Where were you when denuvo got BTFO
Masturbating, like always.
They accomplished what they set out to do, regardless.
Strange... There was one ABZU poster, who has stopped posting about how great the game is...
This is a valid strategy. CD Keys used to be nigh-uncrackable, in the Quake 3 days. Took a long time to get to a point where you could pirate games like it.
It led to a lot of people buying the game out of frustration.
death to pirate
long live denuvo
Truth. At least Denuvo knows it and hopefully worded their contracts accordingly.
Bummer for ABZU. Any word if this will delay Deus Ex this month as they craft a new Denuvo version?
>crack is a steam workaround, just like DA:I was an Origin work around
>hurr denuvo is beat xD
Pirates really are retarded.
don't matter as long as we get the game for free.
>didn't save the bypass for DXMD
>over 2 months until crack
Denuvo achieved it's goal.
>butthurt shills whining "I-IT'S NOT A REAL CRACK! REEEEEEEE!!!!"
>Mfw pirates ALWAYS win.
This, do you idiots want games to only come out on consoles?
It's not. Besides most of these games were protected long enough.
And now they will seal deus ex off
should have waited tsk tsk
>not buying DXMD
Come on...we only pirate "meh" to "bad" games. ROTTR is prime for this.
>Denuvo says they only need to protect games during the launch window
>DOOM has been out for nearly 3 months
>haha denuvo btfo
What the fuck is wrong with you people
>saving a bypass for a shit game
No thanks
Immediately disregarded.
what you think of it is a moot point, its a flag ship title and to break the drm on day 1 would have had far more impact than to break the drm on a bunch of already heavily discounted titles.
I'm not a piratefag, but this exploit will probably work on future Denuvo games unless/until they patch it.
Yes. Let it die.
Pirates always win baby
>our plan was to make it so people would have to wait a month or two to play the game if they pirate it
>which happens to be enough time for reviews and players to say if it's worth your time or not
Piracy is always the best option.
There's zero proof it increases sales
there is no patch/fix needed
they just need to not allow demos on steam
so good work pirates
I could be wrong here, but isn't denuvo the one anti piracy that doesn't lower performance and doesn't require an online connection? why would you want to crack it other than pirating?
It increases Denuvo's sales
>why would you want to crack it other than pirating?
just to prove it doesn't lower performance
since a lot of people like spouting lies like it breaks your ssd
>initial sales window
For which games though? Shirley not new games coming out that use it.
Bethesda only made the Doom demo because of the atrocious polygon first 30 minutes, as a way to say "The game isnt bad, it is polygon that is retarded, here, try it for yourself".
>Polygon playing was so bad, it broke multi million dollar software security system that has been uncracked for over a year.
How can can one shitty website fuck up in so many different levels?
all publishers and devs should blacklist them. Hopefully at least bethesda blacklists them.
I think you're greatly overestimating the impact of one shitty website.
I mean, Datel's action replay demo disc is the reason dreamcast piracy really started up, so it only takes one fuckup.
I can't hear you!!! Piracy is dead, neetfags need to get a job. Denovu cannot be hacked!
inb4 steam is forced to ban all the ips of people using this "bypass"
I don't know about the rest of you but I don't mind waiting a few months to pirate. If companies are convinced that the initial sales are improved by Denuvo then all the power to them.
I do kinda want to try TR.
>Come on...we only pirate "meh" to "bad" games. ROTTR is prime for this.
I won't buy Dude Sex until I can verify that
>it's a good game
>my shitstation can run it
I bought original Deus Ex 3 times because I lost/lend the CD everytime, I own the franchise nothing.
as a buyfag i'd prefer if they removed denuvo drm after 6 months because we all know it sells at a snails pace and only moves on sales by then
well most of these games lasted enough save inside I think but 20 dollars for 3 hours? no thanks
strange that they didn't save it for mankind divided, a single player game like that would have liked been pirated