To Command and Conquer

Why is it that the Illuminati keep showing up when you're trying to kill soviets?

Other urls found in this thread:

Why is it that you're a mole

Why don't you serve Yuri?

Reminder you can play an extremely experimental RA2 using OpenRA following these instructions:

It's a considerable amount of fucking around if you're not a dev or experienced computer user

No Yuri's revenge either, AFAIK

What did he mean by this?

Red Alert 2 is one of the best games in existence.

Huh. Neat? Not sure why I'd want this.

MOd in the OP is Mental Omega.

It's the artstyle as a major component.

Mods of note:
Tiberium Essence
Twisted Insurrection
Mental Omega

Because the Soviet campaign gets you the good ending.

Figures the USA would piss yuri off enough.

So basically Yuri and Kane are Fourth-Planers while everyone else is in the third in C&C?

Not a big fan of the mods honesty. Mental Omega looks pretty sick and I'm sure they put a lot of effort into it.
But I don't really like when mod developers add new units, the art style clashes or sometimes it's just a mishmash of existing units stuck together to make some abomination.
Also I'm worried about how it would affect the balance.

Mental Omega makes everything look gritty and shit as well I prefer it vanilla. I'd be happy if somebody made a Yuri campaign though.

>Being cucked by GDI

MO sort of gives Yuri one- but MO in general is stupid fucking difficult.

also the skirmish ai is a cunt and will throw hordes of ivans, pyros, borillos, and demo trucks at you.

also the Foehn are entirely centered around being a turtley fuck as everything they have is extremely expensive and slow to build. Also because their powerplants are the faction's walls and each segment gives an additional 10 power versus each primary node's 200.

basically foehn's going to build walls all over the fucking place. it's trump's wet dream.

Sounds annoying.
I'll give it a try one day. It won't mess up the original game file will it?
Should I make a back up?

>But I don't really like when mod developers add new units, the art style clashes or sometimes it's just a mishmash of existing units stuck together to make some abomination.
Try playing Shockwave for Generals, that thing feels legit as fuck, although part of the content is restoration of unused files the additions made by developers themselves feel in tone with the game.

No, it won't fuck up your original game. You don't need to make a backup- but it wouldn't hurt incase I am wrong.

Best thing to do against russian suicide spam as Yuri is to respond in kind with adepts/etc.

Mix some Bloaticks/DREEEAAM WEAAAVERs in with the archers and initiates. Yuri's faction specializes in hit-and-run and other gimmicky shit.

Foehn is pure gimmicks- their infils cannot disguise, but cannot be killed by dogs, can be made faster with a spinblade, and can be morphed into a duplicant- which is basically a self-replicating terror drone. All of their units can be turned into an alternative unit- which removes a core function of the base unit.

essentially foehn is about being very careful and tactical with your strikes, whereas yuri relies more on unconventional tactics and disruption.

Cool, thanks man. I will give it a go tomorrow.

Let me know. I'll try and play a game with you.

also general RTS thread.

>rts dead on Sup Forums

shit man?

have some cybrans.
