Lets talk about risk of rain and not vocaroo whatsoever

Lets talk about risk of rain and not vocaroo whatsoever

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>Hey user get on the mic

Who even uses Vocaroo? That's just silly.

Is stacking Warbanners even a good idea?

I don't think I've ever bothered.

It's alright at best. There are much better stacks, like crowbars or mysterious vials.

Someone's going to post a link and then this thread's going to go places.

that's awfully suspicious, OP. are you sure you didn't want a vocaroo thread?

I like Risk of Rain. Too bad my friends all want me to voice with them when we play.

That's rough dude.

I don't think I've voiced with anybody while I play games in forever.

Too self conscious.

Still my favorite delivery.

this image is related to the OP.

but seriously, where is everyone? the thread earlier was pretty fun.

I wish I could play this game without having to dedicate like an hour to a run. It's why I tend to dislike rogue-lites in general, but RoR still somehow managed to entertain me,


I pretty much only voice with a very small group of friends that I'm comfortable with. At least I've got some people to talk to.

>tfw missed the earlier thread because out drafting MTG with friends
>tfw this one is ded


I can only use voice with a really small handful of people too.

People say they like my voice, but it makes me so fucking anxious and uncomfortable using it most of the time.

Well this is just disappointing.

It's only disappointing if there are only two people posting, user. Hopefully we get some more.

>People say they like my voice
well then, you should post it and get those wonderful (You)s

Nah, that didn't go well last time.

How so?

So R-risk of Rain right? Boy I sure do love Risk of Rain Someone post a vocaroo

I have a thyroid thing, so it's mousey. People just called me a fag, really.

See I can make another but super tired and super lazy

Sounds cute. Now I'm curious.

I don't really do the whole ERP thing, sorry user.

I just really like Risk of Rain.



>actually want to play Risk of Rain
>instead theres a /soc/ thread

I wasn't asking for ERP

I just wanna hear your voice.

If I was booty-calling you, you'd fuckin' know.

After a while levels come so slowly your stack of warbanners might as well be useless. Still, it's funny for the early game.

Warbanners can be abused if you want an easy Providence kill, get enough banners to make the rings fucking huge, congregate mobs right outside his room and just keep killing until you got 2+ Banners up, then start the battle. If you got them big enough, they can encompass half the arena or more.
If you can move quick when EXP is flying towards you, you can get some in the room and encompass the whole arena.

Alright, alright.


Just go easy on me, I know I sound silly.

You have a fuckin' cute voice user.

I'm jealous, desu.

>Didn't know Vocaroofagging was a thing
>It's a thing
>All these dudes/trannies with filtered voices/hormonally shifted voices
>YWN just play Risk of Rain until the wee hours of the night with a cute female girl gamer

>hormonally shifted voices

Hormones don't do shit to your voice.

or OR you could just cheese him out with 500 crowbars and sniper's charge shot. 500 might be an overestimate, but you get the point.

it's been a thing for quite some time.

Sounds like a lot of work when you can just stack crowbars instead.
I like it.

Risk of Rain: Doing the harder method because it's fucking hilarious.

Precisely my thought as well.
Also, since Banners amp movement speed as well, it's like grabbing Goat Hooves for an AoE in addition to attack speed buffs.

That's what my friends say too. It doesn't really match my personality, and everyone has to raise my mic volume to max to actually hear what I'm saying.

Talking in real life is just as tricky, I usually try and speak as little as possible.

Yeah, I can get that. I have an awful time trying to project my voice without dropping into shitty low tones.


Nothing better than a waiter or a cashier demanding I stop whispering until the whole place is staring at me as I explain that that's just how I sound. Makes me want to melt into a puddle.

Yeah. The first time I used voice with my friends everyone lost their shit. I couldn't use it again for like a week from embarrassment.


I'm thinking this thread's just about dead, user. Or else I'd post more. Cute voice, though.

What the fuck is going on?! Why are you fags posting Vocaroos?! I thought this was a RoR thread!!!1

maybe tomorrow'll be a better day for a vocaroo thread, friends. see you on the other side.

>using RoR to make a vocaroo thread
This is just cruel

post more cute voices

hopefully a host will drop by, though they probably will be in Australia

you must commandeer the thread to turn it into an actual RoR thread, user. godspeed.

I'm too tired and one of the others went to bed. sorry.

I can't bypass my router and port forwarding never seems to work for others so I can't host even if I wanted to.

All I can do is feel bad I'm not hosting when I see a RoR thread.

Wish there was a non-Gamemaker version with less shitty netcode.

I'm in the same boat as you user, we can always hope for RoR 2