Cave story aged really bad.
Cave story aged really bad
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I disagree.
Sprites are fucking garbage, the item get sound is almost exactly from metroid, awkward jump physics, the lesson that if you see a person falling down you have to ignore them, sanctuary being an extreme difficult spike, ec
OP is a faggot.
>Why was the Booster 2.0 such a hidden secret? Why can't I get it on my very first playthrough
fuck no it didn't
>Sprites are fucking garbage
They were made for really small resolutions. Risk of Rain has even worse sprites and I don't see you bitching about it.
Fucking Dungeon Fighter, I'll bitch about those sprites all day long.
It's a very good game, but doesn't have a ton of replay value.
All the problems you have with it are either whining or problems it had when it came out
None of your complaints have anything to do with its age
Try Zoloft.
>Why is the last/secret level so hard!
gee i don't know
It has pretty low res art, of course it wont be metal slug 3 tier. And yet is much better than MANY pixel art games from the current years.
Gameplay is fine, music is great, story is good enough. It is a pretty great game
Am I the only one who see this in that way?
>you have to ignore this dude falling down.
>you have to make an extremly difficult jump
>you then have to find an rope that for some reason doesnt exist if you help the old man.
>Draining curly madness
>you need to still have your starting to backtrack to an early area to get the best weapon
>backtracking to find a mushroom.
>after finish to normal final boss you have to enter a random house
Uh, yeah, probably. Are you colorblind or something?
Finished this game two days ago, took me 8 hours.
It was a great game, and seriously did a number on my thumb from using the D-Pad to move Quote around constantly in battles.
The only thing that really pissed me off were the Labyrinth Boss (the one just after the clinic) and the final boss rush mode. The first because of all the shit you had to fight before you got to him, and it sometimes exhausted your health or ammo and he was a fucking annoying boss to fight, and the final boss rush just because it was a boss rush and I really hate those. Luckily for me the 2nd and 3rd boss's were piss easy once I knew you could spam rockets on them.
Also, was there ever a flash with this music in it?
When I heard it I felt like there was a youtube video or flash or something that had this in it that I heard off Sup Forums or ytmnd
why does everyone seem to forget that in the house where you go to hell, if you check the bookshelf before you fight the misery and the doctor that you can find a memo by booster that tells you how to get the booster 2.0 instead of the 0.8?
What does any of this have to do with "aging"?
I dont have the comic at hand but think about an childhood movie. If you rewat h it now you will find problems with it and not just technical problrms, story problems aswell. This is aging
Looks better on the model in size as in the game. At least that what I saw when I was playing the first time.
And no, I'm not colorblind.
That's not the piece of media aging, that's you aging. A piece of media "Aging" is it showing its flaws that were common at the time (thus acceptable) but are solved in most pieces of media nowadays.
Cave Story has not aged at all in this regard.
I think you're misunderstanding completely. Those aspects you described aren't in any way inherent to the available technology, or design conventions around, or really anywhere near before 2004. There were tons of platformers before Cave Story that didn't have these problems (I disagree with all your points about Cave Story, but for the sake of argument let's agree on them). If you dislike those things about Cave Story, okay, but what do they have to do with the time period it's from? How have conventions in 2d platformers changed in a relevant way since?
fuck (You)
Modern games dont require you to do completly random shit.
Modern games dont have shitty pixelart.
I didn't really enjoy it either, but I figured out that this game was not for me and moved on, instead of bitching on Sup Forums and telling the CS fanbase that I know better than them.
You're a faggot, OP.
Yes they do lol
And there were plenty of games well before Cave Story with amazing pixel graphics.
These are all bad opinions and you should feel bad for having them.
It did not
yeah, it's awesome
Undertale's better anyways
You're really embarrassing yourself user.
>wow game doesn't explain how do I get the SECRET TRUE ending meaning I'll have to replay it multiple times
That is perfectly fine and that is what I personally miss with modern games
but the pixel art in Cavestory isn't shit, it's actually well done...
Do others' opinions about your undermeme game upset you to the point where you would start shitting on an entirely unrelated and better game?
Pixel is actually a damn good pixel (hah) artist.
post titty robot
This one?
>the lesson that if you see a person falling down you have to ignore them
Didn't this only happen once, and it if you didn't take the booster 0.8 you could save Curly and get a better one later on.
The only thing that I didn't like was the fact that I shouldn't have taken the booster anyway since I never used it. I just used the machine gun as a rudimentary booster and never used it once. I could've save Curly and got a better ending.
only thing i don't like are the physics - quote is extremely floaty and is also pretty slow
of what use exactly does robot have for a pair of panties?
To cover her genitals.
>robots with implied sexual organs
What was pixel thinking?
none, which is why they're behind the wall
>implying curly wears a bra either
>implying she isn't constantly showing off all those synthetic curves and doesn't even realize it
why would a robot need panties?
I love cave story,nothing can ever possibly change that
He knew what he was doing. It sure did Spur a bunch of rule 34.
obvious bait
Man I must have like 300 images of cave story porn saved.
It didn't age at all.
Are you talking about this shit?
Because this had nothing to do with the movie itself aging, it's the person watching it that """"grew up"""".
OP aged really homosexually.
>It's another "Cave Story sucks because I'm such a diaper shitting baby that I couldn't even beat hell" episode
Why thanks this comic is what I wanted
What the fuck movie was 'she' even watching
Ace Ventura: Pet Detective.
I mean, I honestly can't think of any other film that does this and honestly it was one scene and was meant to be a joke, but yeah. ALL MOVIES IN THE 90'S WERE TRANSPHOBIC.
Undertale does have really bad pixel art, irrespective of your opinion on everything else about it