Why are there hardly any games with dual-wield shotguns?

Why are there hardly any games with dual-wield shotguns?

Lovely Planet has the best shot guns

i think you mean Euro Truck Simulator has the best shot guns

Facade's alright if you're into that sort of thing.


Duck hunt with mods is what i play to get my fill

Cincinatti zoo tycoon has some pretty sick gunplay

Doom with mods

why did you post a screenshot of Battlefield 1?

Try Far Cry 3 OP, the duel shotguns in it are pretty orgasmic


don't lie

I'm more of a Scar-H person myself.

Good thread.

Serious answer is that it's stupid because it makes it harder to reload, doesn't really add to your damage output, and would break normal people's wrists.

because its fucking stupid and not realistic. Now granted it may work in some futuristic super soldier type game.

FF14 does it, kinda fun

Seriously though, what game has those shotguns?

Dark Souls.

god those sights look terrible

Nice meme OP

Latest 1

It's in the filename, fuckhead.

Reaper's got some cool shotguns

W-What's going on?

EDF's Fencer can do it

Have you never used the Universal cheatcode to unlock the dual shotguns in the majority of today's hit games?

Goddammit. You got me good.


Nuclear Throne has some nice shotguns as well

ITT: samefag

Modern Warfare 2's got them.

They're pretty good in versus mode in NSMB

Why aren't there games with gatling pistols?

The only one in the thread that legitimately made me laugh out loud.

>33 replies
>27 posters

New Nu Male's Sky Update, looks nice

Muh realism has literally killed creativity.

good luck hitting Rolf after his candied beets doge % buff

These two are the best.

Hurr Hurr Hurr

Undertale, but they are broken as fuck

Because that's a nerf gun, you retard.

>western kappa

>dual akimbo
So much for war never changing

Stop feeding you idiots


Dont get me wrong i love Dark Souls 1 shotguns but DS3 dualies were such an upgrade from older DS arsenal.

>He didn't run with 4 shotguns

Timesplitters 2



i count 6

>Modern Overkill 2


Step it up senpai

Marathon 2 had dual shotguns 21 years ago jesus holy fuck it's really been that long. Was a pretty damn fun game overall too. At any rate concept certainly goes back a ways.

Needs more Dakka

You'll catch him this time frog friend.

Can we go deeper?

>Akimbo 1887s in MW2 before the nerf

It was so fucking broken.


>can't even catch Zigzagoon
Just end your life as a trainer.

this town aint big nuff fer da tew of us


Hey guys going to work in couple of minutes but I just wanted to say despite the shitty weather outside: Thank you very much for this thread! It just kicked off my day perfectly.

We can.

fuck off workboi


I like you.


Took me a second

>ctrl + f
>1 match

Would you look at that, only one good user among a sea of faggots.

In Doom you can quad-wield shotguns

should have got a pic where its zoomed in with a bow then shoop it in, damn amateurs





Add me to the r/Sup Forums screenshot please

Just trigger my ptsd senpai

Pretty sure that's a gattling pistol

same here

Bears Simulator looks great


>no mention of Cory in the House shotguns

Literal shit taste all of you

This looks fake.

bro its epic xD !!


Shame they are total shit in wolfenstein. Hey, at least you didn't try and post bulletstorm.

Fuck it, the 1887 memories trigger the fuck out of me.

God damn those broken pieces of shit

Played through this on xbox 360. Most fun.

>when you use bouncy ball ammo on submarine mission.




>closest Sup Forums will ever get to dual-wielding

Learn to master reload young grasshopper.

You mean quad wield quad shotguns.

You sure that's what you want bud?

His friend got enough money to buy a set for himself. Terrorists will suffer.

Both barrels blazing!