>thinking IGN would be first to know
One less reason to own a PS4.
Why not, they are the biggest gaming news site
>We plan to support the PC version with features that you won't find on ps4 version
Kuk, nice one
Jap game
fix your font rendering holy shit
I fucking knew it. I can't wait for the tears.
now i can play this amazing mgr clone
Square is big and announces thing worldwide
hey, it's the spiderman thread aga... oh wait, people actually found out OP's bullshit and he tried to change the game instead
wasnt this already confirmed?
>It's another "People believe OP without a link" thread
I wonder who could be behind this post
Literally confirmed last TGS
Let's change the subject
Fuck, Marry, Kill.
So is there a cute trap in this game or what?
Marry left, Fuck right, kill boy
Maybe fuck boy if he's got a sweet little boipussy
9S is the best shota, but no legit traps yet.
I'm going to play as A2!
So Bloodborne is still the only game worth shit on PS4? Nice console, sonycucks.
Was the secondary girl confirmed as playable?
Kill, fuck, marry
This game is literally the FINAL. If this shit comes to PC I will never buy another console.
>All Japanese games on PS4 coming out on PS3
>All games anyone cares about are coming to PC
I mean they have no selling point. You can't sell a PS4 to me in its current state. I don't give a fuck about slow ass games like Bloodborne or 30FPS cinematic experiences.
>Final Fantasy 15 and 7Remake will release on PC as well as Kingdom Hearts III. They have nothing.
>Tales of Berseria releases on PC the same day.
>Dragon Ball Xenoverse was inferior on consoles (kek)
What does the PS4 have!?!?!?!?!
>Nobody ever makes these fake announcement threads for Nintendo or Xbox games
The hilairty of this is you are literally admitting the PS4 library is so valuable that its worth pretending you might get a game from it.
Never ever change.
>nobody ever
Because Xbone games are already coming to pc and Nintendo will never ever port something tp PC.
Also, Nier is literally the second ps4 exclusive that looks above average.
>still makes threads pretending he's going to be able to play certain games
Why are PCfat shitposters so pathetic?
You are correct my man;
I hope PS2 emulation reaches Dolphin levels of performance because this gen has turned me into a PC gamer.
Of course Sony could turn things around by restoring true backwards compatibility. Most of those HD remasters end up ruining something.
So true. Emulations and pirating games. How could you not fall in love with that instead of buying discs and not doing other things while playing games.
Ace Combat 7, although we STILL haven't seen gameplay of it yet. Tokyo gameshow will probably be when Namco shows it.
>The last Ace Combat game released on PC
>Namco hasn't missed a single PC release this generation
It's coming to PC and PC is more VR ready. Mark my words.
>doesn't care about Bloodborne
>likes garbage like Tales of Berseria and Xenoverse
Hang yourself
Fuck man
Should I play the fan-patched English version of Replicant or Gestalt?
And a secondary question: Does brother Nier fug his imouto? Does he want to?
d--dele-e-ete this!
People generally don't care about Xbox games, and everyone knows Nintendo games never have PC ports. Makes sense to make them mostly Sony games.
poorfag who mooches off his friend's video games here. He only has an xbone, I am going to kill myself
A frogposter for once wrecking PKeks.
Shit's basically exactly the same, only difference is that Replicant implies that Nier whored his body out.
It also makes Kaine's secret infatuation with him more evident and the animations make more sense.
Father Nier really doesn't look like he'd have a hard time swinging around his two-hander or look like a giant fag with a spear, because those animations were Brother Nier's first.
I have a thing for aliased fonts, but holy fucking shit that font is ugly