How do we make gaming great again?
How do we make gaming great again?
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Remove console companies control over PC gaming. Build a wall between consoles and PCs and kick all the console makers out.
high energy post tbqh
Make DLCs free and not $10 per one. No pay to win shit either.
SC1's remake.
Focus on "gamers" as target audience and not the lowest common denominator.
>For gamers, by gamers
Remove ratings to allow freedom of expression.
It's parents' job to know what they can show a child and what's not suitable.
critics need to be more critical so game companies are more afraid to fuck up.
fallout 4 got 9.5 on ign
I guess to make that happen we'd need to find a way to stop paid reviews
oh wait
ban porn
and censor lewds
There's no review criteria standard per genre, and if you asked any of these companies about it, they'd just say "it's subjective", as if they don't get upset at shitty controls, bugs, and don't enjoy innovative gameplay.
That's slowly happening already. Critics have become steadily more critical over the past gen or so.
No video game is allowed to have a budget over 20 million dollars. INCLUDING THE AD BUDGET.
In-game advertisement is illegalized.
In-app purchases and other micro-payment models are illegalized.
Developers acknowledge that a game should be finished when you release it, and aside from maybe releasing a few patches after that, they should be working on a sequel or a new franchise.
kill all nu-males, stop putting PC bullshit in games and stop DLC
You know they're going to fuck it up though right? They'll soften the ending of Brood War, no more bitch queen of the universe.
>less critical
Fixed. Diablo III still got a 98 or something by plenty of companies on launch, even though it was fucked.
Stop calling it gaming you fucking meme lord.
>things that are literally never going to happen
It's a shame because killing microtransactions and day 1 patches would a huge amount of the issues with modern games.
End "gamer culture".
Nuke America
Stop being a bunch of autistic shitholes who insist on some sort of "gamer purity". Realize that video games is just a medium, and that anyone can make whatever they want and sell it without harming you. Realize that gaming is bigger than yourself, that people can make shit games and SJW games and even visual novels and that it won't affect you one bit.
And what will happen? All the shills and the marketers and the crappy game developers will start chasing after the large market of Clicker Heroes and mobile games. People will start making a large variety of games again, as opposed to just Call of Duty and Generic Racing Game and NFL Again. And the people who remain will be more interested in hearing the voices of what people playing games want, because they won't have to compete with EA and similar companies for the widest audience.
You just don't remember what videogame reviews used to be like. Scores have been dropping across the board.
Diablo III is four years old and was released on last-gen consoles, so that's a bad fucking example.
stop being such lazy saps and make the games of your dreams yourself
This is the last election in which republicans can win. After this, conservatives will never be electable again. This means that the US will have open borders, be socialist, have high taxes, promote diversity and put down whites, promote feminism and abortion, put down families and promote single mothers, take away your guns so you can't defend yourself, and limit free speech so that you can never go against the majority.
You think republicans were fascist when they held power? Just wait until leftists hold all the power. You will not allowed to be an independent individual under liberal rule. The left rose to power by mocking and offending the majority. Once the left is in power, you will not be allowed to do that because they do not allow free speech and free people. You cannot think against their will. And not only that, only whites believe in universal rights. Watch what happens when America is majority non-white. I hope you're ready to pay reparations and getting openly discriminated and punished for your race.
This race determines the future of the western world. America outlasted the USSR but communism won out in the end because the left successfully infiltrated and dominated society.
Long story short, if you don't vote for trump, get ready to see video games going down hill with sjw shit made the standard.
kill all nu-males
>It's parents' job to know what they can show a child and what's not suitable.
Ban the usage of 3D graphics.
Return to cartridge storage methods.
>what are walking sims getting fantastic scores
>what are great games getting awful scores
They don't have standards. See They should figure out what exactly makes a game fun. Science has. They should git gud.
>I'd rather my child was government-owned
>That picture
Where's the father?
On the subject of Todd, I'd say start holding developers to a certain quality standard. The buggy mess that is Bethesda's library is completely unacceptable.
Stormfag kill yourself
Nice, fresh pasta.
still better than nu-males sky
What's goin on here
Probably the butch on the right
>republicans can win
kek, no.
Reminder that a non-incumbent Republican presidential candidate hasn't really won an election since 1988.
>Gay "marriage"
>Adopting kids
It's the government who allowed that, though.
I know its pasta but what is the problem with abortion. If some stupid cunt doesn't want a little stupid shit growing inside her she should be able to get rid of the little bastard.
we need to build a firewall, to keep the nu-males out
>remove ratings
Are you fucking retarded? That's a HORRIBLE idea. Rating boards exist so the government doesn't suddenly decide what games you should and shouldn't play.
The authoritarian left in the US is way less developed than in other countries and most people on the US are civil libertarians who back the democrats because the Republican party in the last 30 years has just gone nuts. 30 years ago Obama would have been a Republican (well if it wasn't for the whole race thing) his major achievement for his administration the ACA was the Republican health care reform package that was kicking around in the Reagan years that was never passed.
If the Libertarians pick up some sane ideas to aid capitalism in a modern economic situation they'll pick up a ton of votes. All they have to do is realize that Universal Single Payer healthcare unlike the ACA makes it a lot more easy for people to strike out on their own to start their own companies instead of staying in dead-end jobs for the healthcare benefits. Offer Basic Income as a progressive reverse income tax to make minimum wage no longer matter so that all income could be treated as supplemental income and no one would ever be in a situation where they'd be better off making less money. Finally remove all subsidies for fossil fuels and put a carbon market in place to prevent the tragedy of the commons from fucking us all over.
No more microtransactions and no more DLC let's just call them updates and must be free.
they hate women
Shame a stupid cunt wasn't able to get rid of the little bastard
So far all the wrong people have been scraped out it seems.
Oh, because what we have now is a great alternative: some nameless corporate fucks who decide that.
At least in yurop PEGI is just a suggestion to consider.
Require every game has a certain amount of white supremacist, anti-degenerate, pro-American messages in it, under pain of death by oven.
Are those the women that wanted their 11 year old son to get surgery to become a woman?
Off-topic but: abortion is a dogwhistle. both major US parties use dogwhistles about shit - often irrelevant bullshit that they convince people they give a shit about, generally stuff that can't actually be changed in any meaningful sense.
Dogwhistles are a key way of retaining a base vote (you can't vote the other side, they believe X), obfuscating the huge commonalities and enforcing the false choice between two similar options.
Games should need to pass a test and recieve a seal of quality before they can get released on any major distribution platforms.
It's disgusting how many people are selling you broken games that don't work just because they have the potential to patch it some day.
>white supremacist
I'm not a white supremacist, I'm a white isolationist. Learn the difference, reddit or tumblr or 9gag or facebook or myspeace
Bring expansion packs back.
Remove pre-order exclusives.
Make it okay to have GC-era graphics again so that money can go into finishing the games for once, rather than rushing the endings or cutting content because the budget/schedule ran out.
That would solve it - but the problem is that competition has created a race to the floor. No-one is willing to piss off 3rd parties so standards have slowly eroded until they're meaningless.
What gaming needs is a dominant benevolent dictator that's firmly on the user's side, rather than the publishers/devs side or chasing short-term profits. It looked like Steam could have been it for a while but they fucked it up.
Why are there so many Republicans on Sup Forums?
>Make it okay to have GC-era graphics again so that money can go into finishing the games for once, rather than rushing the endings or cutting content because the budget/schedule ran out.
literally this
Expansion packs exist in the form of major pieces of DLC. That's actually pretty nice - more content at a reasonable price that keeps artists/writers and shit busy while other folks work on the next game. The problem is the microtransaction/IAP bullshit that it has enabled.
'White' is only a category in the US because the old prejudices became non-viable because there were so few 'pure' people of British descent, and British only mattered as a category because it became too difficult to separate out the English, the Normans, the Saxons, the Scots, and the Welsh. You should see the crap they used to say about the Germans and Irish and yet eventually in the US they had to be let into the club.
Another twenty years and the racist groups will probably have to expand the tent again and those of us who remember the crap they used to spout will continue to simply roll our eyes.
lesbians giving hormones to their 11 year old boy because "he didn't want to be a boy"
Sup Forums in general is extremely right wing
remove sjw
you are worst gamedev. you are the numale idiot you are the anita smell. return to tumblr. to our twitter cousins you may come our contry. you may live in the zoo….ahahahaha ,rebbit we will never forgeve you. indie rascal FUck but fuck asshole male ally stink zoe five hair genocide best day of my life. take a bath of dead indies..ahahahahahTREEHOUSE WE WILL GET YOU!! do not forget localization .FEZ we kill the king , philphish return to your precious choking….hahahahaha idiot sjw and numale smell so i can smell it. REMOVE SJW FROM THE PREMISES. you will get caught. japan+DoA+animu=kill western devs…you will ww2/ chris chan dying in america, chris chan making post of butt cancer . fast death chris chan taint piercng. we are PC and master race now hahahaha ha because of torrent… you are ppoor stink console… you live in a hovel hahahaha, you live in a yurt
Steam is the very worst! They're the driving force behind selling people unfinished games where the only difference between "early access" and release is a developer who got sick of working on it and changed the version number.
They get btfo everywhere else so they got their safe space right here on Sup Forums :)
it used to be left when bush was in office
Destroy Gawker Media and Polygon and other "hip" games "journalism"
Make Kamiya the president and CEO of Platinum Games
Japanese games are easier to buy physically and no limited prints
Nu-males, let's players, and ect. will be unable to make indie games or games for "YouTubers"
Todd leaves his job at ZeniMax and they finally makes a spiritual successor to Morrowind.
Yes. They used to be on the side of the consumer, introducing heavy discounts and unlimited downloads shit, but early access/greenlight/region locking slowly fucked everything. A real shame because they could have become the kings but instead standardised horrible practices.
Sup Forums didn't change, society did.
- Stop doing pay-to-win microtransactions.
- Start using DLC as an expansion instead of a paywall.
- Innovate by actually changing the new consoles instead of just giving them minor upgrades from the old ones
- Include spiltscreen whenever possible
Nintendo does all of the above
- Remove ERSB ratings
- Don't do what this article says to do at all:
#10 of the article is fine, to an extent.
Kicking the shitskins out is not enough. They'll come back like they always do. It only takes some degenerate slave of the globalist scum letting them back in.
They must all die. All of them. Every trace of their filth must be eradicated it lest they return like the roaches they are. Death to every nigger, every mudslime, ever streetshitter, and especially to racetraitors and coalburners.
Coalburners in particular must suffer for daring to bring in more subhumans to the white man's world.
And in fact, we'll probably string you bleeding-heart moderate up too. You're just a liberal-in-waiting, most likely.
Not possible. /vr/ is the only way
>Sup Forums can be summarized as a single identity
Say what you want about Donald Trump, but "make X great again" and his tweeting style ("Sad!") are transcendent memes that go beyond any politics and beliefs
Gaming was never great.
But Sup Forums is just one person, a famous and feared hacker.
I wonder if Nintendo should start emphasising the "Nintendo seal of quality". Problem is that they don't have enough clout over 3rd parties to enforce quality, they'd just lose even more support.
>mfw Sup Forums because so cancerous that anonymous bailed a long fucking time ago
A-at least we still have memes, shitposting, and porn....right guys? heh...
This Sup Forums guy is everywhere nowadays. I wonder how he got so popular.
I'm an oldfag and I can assure you "anonymous" was never an actual thing, it was always bullshit.
I think Sup Forums is a pretty cool guy. He posts memes and doesn't afraid of anything
Widespread abortion is probably the biggest single drain on minority populations. You polfags should love it.