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>let me smash my shield on the ground for the 100th time, this should definitely kill him
>giant knight
>literal Achilles heel
I'm no armor expert but that seems retarded. Especially when it starts leaking kojima particles out of it like some armored core.
I still can't beat him
Which zone is the most MP active ? Asia ?
The first real "holy shit" moment in the entire series.
Yeah, Phalax was not an impressive boss so you just carry on and then this guy just slams his 10 meters shield in front of you
How the fuck am I supposed to beat him? Should I just grind at the other places? First time playing
Unless you beat the fatass in the tutorial and got punched by the dragon god, yeah.
that fucking music
>Demon's Souls was 7 years ago
Remaster fucking when ? What is sony doing ffs
>PS3 was a decade (10) ago
Hold me.
And I thought things were bad. I wonder in what exciting, unexpected new ways the next generation will let me down.
>Rings bell
Fuck their bells
Please. Help me!
Latria is still my favorite Soulsborne area.
I really want to replay this.
I remember fighting the tower knight for the first time and I was terrified. I cheesed all my arrows at him and then had to resort to throwing daggers. The very last dagger killed him.
These days I ignore the archers and just slap his ankles without blocking once.
I still wish they just placed you outside his room.
It's so boring to die, and then have to run back on the bridges, doing everything you can to avoid the undead enemies, the two armoured enemies who can heal, and a fucking dragon that has nothing better to do in life except burn a bridge constantly.
Then when you finally get to the boss, you get him to half health and die due to shockwaves or something and have to do all of that again.
After the third attempt I really can't be asked.
Is it possible to emulate this game?
Hah scrub. Real faggots kill all the bowmen and spam soul arrow because you start as Royal and have infinite magic with the ring.
I'd say give it a year, idk if ps3 emulators are good enough to do it without drops in main areas and this game has frame drops on ps3 itself so give it a lil while
>rings bell
>shock ball
>you didn't roll in time
>runs to you like a fat kid in a candy stop
>fucking skewers you
>Actually getting casual-filtered by fucking TOWER KNIGHT
wew lass
This, the first level is beyond atmospheric. Another one I really like is Shrine of storms 2, I know it gets a lot of hate for being impale center but I just love how it feels surreal with the enemy design and the general sense of infinity the enviroment has at times like when you walk by the side of the mountains.
> Grind for a while
> Kill the archers first
> Attack his feet, then when he falls over, attack his head.
> The boss theme mocks you.
I love that.
>there are people who actually believe the filthy woman
>tfw nothing like the giant heart in 3-2 for the rest of the series
The brain of Mensis in Bloodborne was close but since you barely see it it doesn't feel the same.
i never found this nigger's key, or if i did i just never remembered to go free him.
was it dropped by some fat official in boletaria last?
It's atop one of the chain towers in 3-2 and can only be accessed if you have Pure White World Tendency. Also, freeing him and getting far away enough for him to despawn unlocks a cell block in 3-1 as well.
To this day I have never legitimately beaten him, I always cheesed him by getting him stuck and spamming soul arrow.
there's something so unique to the demon's souls soundtrack, it only fits that game
lol what a nigger
God, I fucking hate the Soulsborne series so much.
>I still get to invade frequently with my NA copy in the game, Sl 35 in 3-2/Monk
feels good. Sadly I can´t seem to find where the meta pvp is at, and I mostly end up anal devastating some random guy that was just trying to end the level
NA is pretty active in ow levels, don´t know about the rest
>there will never be a remaster that changes healing into an estus or blood vial system
It would be perfect fucking do it Sony it's all you have to do other than just upping the resolution/framerate and fixing the duping bug that they probably left in solely because they realized their healing system was so grindy
Wow literally nothing changes, thanks.
Okay, cool.
Bruh the healing system in Demon's Souls was shit. It's why it was completely revamped and never used again.
Even when they decided to use blood vials they still revamped the concept of health items being a drop rather than a reserve.
>DeS released 7 years ago
>still no PC port
I used to own it on PS3 and beat it, but what the fuck is Sony's problem? They still making this game or what. Time's up.
I've completed DeS up to NG+ and I still don't know how to fight him. It's a wonder to me how I beat the fight really since it was so fucking early in the game.
To clarify, ps4 has been out for many years, poorfags with only PS3s can still buy it on the store. But it's time for you to make a PC port unless you just simply hate money.
I managed to do it on my first playthrough using some big-ass sword. It took a long-ass time, but carrying shitloads of healing items and dodging under him when he jumps at you are pretty key.
Demon's Souls was co-published by Atlus so I'm sure there'd be some legal bullshit to deal with to get it on PC. And they'd either have to have From do the remastering, which they may not want to do, or have some random hacks do it and risk botching it.
>tfw soloed him on my first try
Wasted like 15 full moon grass though. Wouldn't want to try it on NG+ either.
All in all DeS is the easiest Souls game, I'd say. I replayed it a month ago and probably died less than 10 times all the way through.
>co-published by Atlus
Only in the west. The biggest problem for the PC port is that it's co developped by Sony, same with BB