No Man's Sky has no multiplayer

No Man's Sky has no multiplayer.
The "universe is so big you'll never see anyone" thing is an excuse. The game never connects to the servers except to upload your discoveries.
There is no multiplayer connectivity of any kind.
Why couldn't they add multiplayer, you ask?

Because the galaxy map isn't "practically infinite", it's a linear corridor.
When you get to the end, you enter a new randomly generated planet corridor.

Other urls found in this thread:


delet this

>The "universe is so big you'll never see anyone" thing is an excuse. The game never connects to the servers except to upload your discoveries.

God to see that the shils and liars of the previous few weeks have been utterly BTFO by people who knew all this already and tried to help them.

Cant wait for the next big hype so I can act smug and tell kids theyre wrong for being hype


>Sony lied yet again
Wew sure did not see that coming

It's astonishing that so many people really believed in this and got tricked.
Makes you really wonder, why even try to make good games when you can blatantly lie, and secondaries will just eat it up?
Skip to 2 minutes.

What is this showing? I don't know much about the game.

>I instantly believe whatever people write on a image board with no evidence provided

>image comes from hardcore NMS drones on reddit
Quick reverse image search buddy.
If anything, you have to believe it's not worse than that. This came from the biggest nest of delusional apologists about this game, that defended it for years on end.

>mfw the comments of the source are all "w-w-well it couldn't be programmed any other way I'm sure"

The current galaxy he's in. Each dot is a different system with planets.

>Believing developers ever
>Pre Ordering video games
>Trusting a Nu-Male to not try and get back at all the years of abuse from normies

>listening to developers
>listening to shills
Yes, Id rather listen to Sup Forums than some beta cucks who want to charge 60 dollars for a shitty indie game.

So no one has encountered another ship yet?

Sup Forums has literally never been wrong, prove me wrong you fucking shill

im with this guy

>Sup Forums has literally never been wrong

I hope donating money to radical feminists paid off for you.


I still don't know what the fuck this game is.

Do you just fly around and name things dick puns or what?

pretty much
the endgame is getting to the center of the galaxy and the gameplay mechanics are so flawed you can farm resources to warp there in about 12-14 hours.


New Doom

Wonderful 101


Pretty much anything you enjoyed in the last year or two because Sup Forums says everything sucks

Kojima based as always.

Game is average at best, literally no hype around crack uploading or a game at all. Multiplayer is ass.
>Wonderful 101
What is this?
All nuBlizzard games are trash.

funny jokes

but just to state it for the record: there's nothing technically challenging about anything they've claimed, as an MMO (in terms of scope of the playable area). It's just minecraft with shaders and a much nicer server browser, and then all the procedural generation stuff thrown on top.

I have no doubt it's a quasi-MMO as they've described.

New doom is the most recent