What are the best options out there for a gamepad right now...

What are the best options out there for a gamepad right now? I feel like the Xbox One controller is basically the go-to choice nowadays, but I'm not totally sure.

For your PC?

Man the 360 controller has been a reliable controller for me

Your mileage may vary

Wired 360 pad. The dpad is shit, but everything else about it is fantastic. The Wii U pro controller is also a great option.

Logitech F310
Has Both direct input and X input options so it works for everything

Why do pcfags always call controllers gamepads? Is there a reason that I don't know or are they retarded?

Because controller can also refer to a remote control

I use my PS4 controller and get PS4 button prompt mods. Sometimes they can get hard to find though.

Xbox 360 Wired
Dualshock 2/3/4
Sai Tek Rumble Force

Consoles always labelled them as controllers. PCs and PC games have always called them gamepads

Wired 360
You plug in the USB badabingbadaboom you gotta good controller with a crappy Dpad for 30 bucks

360 controllers can't do direct input without some third party software

Anyone have a steam controller that can speak on it?

Tried it, returned it, it's shit overall, needs to be a modular thing where I can swap the placement of stuff

Literally only good for civilization and other turn based strategy games

Wired 360 is really good. Xbox One has a way better Dpad and the bumpers have been improved since it launched.

It's all about the price. The 360 is less expensive but still really good.

The DS4 is a really good controller as well, I've really enjoyed using it on my PS4. I don't think I'd ever use it on PC though because Xbox controllers don't seem to have many issues because of Xinput.

What are you trying to play?

Cause for console gaming, gc is by far the best.

On pc, its a missing a button, analog triggers, and + extra 20 or 40 dollars for the connection converter thing.

It's overall pretty shit except for Couch Civ. The trackpads are a bitch and a half to get used to, the whole thing feels cheap and fragile, and configuration is a nightmare.

>I don't think I'd ever use it on PC though because Xbox controllers don't seem to have many issues because of Xinput.
You can literally use DS4Windows to solve the XInput problem.

>What are you trying to play?

Nothing in particular, really. I'm just looking for a general purpose gamepad for stuff that would feel more comfortable with stuff like platformers.

Logitech F310, not a hard choice man

Is the Dpad any better than it looks? Kinda looks like a worse 360 Dpad

It's fine

DS3+SCP Server master race reporting jn

It's shit because it's the exact same issue as the 360 pad - apparently the good dpad style is/was patented, hence why Microsoft, Logitech, etc all had to use that extremely shitty circle dpad. Also the 360 pad is a little more expensive but infinitely more ergonomic than both Logitech pads (wired and wireless.)

For 20 bucks with super wide compatibility you can't beat it

Track pads are a neat idea, but I've only used it as a mouse from bed

Oh true, I definitely agree. Granted 360 pad is more ergonomic for I believe six bucks more, and doesn't come with the occassional deadzone issue that Logitech pads seem to have. But the F310 is highly recommended for its price point compared to all the shitty chinese bootleg pads selling at that pricerange.