So how is it?
Worth getting if I'm not very knowledgeable about mecha but want a fun SRPG?
So how is it?
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Second, also want to ask the same question as OP. I am thinking about picking it up
Lurk more
You can play OG1 and OG2 on the GBA if you want a taste of how the series plays. The gameplay doesn't really change significantly and the story is worth playing through. OG2 in particular is amazing and Moon Dwellers is a somewhat direct sequel.
But yes, I think the SRW series are pretty good SRPGs and should be easy to jump into.
If you have MECHA SPIRIT you'll love it
As far as an SRPG goes it has enough decent mechanics in the battle system, but little variation as far as maps or enemies are concerned. The game will never be truly difficult if you can rub two brain cells together.
If you enjoy meticulously planning to eliminate as many units a turn as possible with your ample weaponry, steady power creep and flashy animations you'll love it
give it a pass otherwise
Can you list which games you would reccomend to be played in order right up to this title? I'm not OP but I would probably want to them play from the start
SRW is generally for robot anime fans and SRW OG is for fans of regular SRW games. OG is a crossover between original characters and robots from the normal games.
And this game is like a part 5 in a ongoing series. I don't want to stop you getting into something that you might enjoy but there really might not be much for you there. If you wanted to get into the franchise it'd be a poor choice too. Unfortunately English language releases are few and far between.
SRW J is the only fully stand alone normal SRW translated and it introduces some of the character that appear in Moon Dwellers. At the very least give J a spin (you don't have to beat it if you don't want to, play a few stages is what I'm saying.) before diving into the deep end like you're considering.
OG1 and OG2 for the GBA
if those compel you enough go for this afterwards, if you find yourself TOTALLY IN LOVE with the series jump to the OGS PS3 titles
>how is it
Quite literally
Thanks a lot for this information. I am pretty open minded about everyting I play and usually find something to like in every game but I'll see what this is about nonetheless, thanks.
I wish I didn't hate the majority of the OG characters and protagonists, the OG games have better gameplay than the anime SRWs
That would be a very long list but it would be all in moonrunes. All you got is English is SRW 3, Alpha Gaiden, OG1, OG2 and J. They all have plot points and original characters that will show up in Moon Dwellers but only the OG games are in continuity (sort of, they were retconned by a PS2 remake with an altered plot)
tl;dr There's a few English games you could play to get refrences but none that would get you up to speed on the actual ongoing plot.
I am a huge OGfag but honestly if you are just looking for a srpg and don't care too much about mechs I am not sure it is for you. While the cast is self contained and doesn't require you to have knowledge of different anime series, they're basically a bunch of obvious homages to other shows and a decent bit of the enjoyment is recognizing that.
OG1 on the gba is a really subpar srpg, the mechanics and level design are pretty bland so your approach doesn't vary very much from mission to mission. Apparently the newer games improve the gameplay but you'll have no idea what's going on and the english is engrish.
>Worth getting if I'm not very knowledgeable about mecha but want a fun SRPG?
If you want a mecha SRPG you should first check out the entire Front Mission series. If you just want a srpg there's plenty of others.
The plot is pretty fucktarded anyways, it's only a few steps away from becoming kingdom hearts levels of convoluted as it is; I wouldn't sweat it, the games have always been more about the characters
>fun srpg
Its more for mecha fans and fans of the OG due to all the story/lore.
Youre more invested in the story/character interactions than the shitty gameplay.
Alright it sounds like a series thats very hard to break into and might not be worth my time actually. I feel I would really like this game though god dammit
Lets give this series a go
who to pick
the boring looking guy or the biker
left if you are 2 kewl for skrewl
right if you are gay for robots
Just download a rom of OG1 man. If it's your shit I imagine you'll still get hooked despite the GBA limitations.
Try the GBA ones my man
if you recognize any mechs or if the phrase MASTER ASIA means anything to you try the translated SRWJ for a few levels and see if that does anything for ya
Well I didn't really know anything about Gundam but I still imported Gundam Breaker 3 and found it enjoyable so i thought it might have been the case with this as well
Boring looking guy has the fucking WORST early game with tons of shitty water stages and everyone stuck in not-zakus; if you're trying to see if you like the gameplay it is probably a bad call. Go with the biker.
Oh shit he's fucking right pick biker water stages are fucking trash
biker it is
wildraubtier is a pretty rad name for a mech
Boring dude has a boring early game but you get to keep the best and most fun unit in the game, by far On the other route you are teased with it for one level only to have it taken away.
Just saiyan. Kyosuke's first half is a lot more entertaining though, I honestly just play his first half then switch characters and start again.
Im not really sure what will is but the game so far seems fun I like how you have choices when under fire
and the animations seem pretty great for GBA standards
I will do that now. Thanks.
Will is morale. Each character boosts it a little differently depending on their personality but basically killing enemies adds a big boost, and either successfully dodging, taking a hit (only for pilots of robots intended to tank), or hitting an enemy will usually boost it by a smaller amount. It increases your stats,and more importantly most mechs have weapons that cannot be used at starting willpower, you need to build it up to use them.
Kyosuke's pretty much the main character of the second game so if you wanna be consistent, you can just play him for the first game too. You miss out on some good cucking on Ryusei's arc.
pick boring guy for more aya goodness
You made the right choise
how's the translation ??
> "R-robot?! Why is it doing here?"
"it's better than nothing"
The Asian english released already?
Thought it came out in October?
Please ignore the retards saying this game is a bad starting point for SRW. It was literally made with newbies in mind so feel free to pick it up.
i hope no one falls for /m/'s memes and actually picks up this game. /m/'s plan is to shit on this game so their secret club isn't lost.
Looks to be absolutely atrocious but you can still get the jist of what is going on. I can safely say I'm glad I didn't splurge for the collector's edition, but I am sure I'll still have fun with it.
Who gives a fuck what /m/ likes.
It's SRW crabstick edition. A shame Mazinger isn't present.
it's literately you literal illiterate
Don't worry, SRW V will be in english too, though it isn't classic mazinger.
exactly why you don't have to believe their lies on this thread
I imported it blindly a few days ago. Fairly excited to play another strategy rpg since the last one I played was tactics ogre on PSP.
Oh yeah, I forgot about that cunt. That should be good, nice and stand alone.
they really need to rework the entire gameplay system in SRW, it's way too archaic now
especially annoying in OG since there's no fanservice to deflect your attention
IMO SRW is really fucking boring, and I'm a mecha junkie. It's just not interesting gameplay at all. You basically never have to try, the game is about as good as it can be watching clips on youtube.
Not everything that's new is good, user. Just look at what happened with jrpgs.
Considering how virtually every other srpg in the past two decades has simply copied FFT, it can't be that archaic, the genre has moved nowhere. SRW has added about as many new mechanics as fire emblem has over the years.
I want you to play EX Hard mode and say that again.
SRW is certainly pretty easy but I'd still argue that trying to get all the battle masteries is more challenging than almost anything you'd find in other srpgs. The genre is largely just braindead ganging up on single enemies and devoid of any actual thought.
They get even better in J.
Sadly, that's pretty much all J has going for it.
Bump for melua
this, should've kept making the superior game.
I ate up a lot of crabsticks in my time, one more won't hurt. I'm picking it up.
I don't like OG very much, but this one does look okay and I like J. Not sure if I should wait for a price drop.
>price drop
Not happening.
It's happened before. I don't usually buy SRW games on release.