Hi-Quality Sprite Games

When are indie developers going to start making high quality sprite based RPGs? These 8 pixels of 4 colors as your main character was fine the first time someone did it, but come on. Japos aren't making these types of games anymore and there's sure to be a large market for 90's style RPGs.

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You do know that good spriting/art is much harder than 3d modeling right?

I mean I love good sprites, they age amazingly well compared to 3d, but indie dev's are typically small teams.

See: You'll usually get HD Sprites n shit from Indie Devs who spend years making everything perfect.

Which only a few will actually do. Pic related.
Legend of Mana was such a beautiful fucking game, sad they reused a lot of bosses and enemies, direction in quests was shit, but damn it was beautiful game in all of its worlds and effects.


Whatever happened to them?

You can't go backwards, no matter how much you'd like to. People enjoy these experiences because they are fresh, and feel new when they first appear

I was just listening to this

and I realized all of the emotions I was feeling were related to memory and the past, and not excitement for the future




They just released a remake of Odin Sphere and they have another game coming up at least far as I know

pic related

That's more Playstation era stuff.

I sure love my two frames of animation for every motion including basic movement and attacking.



I really hope you don't think your pic is quality pixel art.


game names?

How are they harder to make than 3d modeling?

to the south


how is it not?


>When are indie developers going to start making high quality sprite based RPGs?
When you're ready to spend 60$ on them

Looks basic and boring as fuck.

>You do know that good spriting/art is much harder than 3d modeling right?
nah man
sprite making and making 3d models are about the same if you tried it
newer technology puts them on comparable equal ground

but you cant compare a good sprite artist to a good modeller because they use different techniques to make their products
its just not fair

The first one is just artwork. The other two are from something called "Eastward"


the resolution is 256x224

There's Owlboy


With a sprite you have to draw an image for each frame of an animation. You have to take into account each angle as well.

3d modeling uses skeletal animations, making it far easier to create a larger number of them.

So? The resolution isn't the problem, it's the art style.



that's pretty impressive, both technically and artistically

Space Station 13

Sprites don't necessarily mean each frame is individually drawn. All it means it that it utilizes a generally finite amount of images to make up the most of the assets. The original starcraft uses sprites, yet those are just images of 3D models.


the Shantae series looks incredible.


there's a greater level of detail than





No thanks, I'll take Syrup Land please

>you will never EVER explore this tower

>8 pixels of 4 colors
I don't think you understand graphics at the lowest of fundamental levels.


As I said in /vr/, is harder to get into 3D. You can draw anything in 2D, say it's your style and call it a day. But you're forced to follow certains rules while creating a 3D model, otherwise your model will not animate right, or will have warped textures if you fuck up the UV Map.

Didn't this ks fail?


this thread reminds me of a sprite game that was nature themed and had very incredible backgrounds. pretty vague description i know but that's all i can remember about it. i think there was a frog in it? idk, i just remember a website about it and i thought i bookmarked it but i could never find it again. not even sure if it even got finished. anyone know what i'm talking about?

No idea. I did like the spritework they did.

>You have to take into account each angle as well
yeah because 3d doesnt have angles right?

dont talk shit
ive tried both
they both have their easy and hard parts
and at the end of the day youre both using a program to automate most of the shit because technology

youre better off comparing the product over the methodology of things

Never saw this before, looks great. Liking the clear mother influence.

Speaking of mother, 3 definitely has some great sprite art. Brownie brown really are masters of sprite art.


It's crazy how none of these indie games look like anything worth playing. They feel like souless attempts at recreating a past era.

It failed


damn i think this is it m8, thanks.

glad i mentioned the frog, i almost thought i was remembering it wrong.



there are a lot more steps to 3d than you're making it sound. first you need a 2d concept drawing, because making a concept in 3d is hard and a waste of time for the most part. then you need to model it. then you need to texture it. then you need to make the skeleton. then you need to bind the skeleton and do weight painting which is a tedious chore. then you need to create a control rig which is also a tedious chore. then FINALLY you can start making animations, either keyframing by hand or using motion capture. 3d is not easy or quick by any means.

I love low poly shit like this. It's incredibly charming.

Is this just art?


Is this from Slain? Game got shit reviews for having bad controls and boring level design, but the overal art direction looked insane.

Looks like Adventures of Lomax.

It's called Slain.


Can't say if it's good though.

"Back From Hell" Edition allegedly fixes many of the issues plaguing the original release.


That's beautiful. I'm just in awe.

It's something you learn over time. Arne's 16 and 32 color pallets are fantastic, as is Dawnbringer's 32 color pallet.

How hard is it to make BGs like this and how long does it take?

steal them
pay attention to color luminance for shades different colors will have different changes i think
you could try hue shifting if you aren't
gtjtghhyhy i don't know shit