The greetings! My name is Oh, and I am new to this internet chatting. I am looking to make a thread for to start my collection of best earthling video games. I have heard that The Legend of The Zelda: Ocarina of Times is unanimously considered to be the Number One. But I am having a considerable amount of the troubleshooting to triangulate a Number Two.

Sup Forums - Video games, tell us what game is the Number Two, and any other titles to introduce one to Earth games.


Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing

What kind of a name is Oh?


I know exactly what you are doing OP. Don't think I don't know who voices that purple midget alien.

>The apparent "antagonist" didn't ally with the humans and punish these retarded ayyliens.
Q-quit staring at me, of course I didn't go see this movie.


What the fuck is that and why do I feel desire to punch it on the face?

That movie was fucking annoying

>voiced by bazinga
>talks in obnoxious 'lol don't know english i'm ayylmao" english
You have every reason to punch it in the face.

>tfw the movie was complete shit compared to the book
>not even the usual book-to-movie shit, they basically only took the basis of the book and made that a movie
>the book is really good, considering it's intended demographic

Dig Dug

I'm Did they keep any of the good shit from the book? Like the Indian man who called her legs white? Did they even follow the original plot about J-Lo's race getting cuck't by the Big Bull ayylmaos who cloned themselves to death? Did they keep all the weird explanations J-Lo had for things, like the analogy about the eggs and cups? I refuse to see it, I already know it's not the movie The True Meaning of Snekday deserves.



shitty movie dreamworks movie, but needed to fund their good movies.

Go bazooper somewhere else fag

Hold your horses, user. I only went to see the movie with my niece. I didn't read the book.

Not the Indian, but the other stuff I think is in it. Except maybe not how you worded it. Never read the book.

Could've had the 3rd movie movie by now, but nah, lets fund garbage like Home and Boss Baby

>he didn't read it in school
You missed it, user. Gimme a summary of the plot, including the end. Also, naisu reaction image.
You should. It's actually a pretty good read, even as an adult. Go to the library and check it out.... You do have a library card, right, user?... t. Library Aide

I do. And maybe I will.

Why are you bringing up this little shit

What happened to Oh Internet?