So this....... is the power......... of procedural...... generation...... woh

So this....... is the power......... of procedural...... generation...... woh..........

Other urls found in this thread:

Spore 2.0

There's got to be a smarter way to generate these things procedurally as opposed to just mix and match.

Maybe they could have had set 'base' pieces, like limbs, heads etc. and then had them somehow 'morph' the models into each other, and interrupt the morph midway through to create a shit load of interesting looking things.

Maybe they could have upon arriving on a planet, generated a 'theme' for that planet's creatures and morphed based on that theme.

For instance earth would be quad-limbed creatures.

Other planets might have multi-headed creatures. Long eye-stalk creatures. Where all the creatures would have that set of common features like they shared a common ancestor on the planet.

that looks like fucking shit

So this....... is the power......... of procedural...... generation...... woh..........

So this....... is the power......... of procedural...... generation...... woh..........


That's literally what this game does, the tech just isn't good enough yet for it to not look obviously proc gen.

How the fuck did people even fall for this. How did their expectations raise so fucking high.

From the moment thus shit was announced, anybody with half a brain could tell that it's basically just spore 2.0 with fucking shitty generated creatures on color-swap planets

Like what is that? A fat free with butterfly wings and a spiky tail. WOW THAT CREATURE MADE OF EARTH CREATURE PARTS IS SO ALIEN

Since was announced PS4 game.

The problem is always the same.

I'm glad I didn't buy this.



Am I the only that doesn't mind these janky creatures? Seems like a decent enough game to chill in between stressful OW games.

But i'll wait for a sale.



I... I actually like these kind of procedural generations. It must be exciting searching for these fucked up aliens.

That's pretty much how procedural generation works. Play some DCSS or Nethack or any classic Rougelike and seriously read the names of the enemies you come across. You'll find shit like "Flaming Ice Golem of Acid Breath." What cracks me up is people show examples like as if it's going to scare people who play procedurally generated games away.

Its constantly inhaling air and shooting it out of it's anus. That's why the tail flutters like that

seeing deformed hellbeasts like this makes me want the game more


>What cracks me up is people show examples like (OP) as if it's going to scare people who play procedurally generated games away.
I just thought it was funny. This game will turn out roughly as bad as Spore, that is extremely mediocre and boring, and be forgotten in a few months.

>mfw youre the only one who remembers just so you can shitpost

youre a joke my man

what is this?

Elder Scrolls 1

Maybe they shouldve hired an astrobiologist

could they mod this game so they can create a true sburb game? i mean it has the world generator thingy

Tortanic really fucked up this board forever

Can I be a beast hunter in this game? I want to end their suffering.


looks like a retarded rappy from phantasy star

Why doesn't it care about the player?

I remember Spore. Game was shit but it did make for some funny custom creation threads. This game will probably do the same. It's already found a few gems.

If you need a game to "chill" between other games you should just kill yourself.

REALLY hate these "chill" and "comfy" faggots. A game can be comfy but its usually because its a good game and its something you can just enjoy. But fuck you faggots if playing Spore 2 is comforting. Its more like nightmare fuel than anything.

That game is the definition of "chill" itself. If you are taking that game seriously, then you probably have the mental capacity of a child.

>this kills the A E S T H E T I C

but spore was a fun game


Here we go
Sup Forums is hell and there's no escape

>getting this ass ravaged because people enjoy games for different reasons than your own

No mans sky offical soundtrack

People don't even fucking care, man. This generation proves it even more than the last, which I didn't think was possible.

Just look at this shit. They showed barely fucking anything, but with a flashy HOLY SHIT PRE-ORDER NOW trailer they now bagged millions of day-one buyers for this piece of trash indie game.

And just look at other examples, like Watch_Dogs, or the PS4 itself. People bought that shit without a second thought, with no thoughts in their brains other than "this is popular so I must buy it."

It's baffling.

>Since was announced PS4 game.
Man, I don't like any of this platform war shit, but honestly, this.