Drakengard 3

So, we all agree that Four is the best and most underrated Intoner, right?

I usually dislike brown haired girls but her design does it for me. She's also the purest and sweetest of the sisters.

Best theme song as well.

How is she so best with 0 recognition?

She was certainly the most pleasant to listen to with the dub. Her maniacal laughter was great too. I have yet to play her DLC.

She is a shit and her DLC showed how much of an insufferable bitch she really was.. Still better than living Five.

Zero > One > Four > Five > Three > * > Two

>Hates non humans
>Touch of sadism

Best girl indeed.

Zero>OctaOcta>Three>Michael>Accord>One>the rest of the sisters

Cent > Decadus > Octa > * > shit > Two > Dito

>mfw grinding out the side quests to unlock all the weapons so I can finally get to branch D
Why the fuck did Taro think this was a good idea? To ward off casuals? By the time anyone reaches branch D the casuals are gone anyways.

I just did the purity trial over and over again until the sand money quest got unlocked and repeated that shit over and over and over and over again.

>Cent before anything
Proof that you are a retard faggot.

>not finding the prettyboi to be the best
Shit taste.

Same. I also could handle the centaurus in the final trial so I waited to unlock the red dress.

>super edgy Katana
>can't fully upgrade until I completely beat the game

Treacherous retard who just fucks up everthing. On top of tha he us with the autistic sister.

Reminder not to google Fours English VA.

What am I missing here? It's not the best track record but it's not like mlpshit.
Who plays with the english va anyways?

Her looks, you dummy.

>any girl better when Zero exists

>actually liking a girl that fucks Dito.

I've never played drakengard but iv-chan is my favourite

Reminder that three was objectively the best girl until the healthy dose of mindbreak.

She's so edgy she has 2 katanas that she doesn't even use just beacuse she thinks they are cool.