>villain joins your team to fight the true last boss
Villain joins your team to fight the true last boss
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Die you degenerate Barneyfag
thanks for reminding me there was a new episode on MLP on today
isnt this every mario and luigi game
>villain joins the heroes in their fight against you
He did it again!
Let it go dude. You don't have to keep making these threads
No one blames you for hating it, but you don't have to be a fag about it
Back to >>/mlp/
listen man, nobody fucking likes bronies, they are cringey autistic retards and will forever be outcast and hated
isn't that enough for you? yes they will post here, but in real life they will be lonely miserable people and never find peace, so you don't need to do this, you've won, it's ok to finally rest
The pony revolution will come, Sup Forumsermin
>Villain dies because Boss Villain was obsessed with loyalty and abused her comrades' and disciple's loyalty to maintain her own
Are you shitting me? People post this shit to bait Barneyfag. Nobody else cares.
4 years
Barneyfag makes these shit threads himself because no one cares about MLP anymore
>Implying Barneyfag doesn't keep making these threads himself
Partners in Time was the true villain using the power of the true true true villain.
>you were working for the villain all along
shhh it makes bronies look bad when they can't get over barneyfag hating them
>Villain teamate NOWHERE near as powerful or useful as they were when you were fighting them.
hello!, have you been enjoying Sup Forums this summer user?
That's true actually
they can't ignore him, always triggered
>ponyfag posts with fag image
>gets shat on
The Patriots kept America in check.
every disgaea game
Is that Pinkie Pie?
So are bronies even still a thing or what?
It seems like the fad died out and the only reason anyone remembers them is because barneyfag keeps making these threads on a daily basis.
how does he manage to do this every thread or is he the one making them
All I want is to be able to post reaction faces.
you sound literally like him
>be the good guy
>a witch sides just for the lol.
>previous bad guy+new baddie are out to hunt me down.
5 years ago this was relevant.
How can Dashfags still exist in 2016? She's proven time and time again she's the absolute worst horse.
>or is he the one making them
>they actually still think this
Fuck off degenerate
Not as many as there once was, I think it just seemed like there were a lot since people kept jumping on the bandwagon only to leave when it became less popular.
I wouldn't call it a reserved fanbase, but it's definitely smaller
Anyone else find it fun to hate barneyfag?
He posts these threads almost everyday now.
Do you have a pee pee or a hoo ha?
>the villain kills the mastermind behind the big plot and gets wounded
>despite the both of you being wounded you have one final fight before you both die
>2011 was 5 years ago
ponk best pony
Yeah we do, you don't seem to make a convincing case to make us think otherwise Barneyfag
She has nice character development. I mean, she used to be some lazy illiterate nopets jackoff and now she's a formula1 racer with a turtle and a taste for shitty genre fiction
>He posts these threads almost everyday now.
You're taking this meme too far.
5 years ago was 2000 years ago
You realise the people who post ponypics don't actually like mlp and are just posting it to piss you off.
Peanus Weanus
>tfw make most of the MLP threads on Sup Forums
I actually kind of feel bad for barneyfag since everyone keeps accusing him of samefagging.
I can you guys this right now: OP, and most MLP threads, are not barneyfag
They're me.
MLP would have been completely harmless if those dumbshits on Sup Forums could keep it under their hats.
Of course
Its fucking true you attention-whore.
You're so scared everyone will forget about you that you have to make these fucking threads every day just to stay relevant.
Why can't you just go to /mlp/ instead of bringing your cancer where it isn't wanted?
Wasn't Sup Forums responsible for it getting as big as it did?
No, not really, some of them I've seen the same pics posted on /mlp/ with the exact same filenames.
prove it faggot
Meh....... Took over Sup Forums. I was a drawfag in the generals myself, but it should have stayed there. It didn't.
That is where the problem was.
Uh huh.
Nice try barneyfag.
No one unironically goes to /mlp/
You didn't even fucking try to cover it up
>OP (You)
It's only logical that a cartoon woyld be discussed on the comics and cartoons board.
Sup Forums and the like throwing a massive shitfit when they see a colorful horse is the reason why it became easy trolling material.
People still care about mlp? I thought that shit was over and done with a lot of people, don't see spammed as much on the internet. Fad took way too long to die desu.
now kiss
Jesus Christ, that's some projection you got going on there.
As long as it still has its own containment board, it still exists.
It's mostly the super hardcore 2011 autists.
I hear that fucking a horse is like getting a sloppy blowjob.
What's your favorite Barney character? Mine's Barney.
Nice bait, but you can't fool us.
>if it doesn't have a containment board, then no one will post mlp shit anymore
Bfag, be real with me for a second before you get banned again.
What's your end goal? You won dude, watching the show is not a widespread thing anymore
You at least have a butthole though, you cute fuck.
Sup Forums started watching it because some cunt complained that the show was "anti-feminist" despite admitting to never having seen it. Then it turned out to be alright (instead the total pile of shit that Sup Forums had expected), so some people kept watching it and making threads occasionally.
A few months later, some fucktard decided "hey, let's drag Sup Forums into this" and it's been infected with their cancer ever since.
The problem with MLP and why it became such a headache was because people who got into it thought they were being "counter-culture" by watching a show for little girls as adult men. So they couldn't act normal because they just had to profess their "individuality". It was bound to end as it did.
Well, we still can't let them out.
I mean, yeah, they've only had maybe
She's just a meme horse.
Aren't there loli's on Barney? I'm really not sure, I always pass out every time I watch Barney and wake up with blood on my clothes...
>because they just had to profess their "individuality"
And yet they ended up being exactly the same as each other.
This thread will get deleted soon!