Other urls found in this thread:
Misleading image, the top two pictures are from several years ago when those series weren't just waifu shit.
>we want the permavirgin audience
Should of just stuck with a Shin Megami Tensei if... remake.
>Misleading image, the top two pictures are from several years ago when those series weren't just waifu shit.
Keep crying, waifufag
At least the game sold like shit.
>tfw even the japanese servers are kill
Give me a reason not to kill myself.
I enjoyed it.
Does anyone still care about this game?
SMT IV apocalypse release soon
>Digital Devil Saga remake never
>Raidou 3 never
Me in the spotlight losing my Religion for SMT if... translation.
Devil Summoner translation never.
Wojak posters need to die
updated 3D version when?
Learn Japanese.
>this thread again
>misinformed people still salty about it
>That image
What am I suppose to buy?
you've got to be 16 years old physically or mentally to find Nocturne appealing at all
Great game desu. The end result was definitely superior.
Infact the dumbest idea for this was to even release this only on the Wii U.
anyone have the do it for walter image
you have to understand that when anyone refers to SMT now they mean Persona.
And well, it delivered.
>Infact the dumbest idea for this was to even release this
It's a good game if you can get pass your autism and butthurt of it not being whatever fantasy you came up with when you first heard about the project.
maybe if 4 wasnt complete shit people the mainline series would still matter.
>characters singing when going to the final battle
liked it better when it was this
The dumbest idea was to take 3 years without showing absolutely nothing until deciding that it should be weeb anime shit, and then giving it to your translation team of lib cucks to ''localize it''
christ what the fuck is wrong with the people that defend this shit
Shut the fuck up tripfag.
More salt please. Bayonetta 2
Idolfags must have brain damage.
That's the only way you could enjoy this shit.
Why? It's the most useless language in the entire planet.
Go to bed, Hikawa.
>fantasy you came up with when you first heard about the project
When you heard SMTxFE you are straight up lying if you expected idolshit whatsoever.
>most useless language
>mandarin exists
>portuguese exists
>danish exists
Japanese is a pretty fuckin' shit language, but there are worse.
You joshing me, boy?
>not muh fire emblem
>not muh smt
>it's has idolshit so it must be bad
This game is better than whatever nonsense you imagined a crossover would be, if you had any idea at all.
No, I'm not.
Unless you're specifically traveling to a place where that is the native language, they're useless.
Don't remind me user
>they don't like it
The Wii U is easy as fuck to pirate on now, so most of them probably did play it.
It's shit.
It's the most sacred and mystic script that only the most honorable samurai truly understand.
A casualry such as yourself will never understand the words of God.
Oh I get it. It ain't good if you can't use it in your trailer park, huh?
Did you bought that one light shooting anime game that came out recently? What you think of it?
I still don't get what the deal with this is
Like they're powered by performing right, so why wouldn't they sing during the fight instead of singing while riding the magical friendship circles?
I remember someone saying that you can patch in the uncensored stuff without hacking your wiiu anyone know if thats true or have the link.
Gal*Gun Double Peace? Still waiting on it to come in.
top 10 complex anime battle
Personal favorite SMT game is 3 and personal favorite FE is Thracia 776. I bought #FE. I played it from beginning to end. And I liked it. It was fun. Would buy a sequel.
Don't forget frogposters.
Give me one, just one reason, where any of the languages we've mentioned will benefit you in your own country.
Is there some obscured Danish movie you want to watch?
Some Mandarin restaurant you'd like to eat at, but those darn employees don't speak the language of the country you live in?
The amount of time you'll actually use those languages do not warrant the amount of time required to learn it.
>mfw prejudiced faggots and poorfags can't enjoy one of the best atlus JRPGs
Yeah. Which version did you get?
>one of the best atlus JRPGs
Is this your first Atlus RPG that isn't Persona, or something?
>tfw you are happily awaiting SMTIV:Final, Persona 5, and EOV.
PS4 version.
Oh, your taste is just shit.
>salty SMT fags still haven't gotten over #FE
Just move on already
Sauce, please?
Symphogear G
Symphogear G (aka season 2)
>Fates was known as If before the Tokyo Mirage Sessions announcement, just like SMT If
>tfw I was hoping that FE If was the real SMT x FE we were getting
The sequel to this.
>one of the best atlus JRPGs
>mfw it sold like shit
Nothing feels better than seeing a trash game sell like shit.
Hopefully Atlus learned their lesson with their failed baits
If you actually think trash like Raidou, DDS and Persona are good you really should consider suicide.
Lol. Shut the fuck up, nerd.
Mandarin is the language of the overlords of the Japanese. You filthy western piece of shit.
Playing it right now. Fuck, this game is fun
>I've literally spent years being butthurt about this game, hundreds of hours of my life crying that this game isn't kiddy emo demon shit but it's other people who are the permavirgins guys!
>Filthy sons of man will defend this disgrace to God
Watch your tongue you casualry!
SMT IV was shit
#FE was better
The games are still going to be Persona. You're never getting a new Nocturne.
I played it and loved it. I want it to get a higher budget sequel because the gameplay is really great, if given a different overall theme, more side stories and an upgraded version of the battle system, the sequel would be literally perfect. It would also be nice if it was on ps4 so I could use my headphones.
Shut the fuck up, nerds. Or i'm gonna beat you to death with my balls.
>look this up
>weeb rail shooter, shoot girls that are in love with you
>comes with "screen cleaner" panties
Do you unironically buy this shit?
FE always had supports since like FE4, only difference is you can name the protagonist.
Mainline SMT has cute demons but they take your money, call you pathetic and run off.
The thing is, it failed even in the idol stuff.
For a game focused in music, the OST is forgettable.
And the setting, I got over the fact it will never be a game where Marth and Demifiend beat the crap of each other, but there are so many wasted ideas proposed that would made the game worth talking about and not a way to troll hardcore SMTfags.
The info said that the MC wasn't fond of idolshit and only joined because they knew more about summoning soul-sucking fiends, but the game doesn't show anything about it, or the fact the monsters were a neat reference at the accusations of how the music industry sucks the creativity of their menbers, but it just go to the point of driving some guys nuts for demonic possetions.
I didn't asked for something dark like Lisa, but this is so chessy in a bad way that this will be set a example of how not mix universes outside fanfiction.
your FAIYAH EMBUREM balls?
Not gonna lie
If they made sequels that focused on different music genres I'd play 'em
I'd play the shit out of #FE: Mariachi Massacre
but the GAME is good tho.
same, 30 hours in. havin a great time. Might NG+ it on hard.
>it'd be nice if this Fire Emblem game was on PS4
also why don't you use headphones on wii u?
>Oh no, people hate this because of Console Wars
I'm a hardcore Nintendrone and I hate this, I'll be enjoying Fates and SMT IV-A, thank you very much.
>I'll be enjoying a game sold in 3 parts where 2 parts are garbage and a sequel to a bad game
You sure showed him.