Alt-History WW1

What kind of alt-history WW1 game would you like to see?




>tfw no mecha zebra




gee wiz, it sucks that i can't bump my own thread


well shit, guess i'll try again later

what kind of alt history WW1 game would you like to see?

fantasy? demons? zombies? anthro animals?

Shin Megami Tensei

interesting, i wasn't aware that game took place in that setting, never played it

I read the first 2 of this series
Pretty fun alt history and would make pretty solid game too

i'm not aware of the source material, what's it about?

Leviathan by Westerfield or Westerfeld
Its WWI but the brits have this Darwinin inspired bioengineering and the Germans have these mechs so its basically Robots vs Monsters on a world stage. You get big flying beasts versus huge airships and the like. Pretty rad

that sounds fucking rad, that would make a pretty neato video game

it seems the darwinists are presented as the villains on the map, are they the villains of the story?

I would like to know more

Nah. Allies are good as per usual

>Allies are good as per usual
For fucks sake

>Biological abominations


maybe a better question is how to make steampunk less lame

> What kind of alt-history WW1 game would you like to see?

I think I wouldn't go for anything crazy. What I'd do is make a fast paced shooter, except without standard WW1 equipment I'd give everyone automatic and experimental weapons that weren't issued or only were used in tiny numbers in the last days of the war. That'd be rad.

you just described the upcoming battlefield

and that sounds pretty lame to me

If i remember right Ferdinands son or nephew or something is with a company of Brits because of a conspiracy to foment war or usurp the line. So the Austrians/Germans come out look both more sympathetic and shittier all around

We already have one. It's called Battlefield 1.
There's blacks and women in the german trenches.

If that's not alt-history, I don't know what is.

I want an alt-history WWI game that focuses on all of the weird shit they invented for the war (or that were invented around that time period). All of the impractical, experimental projects and other strange things.

Stuff like bicycle battalions, "limber pole ladders", fake horse carcasses that snipers would hide inside, sound-enhancing masks like pic related, etc. A game featuring this sort of stuff would be very surreal

Why is American alt-history is always so shit? Do people even read "The Guns of the Confederacy"? It was about white supremacist from South Africa that went back in time to give the Confederate States AK-47s and shit.

what's a limber pole ladder?

This looks like it could be a McCree skin

>"It's high noo- OH FUCK MUSTARD GAS"

Basically just a weird contraption used by lookouts in WWI

>trench warfare with invisible Strange Journey demons

I think that was a joke

>Demon gets into your trench and starts gutting everyone
>Have to send out your own while risking sniper fire hitting some of your taller demons in the head midfight
shit sounds stressful, havin to manage demon size and stuff to fit in the trenches

Aliens/Demons/Dragons vs Flying Aces

You mean "The Guns of the South"?
Whats the problem with the book?