Who do you main?

Who do you main?

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God damn what a waste of time.

>he doesnt main Helen
enjoy getting wrecked online faggots, i bet you are a macaroni's jake spammer.

The dad or something
Too bad 99% of Sup Forums can't relate to this

Anyone who doesn't use Mr. DeMartino is a scrub.


Too bad this series hasn't had a resurgence especially after the long awaited DVD release.

I would main Tiffany.

>MTV Classic airs the show
>but it's the DVD versions

I want to be disappointed, but the fact Daria is on TV again is really nice.

Mr."swiggity swooggity I'm comin' for Ms. Barch's pussy"

My nigger. He's the best one to play as.

I'm glad I have a torrented copy of the original episodes and movies with the music intact.

>watch some of the episodes as an adult
>Daria's humor is even more brutal
it's weird how much shit went right over my head when I was younger

Fuck you, crashing this plane with no survivors is the worst fucking super move they ever added to this shitty fucking game

>He mains boss characters


It already has a huge resurgence before

How many do you want at a time?

none because fuck this show. it;s the reason that The Hey Arnold Spinoff (The Patackis) Never made it to a network


I always main foxy daria cus i'm a waifu fag.

Came here to say this

The best.

What did they change?

Trent main here with DeMartino as my secondary.

Tom mains are fucking faggots.

Replaced the music that was from actual bands with new generic music. Much like Mission Hill.

But why?

Do people complain that Bison or Akuma are OP?

He's my backup

I'm so fucking tired of Kevin. Fucking gorilla. Literally requires no thought at all.

>Crashing a plane
That would be cool.

are Jeff, Jamie, and Joey all clones?

Usually with rights to stuff like that, it explicitly says they can only use it for when the show airs on TV, or maybe the DVD releases just don't have the budget to allow for the music.

>shallow graves for shallow people

music rights

You dumbass.

Beavis or bust, faggots.

>fire is banned
I fucking hate tourneyfags.


>mfw somebody actually made MUGEN characters out of Beavis and Butthead
>mfw they're actually amazing

>not fart knocker

You couldn't be more right
Trent is the best character in the show
The second best is Sandy
Tom's probably the worst and Daria's the second worst. She's a little cringy at time


Your roster is trash.




Welcome to the wonderful world of US copyright law and the non existence of fair use.

I think Trent was my first crush, and now I exclusively am interested in total fucking losers.
Looks like MTV really did ruin my life.

>play as Sandi
>Kevin headbutts and superarmors through all your hazards
>literally all you got is the mace dp and guess what headbutt is dp

I mean it's not as hard as the Daria-Kevin matchup but holy shit

Deep Quinn desu




Literally how the in the world are you supposed to beat the secret Maxx boss?

What's Maxx got to do with Daria?

Secret Boss.

Tell him he's a spirit rabbit.

I watched 2 episodes of this show. Seems shitty. Does it get better?

If you can't get into it in two episodes then it's not for you.

You right

>Injustice 2 comes out
>playable Bane
>his super is crashing a plane

la la la la la

>tfw used to put CPU Quinn vs CPU Brittany and jerk it

>Jane when she joined track

>blaming Daria for MTV being goofs
>not blaming Nickelodeon in the first place for passing on it for being too "Dark"

Beatnik Daria


Stacy's such a sweet girl for someone who follows Sandi around, it's such a shame.