devalue weapons you find out in the world and they're so strong while giving so much exp that you really have to use them. Haven't played 3, but in 2 the balance was pretty bad too. Knifegloves were super easy to make and incredibly effective in every situation while other weapons that took way more effort to find/create ended up being pretty much junk in comparison.

I know their is a REALLY 10/10 magazine you get from the Cultist Boss that turns them less retarded.

Makes all Survivor AI fight way more.

Thing is, you lose an inventory spot for it.

I respect this man and your opinion and glad you can understand the decision and coherently voice your dislike of it

I perfer the casino town to the mall
Although the Mall has the anti consumerism aspect and I will say I can see why people like it with its shitty mall back ground music and underground tunnels they tried to copy paste in 2
I guess I like Randum psychos and good feeling zombambo killing though.
Also don't think Frank is as good as Chuck because Chuck's reasons and motivations feel a bit more real then Frank's anything for a story attitude although watching Frank evolve over the story while Chuck stay more or less static is pretty cool.
Both really great games though.

Hey OP! Big thanks for reminding me to play DR2+OTR this year again. Reinstalling now.

Remind me to always do exactly what Sup Forums says.

3 becomes very much spam combo weapons in a way not even 2 was. It did have multiple boss weapons though that out valued most combo weapons.

Yeah, it turns any survivor you find into Kindall, in that they'll hold guns and fight zombies on their own.

It's a handy magazine, especially for survivors who cry/freak out. Best thing to do is grab that magazine, round up a bunch of survivors, give them guns, set them a waypoint somewhere and watch them unleash carnage.

It's threads like these, RTS threads and FNV that sometimes Sup Forums is good and wish the shitpostibg was kept to a minimum

Just remember: If you enter that area and have that mission, the extra survivors spawn. If you leave, they have the automatic heal depletion going and die. Best be ready to down the dyke as soon as you enter

>people PREFER a time limit in a game where exploration was key
literal, actual autism

It could be, if people ignored the shitposters more. They hit every thread, but quality goes up if nobody replies.

Unfortunately nobody thinks before they reply.

It encourages you to either be fast or replay the game. I agree that it should only be used in games where resources are limited though.

No other DR has ever gotten Overtime mode as much as 1 did. 2's was so forgettable they just straight up ignored it in Case West, and 3 was simply continuing the missions.