Games you can play now:
>Just Cause 3
>Rise of the Tomb Raider
Upcoming games:
>Total War: Warhammer
>MGS V (fully updated)
1. Get the full game wherever
2. Apply the Voksi bypass
3. Log in using a new Steam account
4. Play
Games you can play now:
>Just Cause 3
>Rise of the Tomb Raider
Upcoming games:
>Total War: Warhammer
>MGS V (fully updated)
1. Get the full game wherever
2. Apply the Voksi bypass
3. Log in using a new Steam account
4. Play
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doesnt work for me. dlauncher cmd window just closes. welp just got paid so w/e
its a steam bypass, not exactly a crack. still promising though
Fuck just came home and saw this on IGG.
The madmen actually did it.
voksi is a fucking great cracker and has been known to those of us in the know for a while now that he has real talents
now the rest of the internet knows too
>implying this isn't a desperate attempt to give attention to denovo games
run as administrator, just tried with just cause 3 and inside and both worked fine
attention by playing them (v3) cracked for the first time?
>denuvo not cracked
>steam exploit
>steam patches exploit out
I don't get the excitement.
where the patch then?
give it a day or two
>3dm couldnt do it
>mkdev barely made it to the loading screen
where were you when voksi btfod everyone?
Honestly is it legit cracked or """""cracked""""? As in, these faggots are using the DOOM demo to bypass the denuvo encryption and shit? If so then beth could simply remove the demo and we would be fucked anyway.
but by then most of us will have finished 2-3 denuvo games seeing as how they are 3-6 hours, what will steam/denuvo do? erase that experience from our brains?
>tfw finally is here
ITT: Poorfags
i reported this and sent it to denuvo's twitter :^)
Because there are literally no "scene groups" left. They've all been disbanded for years now. You've got a few script kiddies running around stealing old group names pretending to be them with shitty cracks and some chinese groups that do terrible work.
oh noes!!
>he paid full price
i don't even what those games wtf
why you here then
fuck mean to dis fag
what the FUCK
i was told denuvo is uncrackable and so i bought doom, tomb raider and just cause 3 for 60 dollars a piece recently...what the actual fuck do i do now
>implying any of those games are good
>yfw your favorite game doesnt have denuvo
that's cool man as long as you keep bumping my thread so more people can download the free games
thats why im here
appreciate it fäm
its amazing how this actually works, i am playing just cause 3 right now after having finished Inside a few hours earlier
buy skyrim remaster for 60 toddbux
you got memed by the shill patrol son
Snitches get stitches
Sup Forums told me it was uncrackable there were shitload of threads about it
fuick off i want a refund but i played more than 2 hours
>Denuvo still not actually cracked
>All of the "cracks" so far have just been bypasses that don't actually break Denuvo
Non-updated MGSV is the only reason I would ever pirate it so that I can play it as it was on release.
Will this workaround work with any small GB rip of JC3? I don't want to download 60gb as I'm a peasant with expensive but slow Internet.
>so poor he can't pay attention to what he's replying to
>i'm playing just cause 3 and doom for free right now but somehow that doesn't count
you can always try
Now If they can crack a newly released Denuvo game, then they are madmen.
Faggots who spend money when they dont really have to will always be salty.
bro...abzu came out this week and its cracked
think about this for a second, they paid 100k and it got cracked a few days after release
It counts, but since it's a steam bypass any future Denuvo games aren't going to work. And that's assuming these games will continue to work when it gets patched.
Jesus christ i hope Mankind Divided will run on the same Denuvo version.
speaking of abzu, i can't get it to run well. i should pass the specs... i had to turn down to 50% my res AND turn shit on low just to get 30 FPS.
what gives?
And they're using a new, superior version of Denuvo?
yes they are, the latest version of denuvo that has been untouched up until now
voksi is a fucking madman
Every time shillers said piracy is at an end and the torrent/cracks days are over i chuckled. I wonder why…
You keep the games since this exploit will likely be fixed in a few days and we'll all be btfo.
What is a list of good short denuvo protected games? inb4 everything denuvo is shit
>but since it's a steam bypass any future Denuvo games aren't going to work
you must be dense, denuvo can't do shit about this because it's using a steam exploit that's been around for years now
>Sup Forums told me it was uncrackable there were shitload of threads about it
How many times did you get dropped on your head as a baby? Personally I think you should have been put into child custody after the dozenth 'accident', but what's done is done.
it will
hitman when
this is bullshit, i paid 60 dollars for doom so you faggots have to do the same thing too
works fine for me on 100fps, using a gtx1080 and i7 4790k with 16gb ram
I'm like a kid in a candy shop.
Grabbing Abzu, Inside and tomb raider.
I bought that game, but maybe they should wait until Thailand is released on the 16th. That will be awesome.
what site is that?
>he uses IGG games
mah nigga
you seen the amount of denuvo shilling threads there have been over the past few months here? it was insane
i'm using 750M SLI (x2 of them) with an i7. it's a gaming laptop (HURRRR) but I've checked with several tech experts and we all agree it's above spec requirements.
literally begging for trojans, bitcoin miners and viruses
>I'm like a kid in a candy shop.
Perfectly describes me since early morning today, grabbed just cause 3, inside and abzu because i already own doom and tomb raider
every single one of those games worked fine for me after tinkering a bit
i genuinely thought denuvo was the end of piracy as we know it
I think that those are just shitposters or salty buyfags.
I mean what could you possibly accomplish by shilling Denuvo here.
>I mean what could you possibly accomplish by shilling Denuvo here.
Like always
its a closed skype group for crackers and uploaders
if you want me to pass a message along to him just post it
nah its fine just wanted to see more of the guy.
>Abzu paid 100k for deadnuvo
Abzu paid 100k for deadnuvo
>Abzu paid 100k for deadnuvo
Abzu paid 100k for deadnuvo
>Abzu paid 100k for deadnuvo
Abzu paid 100k for deadnuvo
>Abzu paid 100k for deadnuvo
Abzu paid 100k for deadnuvo
>Abzu paid 100k for deadnuvo
Abzu paid 100k for deadnuvo
>Abzu paid 100k for deadnuvo
Abzu paid 100k for deadnuvo
>Abzu paid 100k for deadnuvo
Abzu paid 100k for deadnuvo
>Abzu paid 100k for deadnuvo
Abzu paid 100k for deadnuvo
that isn't that much, to be honest
some AAA games that have been cracked had a budget of several millions of dollars
>i genuinely thought denuvo was the end of piracy as we know it
No way. Computer programming is like an ongoing arms race. There is no end.
Too bad kat is down and piracy is essentially dead now. All well, guess we'll just have to buy the agmes
anybody else kinda feel sorry for the abzu devs? their game came out this week and already they got fucked
hope they saved that receipt
he's been in the business for a while now but mainly focused on allowing cracked games to be able to play online with each other
Here, for (you).
>all these Anons losing their shit over a Steam exploit
Call me when they actually crack Denuvo.
once you activate these games you can play them offline for around a month, all these games are around 2-4 hours
>going to kat for movies/shows in the first place
>Too bad kat is down and piracy is essentially dead now.
I seriously had no idea people cared about kat
Even my hyper normie fuck sister knew about it and asked me where to torrent shit now.
>No way. Computer programming is like an ongoing arms race. There is no end.
true and I have been downloading cracked games since like 2001 but still this time I was really worried
fuck all that though, thank god for these crackers man and thank god for our patience
did you check the abzu community?
which games, just curious?
not really, man.
I blame them for believing someone won't crack that shit.
>poor fags are now scrambling around to download these games with their shit internet and have only a matter of days before it gets patched out
>not using the source of all of those games and uploaders directly aka
Here for (you).
>yfw big time devs like Bethesda and Squeenix lean on Gabe to patch the exploit, leaving all ya'll up shit creek without a paddle
Gaben's meme about stifling piracy by "providing such a convenience that it's better than pirating" is failing because Steam has become such a soulless shitshow that has become the villain. This is reigniting piracy because there's once again no "convenient alternative" to piracy.
>100k for 2 days of protection
Hey, don't be like that. If Denuvo had actually been cracked, then it'd be cause for celebration.
This exploit has been around since 2007. If they haven't patched it in 9 fucking years they deserve this.
most of them, he releases multiplayer cracks for steam games under the release group REVOLT (RVT)
I used a ton of their cracks for like payday 2 and killing floor 2
is there one for Crusader Kings 2?
Anyone who thought denuvo was uncrackable was retarded
Crusader Kings 2 isn't protected by Denuvo and is readily available for download and has been for years like all of Paracuck's shit. The fuck are you on about?
Here for (you).
Real talk.
Un-crackable softwear is written by people working 9-5 for a paycheck. Even if they take pride in their work, they are up against people who code and hack because it is their passion and something being labelled un-crackable is a gauntlet being thrown.
There will never be softwear that can't be hacked.
producers should be working on ways to create and distribute content that builds consumer loyalty instead of wasting time and money on bandaid solutions that distance themselves from the community the produce for.
yes they have
openload co/f/yHujNTZS7-o/Crusader.Kings.II.Steamworks.Fix.V2-RVTFiX.rar
next thing you'll tell me i'm having artificial fun with this playable just cause 3 and doom