>hey bro, you got a mic?
Hey bro, you got a mic?
Other urls found in this thread:
There's no need to look so threatening.
yes, but i don't like talking to strangers on the internet
>its broken
>haha come on user come voice chat with us
>user why are you typing
>Hey bro you like anime?
>Sorry, I don't become friends with people who like anime.
This is the reality of the world, dumb anime poster.
>hey bro wanna join me in the game?
Is this better, user?
>If I wanted to talk to someone, I'd leave my room for once.
I can't even play online anymore unless it's like 20 people per team so I can just blend in and not talk. I just get terrible panic attacks.
But I don't like anime. I just save the reaction images.
>Hey dude can I join your game?
>Are you streaming?
>*turns up mic full gain*
>why did you mute me dude
I Immediately mute anyone that talks over voice chat for any reason.
>hey bro make sure to get on skype too
>hey bro do y
>Get on mic
>"Wow user you sound like Cr1tical lmao"
It hurts just a little bit
>Not having a mic
Maybe it's time to stay offline?
Why? Cr1tikal has a sexy voice
I fucking hate my voice, that's why I don't use voice in-game.
I've actually had someone tell me it's cute before, but I don't fucking believe them.
You are cr1tical though
It's no use.
You were born a shitter.
You guys seriously. If you can't even talk to people online, don't play online games. A lot of games need vocal participation. You'll never get better if you keep being so autistic.
>HAHA user you sound like a girl
cr1tikal literally makes boipuccis cum by the truckload by just whispering a fucking meme
you should be grateful
>Hey man you got a mic?
>Cool! I'm going to use this as an excuse to talk about things that dont relate to the game, my opinion on things you didnt ask about, and if you don't respond I'll spam "are you there" and "can you hear me" in game and over the mic
I've been told my voice is cute and have been accused of using a voice modifier to make it deeper.
Now i only talk when i need to make a simple callout in a game.
only time i ever use mic is in games that require fast team coordination, like dota and CS.
any other game i only ever talk with friends on mumble or someshit.
Post a sample.
>"Dude, join our mumble, lmao"
>Join their chat thing
>100% constant meme spouting
>Nuke friends list
Now I gotta know. Sing a song. Record it. And show us your cute voice.
>get on mic
>dude asks me if i am a girl
I'm not even pretending to be a girl.
From personal experience I can tell you that no one cares how cringy your voice is.
Are you friendly?
I have a shitty 5€ mic that doesnt pick up any low frequencies, and my voice is low as fuck so I have to talk louder than I'd like to be heard.
Maybe if some other anons do first. I'm self-conscious as fuck about it.
Not a bad thing.
loling @ ur life
i exclusively want to be friends with people who like anime
Nobody fucking cares about your voice.
Are you cute like one too?
I use voice all the time, there's literally nothing wrong with it.
It's cute torturing the poor socially awkward nerds that get uncomfortable on mic, though.
I'd like to build a boat.
Can you help me build it?
most people feel awkward when hearing their own voice if they arent used to it
a little
>try out Sup Forums's chat in runescape
>so cancerous I report every single person and never play the game again
>"bro can i hear you speak again, ur voice is great"
>talk on mic
>"wait nvm"
>block player
>close game immediately
I'm going to cut right to the chase.
I like you. I know i will like your voice too. So lets just skip the bullshit and you just upload some samples of your voice along with pictures of your asshole.
Make it quick, i don't have all day.
Anyone know of a good cheap mic for under $40?
>tfw you have the stereotypical gay voice
tfw physically cute but voice is dumb
thats my fucking fetish
Buy a Logitech G35, it comes with a built-in mic that I've found really sturdy.
The sound quality's good too.
Wanna be my steam bf?
What is friends amrite?
>Whoa user, you have a really deep voice
I wanna hear
>Haha user, is that your dad in the background? Why is he singing?
tfw cute voice but looks ugly
>talking to user over mic
>realize hes been using a soundboard the entire time
i don't care about your voice so much as your body
god i love kids that use mic when sitting next to their whole family, dog, 4 parrots and house cat.
Well whos singing?
>Are you listening to Drake, user?
>Immediately shut speakers off
And I never used voice chat again.
I have a small group of friends that I can use voice with, but anyone else and I'm super uncomfortable.
Let's combine into one extremely cute superhuman.
Alright faggots let's just cut the chase and get to brass tracks.
I want to hear your voice, and I want to tell you exactly how I feel about it.
Give me your Skype and I will add you, we will talk tonight - right now, even, as soon as I friend you the call will start.
The more awkward the voice the harder I will mock you for it.
Check out this gif user
Ain't you just mad
>never voice chatted with e-crush
>known eachother for years
>finally get in voice
>he has a super deep manly bassy voice
>tfw sing when I'm alone and forgot my mic was unmuted
>tfw none of my friends complained
>Drink a few beers
>Kinda just fuckin around
>"Woah man, you sound just like Duke Nukem!"
No I don't, but thanks I guess? I don't think the kid had ever even played a Duke game.
>not memeing with your close friends
It's only cancerous if you do it to randoms, ie people that don't consent to it
Be gentle user
you have to be 18 to post here
I am, because dumb anime posters like you exist.
But it makes me glad afterwards knowing that I am not you.
I wouldn't call people on my friends list close friends.
holy fucking shit dude
You didn't send anything you little shitter.
You've got the type of voice that would get really annoying.
pm'd you my skype
>Its a "god blessed me with an amazing voice but I hate that everyone likes it and compares me to famous people woe is me ;CCC" episode
Fuck off
Brother, is that you? My Dad is always fucking singing whenever I'm on the mic, my friends now request his presence when we get online.
so are there any qt little faggots or am I wasting my time in this fucking retarded thread?
this is a 18+ board
I'm not sure if you trying to make a voice or if this is you natural voice
sorry about that, sent again, hopefully it will go through this time
>use virtual audio cable to make it so people hear anime whenever I talk
"why do you have so many little girls in your room bro?"
facebookin it up in here senpai
my nigga doe #swerve
>forget to mute my mic
>rapping along to DMX
>black guy notices me
>remember that I'm not using my account because I'm at a friend's house
>refer to him as "Jamal" the rest of the game
>sends a PSN message calling me a cracker
This thread just took a turn to shit, someone start dumping porn
sent ;)
i'm 82
You have such an interesting life user
I've always wanted to meet someone who gets angry at cartoons
I'd rather people post their voices. Makes for an actually interesting thread on a normally rather boring board.