That Lucio who refuses to turn on his healing aura

>that Lucio who refuses to turn on his healing aura

What would cause someone to be such an asshole?

Some people just aren't smart.

Go into the model viewer with Lucio's Breakaway skin and test the "juggle" emote.

>getting hit

top kek, why even bother playing if you're THIS bad

looks like somebody doesn't UNDERSTAND UNDERSTAND

>Mercy who wants to dps with pistol and not heal or damage boost
>Ana who focuses on damage
>Zenyatta who focuses on damage but doesn't even use his debuff
>Lucio who refuses to heal and only keeps speed boosts up
>no one picks a healer because someone picked Symmetra

Fuck. Everything.

Three months later and I still see this bullshit.

>Mercy in a game
>Ana in a game
>Symmetra in a game


These are separate situations.

>there're healthpacks all over the map
>people need a healer

do you need luigi to beat the levels for you in mario, too?

Picking Sym still makes it say "No healer" not.
It doesn't say "No support". They fixed it.

If people ignore it now you should leave before you spawn.

>Symmetra on team
>go zen to compliment her
>She changes

>that lucio that thinks shooting teammates heals them

>the mercy only heals and boosts the Pharah
>ignores the entire team
>wonders why we lost

Supports have it much worse.

>Playing Lucio and have healing aura on, teammate asks for heals WHILE BEING HEALED
>Flankers and overextenders asking for heals out of line of sight to get heals
>Not being protected by your team when they damn well know how important supports are to a team
>People not knowing that the payload on attack heals you, and asks for heals

Appreciate your supports you ungrateful shits

Holy shit you're bad at overwatch.

because you dumb faggots didn't support the fucking damage boosted pharah trying to rain death on the other team.

Still, with Lucio and Zenyatta being the top 2 right now, why are you seeing these people? Play comp and move up. If you don't see one of these two being played, do it.

>Someone goes support.
>Go support too
>they instantly switch to genji/hanzo

Do people still not understand how good 2 support is? what the fuck...

Its hard when she dies to anybody that can hit a stationary target more than 10 ft away.

Why do I always play with the biggest shitters?

>you dumb faggots didn't support the useless person damage boosting the even more useless person

This. Fuck you Rambo Genji players.

>pharah gets damage boosted
>uses her jump
>gets shot in the fucking head by 3 different enemies
>mercy dies shortly after

Its a shame when Blizzard made some of the healers viable combatants like Lucio and Zenyatta and people still pick characters they aren't good at to pad their k/d ego.

>Pick Zenyatta or Ana
>People think that these heroes are appropriate to solo support and no one changes


Damage boosting doesn't effect pharah's TTK at all. Still takes 2 direct hits to kill people.

>that mercy who follows the dps into the front lines
>only heals never damage buffs even when you are at full health
>follows tracer into battle
>holds onto ult waiting for a 5 man revive
>gets killed when all team mates are dead at her feet


Kinda surprised soldier 76 is this bad. I guess mcree does almost everything her does, but better,

I play nearly exclusive Lucio, hes unreal. His damage is decent, his mobility is insane, and hes arguably just the best at healing.

Whenever the enemy team DOESNT pick lucio, you just instantly win on basis of having lucio.

I never solo rez, only when 2 or more people are dead, or when it's in sudden death. With the cost of Mercy's ultimate going up, it's too valuable just to waste for one guy.

Its kind of like Ryu in Street Fighter, yes he can do almost everything but a specialist who can utilize and push their strength will beat him out him.

>His damage is decent
I dont think it is, and his rate of fire is pretty crap, more than anything he is great at getting eliminations by his mobilty and the enemy distracted by the rest of the tem, not very good on his own.

I play lucio as my main support and alt between speed and heals, I only seem to get killed when the team split up and I can heal them or take the enemy on my own.

Ryu is top 3 in sf5

Soldier 76's main issue is that his range niche isn't a good range. When you are at the range where he excels, it's normally at the range where the teams are still in semi-grouped formation, and will be behind reinhart shield or winston bubble.

He kind of ends up being a utility character or a swap-in character for certain situations.

It's even worse because they care about their ELIMINATIONS/death ratio. Which is silly because eliminations count kills and assists aka just tickling them in the last 10 seconds before they die

>play Lucio
>people stand right next to me, spamming "I need heal"
>finally be able to use amp it up
>they die at the same moment
>get lots of angry "Why didn't you heal me?"-messages

People always seem to think I'm their private healer slut. Even Reapers get mad at me when I'm not following them when they constantly teleport all over the map.

Ignore them and enjoy your 2-3 gold medals.

>used to alternate between playing Mercy/76
>After all the recent patches buffed the other characters I've pretty much just gone solo Zenyatta

I understand now why he has almost 100% pick rate in competitive. Using him almost feels like cheating

>Has no clue what he's talking about.

I love normals that use Street Fighter as reference.

>Pick Mercy
>Run around like a bunch of faggots team killing

Not him, but golds don't mean shit when your team loses in the end. and even if you get the gold, the +150 exp bonus at the end is hilariously minuscule.

I hate it when people bring up their golds to deflect any criticisms thrown at them. It just shows you care more about yourself than the team

really support need to be in a centeralized predictable place for the team to retreat to.
like in KOTH and payload always being on the point never going astray to get kills.
my philosophy is like an mmo stick to the tank for protection and heals where dps venture but know where I am.

i hate when teammates are allergic to the capture point.

>Be lucio
>Teammates are never or rarely trying to capture the point
>Teammates also suck at killing pretty much any enemy player
>Had to capture and contest the point myself during all 3 rounds
>Also got gold on eliminations

I still think they're a good indicator. I got 5 gold medals with Zarya/Lucio yesterday and was the only person who even showed up in the rankings, yet no one voted me because all the others were busy constantly pointing out how much this team sucked and how much better they are.

>play mercy
>faggots funnel straight into the capture point as they spawn and die one-by-one
>rarely get a res off because only one person is ever dead at a time and nobody is anywhere near anybody else
>why no rez??? shit mercy!!!

>Play Soldier 76
>Reaper stands in front of me, demanding heal
>Even though I've got max health, I sacrifice my biotic shield to heal him
>He runs away
>Keeps screaming for heal

Some people always seem to forget that Soldier 76 can actually heal.

you really don't understand it do you.
if you got 5 gold medals with a character that is just an indication of how shit your team is, not how amazing you are.
also 5 gold medals or 1 still only give you 150xp per match not each medal.
if you got healing medal with zaria your support is shit
if you got elimination medal with lucio your dps are shit.
I don't know which is worse

>Waiting to get MLG rezs.

Rez a tank on cooldown or a particularly good dps nigga.

Eh, if you're in pubs, you should just find the one or maybe two most important/skilled players on your team and just rez them. You're not helping by holding it back and never using it if there's not going to be an opportunity.

>That kid who has a fit because someone isn't playing his children's video game the way he demands it

Spoiler: The asshole isyou.

>be Lucio
>hold down m1 and make waves because it's the only way to hit people
>tag everyone for 3 damage
>get gold elims because your teammates finished them off
>"wow this team sucks gg"
>brag about it on Sup Forums

That's what I was doing, sticking to the tank, but I'm talking about people like the Mcree complaining that he was never personally rez'd because he was charging in by himself and dying.
I think it was Hanzo, actually.

>He doesn't wipeout the enemy as nanoboosted mercy then tell your dead team to get the fuck up with your ult you got solely from slaughtering your foes.
Battle mercy is fun. Not very effective under any circumstance but people rage at you so it's worth it.

Mercy is the qtest Overwatch hero

I wish OW had an invisible feature. I've got a friend who only wants to play comp but he wants to go genji (he's a bad fucking genji) and spam for heals when he's running around in the enemy back lines. I don't want to play with him but we're irl friends

I turn my settings so I could see teamates health when playing as soldier. Droping it on the payload helps a bunch too

>play a healer
>never heal

Yeah, that makes sense. It's just someone playing differently, and not someone wasting a team slot and not pulling their weight, sure.

>buy online game
>play it wrong
>it's everyone else's fault

While that's true, the same people who can't function in an online game should be forced into training mode or an offline mode indefinitely. Kind of like drivers losing their licenses

>I pick zenyatta and someone picks mercy
>some retard picks widowmaker
>I consider leaving but change to tank since no on else will
>I struggle to hold the point while team does fuck all
>wonder where healer is as I die
>while respawning spectate the widowmaker and see mercy healing her when she has full health and is not even shooting anyone
>they both do nothing as enemy takes point
>I rage quit

Stop playing Mercy. People rave about how bad she is in coordinated teams now, but it's even worse on random pub teams. That is easily where she got fucked the hardest. It wasn't that bad before because you could just Rez one guy and not worry about it too much because you could do it again in a bit. Not the case anymore.

Pharah is cuter
Just tell him he's shit at Genji, if you're RL friends you porbably talk shit to eachother all the time anyways

Because no one likes you

Fuck those people. I remember this 2 player group telling me to stop playing mercy so his friend could play, due to a perceived lack of healing like 1/3 the way through the match. I got gold in healing and damage that match.

People don't understand the amount of work their team mates are doing because they get terrible tunnel vision in this game.

Just keep doing you.

>played as reinhardt, getting hit while recharging my shield.
>manage to stay alive and kill enemies but slowly losing health
>mercy comes near me
>buffs my attack for 2 minutes as I slowly die

not really

>buffs my attack for 2 minutes as I slowly die

>if you got 5 gold medals with a character that is just an indication of how shit your team is

Thats the whole point tho.

I do tell him that. We paired with a guy who was a better genji and told my friend to switch because hesucks and he didn't. Then he got pissed and left because mercy didn't rush over to heal him when he's no where near the team.

I thought this at first

>shooting at teammate that is damaged
>see their health go up and getting a healing points
>"the healbox on those waves must be massive"

>Widowmakers focused on fighting only enemy widowmakers

Any fucking game, fucking snipers, any fucking game

>it's a Reinhardt stands at a choke point holding shield and doesn't push up even when speed boosted episode

oh my god

>Playing sup
>Reaper/Tracer goes past team and just 1v1 you over and over again.
>0 reaction from team
>Telling them to at least try to look around them results in everyone getting hella mad and calling shit support
Why live?

overmeme sucks stop posting about it


>play lucioball
>they score
>some reason game switches me to torb

I just put a turret in their goalmouth. It stayed up between goals too.

Teammates who let the support character die trigger me so hard

Yes really, Pharah has cuter lips and personality.
Then just dont play with him if he's that big a shitter

>zenyatta top
>mercy way below

Jesus wtf happened? And why is pharah so low? what exactly did the last patch do?

Pharah quite literally doesn't ever say or do anything cute except in fan comics though.

Zens buff happened.

Have you played zenyatta before? He's a God in the hands of a decent player

Made Zenyatta a fuckin' destroyer of worlds, that's what.

I find having a mic works. You scream "TRACER IS KILLING ME YOU FUCKS" and your team has to react in some way.

>what exactly did the last patch do?

Buff Zenyatta's orbs. Healing orb is a great passive heal for front line heroes while Discorb moves so fast that a good Zenyatta can move from target to target as your team burns them down. This, in turn, made Pharah worse, because the heroes that counter her hurt her even more because Pharah is now a big flying "please fuck the lesbian out of me" whore with a Discord orb on.

Neither does Mercy, in the game she's always bitching at you to come help her.

Is Lucioball faster EXP?

ohh sorry I thought you were saying about having 5 gold medals like you are a great player because of it. in most cases, it is because your team is shit. So yeah it is an indication.
though it is still possible to have a decent team and get that amount of medals by switching your char for the right situation,and playing well.

my experience in this game is that most people either care about playing their toon no matter what, kd/r or play or potg, or a combination of all 3.
rarely do they care about ptfo, playing their chars role or dying for the team in self sacrifice to stop an ult from wiping the team.

Buffed Zenyatta's
* health
* ability orb speed
* ult movement speed and healing

Nerfed mercy's ult charge. Needs more time to fill up.

I was also wondering this, does it?

You get like 1500 every 4 minutes in comparison to 2500 every 8-ish minutes in Quick Play.
So, yes, but it feels way longer.

They raised his hp to 200 and made increased his ult mobility and heals by alot.

As a zen player i think 200 hp is too much for him. 175 would be perfect. He's top strong at the moment

I know your pain

It's his Discorb Orb really.
He lets the entire team do 50% more damage to a single person.
It needs a nerf

I think he meant more along the lines that ryu is always more or less viable most of the time given how the games are always fucking made and balanced around him eve though he many never be in the topest of tiers

Everything Mercy says is cute

They nerfed Mercy's ultimate while they simultaneously buffed Zenyattas health and Mcrees range.

The result is Mercy being outclassed and all the heroes she synergized well with falling out of use more than they normally would have. Also Mcree shits on Pharah because they do the exact same damage except he's Hitscan and she's projectile based.

I didn't realize that yelling about justice was cute.

>pick a second healer because there's nothing wrong with 2 healers especially if it's Zenyatta+Lucio
>they switch

if you want to boost XP just play against easy A!, you can spawn camp them on koth and payload and get just the amount of XP from quick match in a minute or 2. not fun though.

all we need is that alt fire of zens to speed up quicker and not release on it's own then he will be perfect.

>Harambe that high

Unexpected, maybe it's just because I barely use him