Portable gaming thread

>Hand over that video game thing, geek boy.

Other urls found in this thread:


Stop. What are you holding behind your back, geek boy?


only my girlfriend is allowed to call me geek boy

mine calls me boy toy

reluctantly :(

Fuck these things

Don't fuck with us, geek boy.......

mine calls me cutie

as well as a nickname that is closely related to my name so I will not post it here

Is there anything more pathethic than a guy letting himself be intimidated by girls? For fucks sake learn some biology. Even the most beta guy can easily beat up a girl or two at once if he wasn't such a complete and utter faggot.

>these girls
What will they do to me if I don't give them my video game? Too bad I game on PC.

>a girl steals your pen and puts it between her tits
>she tell you to get it
>you don't
fucking beta genes

But that's a gentlemanly to do.

They'll bewitch you.

They don't do that stupid shit anymore. They're 17 year olds now.

You forgot to tip your fedora.

And just what are you going to do if I don't?

Why are you so insistent on having a thread about a literal Pedophile Defense game?

>Those 180cm legs

literal blind troll

>Why have threads about games on Sup Forums
>LoL threads are all we need


Have it on Sup Forums. It barely qualifies as a game and the message of the game is garbage with characters taken from real child models and children.

Spreading lies about a game you never played again I see.


Image sets don't do it justice desu

True. But its free so not like anyones prevented from getting the just.

Tumblr in action, defending pedophilia and other degeneracy. Fuck off.