Leaked For Honor screenshot

I was able to be part of the For Honor Technical Test..... I got some screenshots


>dick so big he uses it as a axe

I just want to smite the heathens as the crusaders.
Why can't those cunts just give me a tech test key?



Yeah, nah, don't care.


specs? how's the game run?

GTX 970, I5 4690
Ultra Graphics, 60+ fps

Got any knight screens?

>muh strong female knight

no thanks

I do but photoshop just expired..... I cant release any of the pics without blurring my name watermark.

You can change genders

Tell me user are 2 on 1 fights completed 1 sided like they seem? Is there even really a chance to fight back if you're out numbered?

The fights can be one sided but that is if your team mates leave you or you have a class that can deal large amounts of damage. There are 2 classes per team so far.

Played here too. You can do it if you're good enough, I managed to win a few, but it's REALLY hard, you have to manage space really well to beat multiple enemies.

Thats a damn shame, but thanks for posting what you got, you're doin gods work

Thats good to hear one of my fears is matches just turning into running around the map in circles trying to catch eachother because no one wants to commit to a fight

This game lags like hell on my r9 290x. Don't matter if its high or low settings I get the same choppy frames the entire time. Hopefully AMD will release a driver update for it, but I suppose it won't matter for me since I'll be upgrading to a 1080 soon-ish.

I haven't been able to get into a game so far.

Stuck on matchmaking forever

That can happen actually, but the maps are kind of small so they'll probably run into one of your friends and get spit roasted.

>He's so insecure that he drops games because of genders.


Orochi is stupid as fuck. Can heavy attack after a guard break, does tons of damage, super fast and can counter every chain in the game.

Other than that, the game is pretty fucking cool.

I'm liking the protector got dat flail and super armor certain attacks

>chat is F1

You pick the gender. You don't have to play as the same female knight that's been hamfisted in the videos.

That's for quick preset commands. T is regular text chat.

That's what you get for buying AMD.

Other than the samurai guy being OP are there any other balance issues? Or exploits/lame shit people do? I remember in chivalry people would feint so much it was like they were having seizures.

How laggy is it?


yea you have fun with that, i'm gunna go lie down

Do not care. The cane guy was badass though

Kensei (the Nodachi samurai) can stunlock you if you're in a corner and you can't do shit about it.

Other than that, it seems balanced enough. All of the current classes are very fun and satisfying to play.

>unrealistic, unauthentic Ubisoft musou game
>braindead rock paper scissors gameplay
>terrible OC story about vikings vs samurai vs nondescript western knights
Why do people care about this shit again? There's a Berserk musou coming that at least will have more gameplay depth than this QTE based shit.

This game is about the PVP from everything ive seen. The story/singleplayer is just tacked on to appease the tards


Just because its berserk means its going to be good? Just like the anime airing now? It will probably be shit just like the rest of the franchise.

>omega force games

Pick one and only one


getting pretty tired of sjws shit to be honest

gonna pass