What does Sup Forums think of Lost Planet?

What does Sup Forums think of Lost Planet?

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A great example of Capcom shooting itself in the foot.
>So the series has definitely made its mark but there's some disagreement within the community and the development team about how we should expand it.
>Hey why don't we divide the fledgling fanbase by making 2 games that only appeal to either of the extremes?

I enjoyed 3, even finished it, while 1 remains in my backlog.

The free XBL online multiplayer was really good, but I never got around to playing them honestly.

2 simply doesn't handle well enough for some reason to play it on PC. And I don't mean the mouselook, just something off.

Boring as shit
A great fucking experience with tons of shit to unlock
Multiplayer is garbage

As much as i enjoyed LP2, i don't know if i would call it an excellent game.

LP1 had potential but man that story was dumb.

Haven't played lp3.

Still i would love play a more polished game like lost planet even if it was done by a different company.

2 is one of the greatest Co-Op experiences of all time.

Loved the first.
Loved the mix of mech and TPS combat and wanted more of it.

Didn't get into 2 because friends weren't interested in it and it felt like a from the ground up coop game.

3 looked garbage I didn't even look at the steam page.

I want to play it on PC, but you can't play online anymore. Why did their humble bundle include 3 and not 2? Fucking remove GFWL Capcom.

Should we start a petition, honestly?

>using anything other than Flaming Gunsword and Handcannon combo
>choosing any other mecha other Triseed
How's it feel to have absolute shit taste?

>mfw playing that one sand level with the train as Marcus and Dom
>mfw hearing them talk
Holy shit that was funny.

>The first game was one of the very first games I ever got with my 360
>One of my younger memories that I still remember vividly is going to fucking gamestop and playing the demo
>I remember it as vividly as my 4th year birthday party at airzone when I got that little dalmation toy where the little dogs ride the stairs and go down the slide
>Far into the future I'm in some no-name game store that just opened
>See a copy of LP2, only one they had
>Didn't even know it came out
>Buy it from the nice old man working the shelf
>Play the game all week long
>Go back to the store and it's just...gone

To this day I'm not sure if that store even really existed. But I never forgot that moment when the nice old man sold me that game. And the hundreds of hours I put into it.

And then LP3 happened.

When did it all go so wrong?

Why did Capcom keep fucking up their IPs by giving them to western studios?

It's Capcom being Capcom. They love to put their money into games that sell the best (i.e. Monster Hunter, Resident Evil, Street Fighter, etc.) rather than make new IPs or continue existing ones (Mega Man being one), like Lost Planet.

They tried to appeal to the western audience with 3 by making it more story-based and horror-like. All because the filthy fucking casuals and idiots that reviewed the game don't know how to play the game right for their lives.

Lost Planet 2 is the greatest 3PS in the history of mankind user.

The only thing better than it can't be labelled as an 3PS because it's both 3PS/FPS/First Hero Shooter ever.

"How do you want your multiplayer sir?"
"Just fuck my shit up"

Lost Planet 2's multi was by far one of the most enjoyable multiplayer experiences one could have.

>Playing the space map in FFA
>Just trying to float around and not die
>Look up and there's two fucking gundams having an anime fight
>Suddenly a giant lazer beam flies in from the other side of the map and blows them both up

Surprised the Ice Pirates managed to adapt so quickly, some of them are wearing bikinis for fuck's sake, I'm surprised any of them even know what a bikini was.

Being able to be a giant bug was the shit

>Can't play online anymore

So you just believe rumours and never checked it out yourself, huh?

>UC3 never
>UC2 on PC never.

Inafune's to blame.

1 was ok, I had a great time playing 2 with friends, never played 3

does 2 still use gfwl? I couldn't play it on on pc because of that shit

Wikipedia says Lost Planet 3 exists but I've never seen it. Not on TV not in stores not... anywhere.

Literally inafune and market trends, inafune telling upper management "THE WEST KNOWS HOW TO MAKE GOOD GAMES, DO EVERYTHING THEY DO" which in turn lead to them making lost planet, then they made lost planet 2 which then inafune went NO NO THIS IS TOO JAPANESE and got panned by critics for not being gears of war. so then they propositioned studios that wouldn't need much money, and then you get the bullshit that is LP3, which honestly is Spark Unlimited's best game they ever made, but it's still a piss poor thing in the series. Also while they were making LP3 to appeal to the western market, they decided to try and spinoff lost planet with EX Troopers to try and make a game they felt appealed to the japanese market, and it was one of the biggest bombs they had recently next to geist crusher. EX Troopers still gets mentioned and paraded by some people at capcom internal but it sure as hell isn't for making another game based on it.

LP2 is fucking underrated, the multiplayer is fun as hell


From the devs behind Legendary and Turning Point!

They also made a COD console game.

It hurts so much.

Seriously, was ANY Western game good at the time? I mean, probably Dead Space 2 (which was probably what they were trying to do), but honestly? The game was tons of fucking fun and Japan literally doesn't give a shit about reality or not and that's what I love about their games.

>a giant fucking railway cannon
>an asteroid/Death Star
>all pirates coming together to fight a giant monster
>crash-landing mechs from outer space

Does the West make an good games like that today? I don't think so.

Well, the new Doom kinda went in that direction and it was great.

Is it on GOG?

1 was great 2 was godlike I refuse to play the abortion that is 3.

I used the flaming gunsword and the shotgun that shot confetti. Super short range but it was strong as fuck.

There absolutely was
>Red Dead Redemption
>Mass Effect 2
>Fallout: New Vegas
>Metro 2033
>Battlefield Bad Company 2: Vietnam
Don't get me wrong, LP2 is 10/10 but mainstream sites like IGN give it a 6/10. baka



My bad. I was too lazy to look up which games came out when. Still though, I feel like LP2 blew them out of the water y-you too


baka was from the filter t-thanks

It honestly boggles my mind that people can shit all over LP2 and their controls while giving Dark Souls multiple awards for how great and difficult it is. LP2 is literally Monster Hunter with guns and mechs.

3 managed to make piloting a construction mech to fight giant bugs unappealing. Also it felt like they didn't even want me in the mech as after I took too much damage I got ejected from the mech.

aside from that it was a fairly standard 3rd person shooter with too much emphasis on 'cinematic' gameplay and half the time I felt like they didn't even want me playing, just pressing button prompts and watching cutscenes.

Dark souls is much more popular than monhun in the west. I fucking love monhun but most people find it clunky and awful.

Really? I thought people ate that shit up, too. I was almost positive MH did better than DS.

Possibly overall because japan fucking loves it but I don't think so if we're just talking in the west.