Out of all of the games you've pirated, how many of them have you actually bought?

Out of all of the games you've pirated, how many of them have you actually bought?
Everyone says "I'll buy it if I like it", but does that hold true?

It's a flat out lie, or they buy the game when it's on sale for 5 dollars or less

the ones I liked

Oh, nevermind. Im lying.

I think a better question would be how many I've played

they're really just sitting there while I've been playing games I've bought instead (mostly cause couldn't pirate those)

I pirated Skyrim. Bought it a few years later when all the DLC came out for it.

I pirated Type-0 because it was untranslated. Later bought the HD version on PS4 and replayed it in English.

I pirated Recettear. I did not buy that game because by the time I considered buying it Carpe Fulgar had gone full retard.

I pirate the shit out of Japanese games that don't get translations and never get brought over. That's pretty much as far as my piracy goes so it's not costing them money either.

Most of the games I emulate I already own, I don't feel like setting up my system just for one game.
Other games I do end up getting if I like it enough, but within a reasonable price, fuck paying 80 bucks for a shitty SNES cart with torn off sticker

>they buy the game when it's on sale for 5 dollars or less
That could just be what they valued the game at. I wouldn't pay more than $5 for Duke Nukem Forever.

I don't think I've ever finished a pirated game. If I find myself enjoying it, I'll uninstall it and find a copy online.
I'm sorry for those 20 hours I spent in a pirated ROM, TWEWY ;_;

the only games I ever pirated were games that I can't even be bought anymore, unless I pay $240 to some cuck on ebay

When I first pirated Hotline Miami, I fell in love with the game, which I purchased later, and made me buy HM2 on day one

I've bought sequels to games I'd emulated. Does that count? Even bought consoles just to play them in some cases.

ace attorney games
Layton games

I bought a few that I liked, but to be honest most of the games I pirated are the ones I just wanted to try anyway.

I would never pay for indie games though as they usually ask for way too much money for what they are. ( there a rare exceptions though)

I guess it really differs from person to person, but I actually do end up buying pirated games that I liked. As long as the price is reasonable and it's available digitally; this automatically excludes a great deal of doujin-soft games.

Off the top of my head, the pirated games that I end up buying
>AI War
>Analogue: A Hate Story
>Binding of Isaac
>Dust: An Elysian Tail
>Long Live the Queen
>Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri (GOG rerelease)

>fuck paying 80 bucks for a shitty SNES cart
>the only games I ever pirated were games that I can't even be bought anymore, unless I pay $240 to some cuck on ebay


Only a small percentage, but there are some that I actually did buy. Mainly some PS1 rpgs

>Dust: An Elysian Tail
Definitely a game overlooked due to its aesthetic.
The art is shit, the voices are shit, the story is shit.
But it's fucking fun to fly around the level as a tornado of swords.

I modded my 3DS just to play Robobot when it came out in Japan and was pretty disappointed by it so I won't be buying a copy for myself anytime soon

Why is Gen 7 femc so sexy?

I pirated Sleeping Dogs once. Then bought it.

On console.

It was kind of annoying going through the first few missions again.

I didn't buy P3 or P4 but I did buy the PQ 3DS & PQ and will buy P5. Pirating EO2 made me buy EMD. I bought FTL, Spelunky, BOI, Lisa and Chroma Squad after pirating. Pirating Lisa made me buy it's sequel.


I only pirate old games I don't even own the console for
And even then if it gets rereleased on something like the virtual console i'll buy it


but usually when they've dropped down to like 5-10 dollars on sale

there are a few I've liked enough to buy at full price though


I pirated Ori when it first came out, and bought it later when it was finally released on GOG.com

i only buy games i've pirated if they are RPGs, big open world games, indie games if they're cheap, or games where online/co-op is a big part of it. if I beat the pirated version I don't bother buying it cuz I'm not gonna replay it anyways

So, you go through the opening movie/tutorial area twice? You poor soul.

Not too many, it's actually usually the opposite for me. Most times I buy a game, and then pirate it later because it's on Steam and I want a drm-free version.

It's on GoG? Welp, time to go grab that.

most of the time I don't even pirate the RPG honestly just to avoid this. I have had times where I've gotten halfway through or basically finished them only for my laptop to break cuz i treat my tech like shit. that pretty much is what made me turn to buying them

I never blind buy. If a product isn't worth paying for then why would I drop $60 to demo something I don't like? If the devs are smart enough to put out a demo then they avoid piracy. Piracy doesn't effect me buying a game or not, the quality of the game does.

This is why DRM is getting more invasive, because of people like me who arent drooling retard console drones who buy everything at face value and marketing. If there's no demo, and it's got shit like Denuvo, then the game clearly has something to hide and isn't worth my time. I've been playin video games 30 years, your shitpile isn't worth my time if you cant prove its good through the gameplay itself.

tl;dr only a few, but i dont really pirate that much since the 7th gen because everythings turned to shit.

Once I got a job I stopped pirating

>people even bothering to buy a game when it's priced at $10 or less

i don't want any or your "they should be lucky they got anything" bullshit, that's a clean rip. at that point you may as well go to your local retailer or steam HQ and drop the money off there because those are the only parties you're actually paying. the developer doesn't see a cent at that rate, compared to what it usually costs to make the game itself.

pirating is pretty shitty, but going back and trying to look like the good guy by dropping a couple shekels in the (((publisher))) jar might be even worse.


What's your beef with new pokewaifu?

I pirate and I shitpost the said game on Sup Forums.
That way I am still supporting the industries by either shilling or viral the fuck out of it.

It will lead to less Serena art.

I pirated and bought Skyrim which I later realized was a mistake. There's a couple other examples too like Dark Souls 1 and 2 and whatnot.

I finished Furi recently and I really want to buy it but 25bux really seems a little too steep for the amount of content. I might pay it anyway.

>art is shit
I...I liked the art.

I actually buy most of the games I play.

The few games that I did pirate, I only did because buying them was not viable.
>emulating old console games (no longer sold in stores and/or used game prices are jacked way up)
>fan translations of games that aren't officially available in English

I don't pretend to have any intention of buying a game after I've decided to pirate it.

I can't think of a single time historically where I bought a game after pirating it, except when I bought it on a different platform.

re-selling is also illegal under the terms of the modern copyright, and even older copyrights. Doesn't mean it's fair. Not him but it's straight up bullshit that companies expect people to not pirate their 20 year old games when there's no alternative.

the ones i like

None because I'm a fucking poorfag and games over here are WAY overpriced.

>tfw my ISP knows that I pirate older games from NES-Gamecube
>they also know that I frequent Sup Forums
>someone there is making threads on Sup Forums to get results to see why/what people are pirating

Sometimes I've bought a game that I already played trough on a large sale.
And every single-player game that I bought on steam I pirate because I feel its more convenient than rely on a legit copy.

1 in every 4 or so. Cause I'm picky about what I pirate as well. This applies to movies and games alike, mind.

Modern copyright is just "fuck you, pay me".

Nintendo's anti-piracy page is worded carefully so that they can denounce emulators AND sell you them at the same time.

Pirated games fucking suck.
Just bought a g27 and pirated dirt 3. Turns out the game needs the latest patcv or it wont run with my g27 (steers to the right all the time). Couldnt find the latest patch for the cracked game and bought it instead
Fucking mad

I buy every pirated game that holds my attention for more than a single hour.

>someone there is making threads on Sup Forums to get results to see why/what people are pirating
Nah, I'm the OP. Only made a thread out of curiosity after reading

It's not their fault if you're a dumbass who can't even patch/crack a game.

yep i brought all the monster hunter games bar gen but ill get it soon.
going to see if hyper light drifter is actualy good or its just me loving the pixel art

Your ISP has thousands of customers who are pirating big-budget Hollywood movies.

I highly doubt some basement-dwelling virgin who downloads video games past their prime are anywhere on their radar.

Oh. It's just that I've been seeing more and more threads about piracy on Sup Forums.

I've bought about 10 games I really liked after pirating them. I don't actually play the physical copy, I just keep it in my collection. There's also a few I plan on buying when I can afford them and a few I'm waiting until I find a good deal on a game in good condition.

>Gamecube games are all exactly 1.36 gibibytes
Weird, I thought there'd be some variance.

>PSO Episode I&II
my nigga

I dont give a shit. People who say that just make up excuses. Real pirating is when you take something and donĀ“t give a shit

I bought the sequels though. Does that count?

>pirate Witcher 1
>end up buying the rest of the franchise on release day

Same for a lot of other games that I really liked. When I was younger I did pirate more and even played those games to completion, but nowadays I mostly pirate games and then only play them for 1-2 hours before I get bored and never touch them again.

Out of all of the games I've pirated, I've actually bought every single one that I finished all the way through. Most of the time I get bored a few hours in and drop the game, so 100%.

Barely any, but it's turned me onto a lot of series that I bought later titles for. This is the true benefit of piracy in my opinion.

Sniper Elite 3

XCOM reboot (which I regret and haven't hardly even played it and didn't like 2 either)

I downloaded TW1 and 2 from a friend's account but eventually bought them myself too.

Might be more but I can't remember them. I mostly pirate older games that even if they could be bought legally I don't feel like paying $5 for a game whose devs are more than likely dead.

I did pirate Watch Dogs and Wolfenstein TNO and didn't buy them though.

I've pirated 4 games in my entire life, Digimon World 2, Mother 1, Mother 3, and ssbm. I've bought ssbm, Digimon World 2, and Mother 1 twice. I have bought Mother 3 once.


Kind of.

A lot of media sales largely rely on sequels to do most of the money-making for them.

To them, it sucks that you didn't buy the first game, but they still got the end result that they wanted.

You actually bought the first and third Mother games?

Jesus fuck, didn't they get pretty damn expensive?

laws that are not enforced are not laws

I pirated Fallout 4. Then I got bored halfway through and deleted it. Never felt the desire to play for that mediocre slog.

I only buy games with good multiplayer because I'm not a faggot.

Shit I've pirated and actually played for a decent amount of time:

>Final Fantasy 4-9
Those got me into ffxiv, which I played for about 8 months, making them more money than what they would have gotten if I had bought all the games I played

>Various Megaman games
Never bought any
If Capcom made new ones I would buy them (like that will ever happen)

Pirated and then bought

>ef - a fairytale of the two
Pirated and then bought

>Various untranslated VNs
Pirated, may buy physical copies when I go to Japan

>Various roms
Never bought

Now that I'm older I usually just buy from Steam unless it's an untranslated visual novel

Pretty much ever one that I actually put effort into. I have a pile of games I've bought that are still in the shrink wrap because I bought them after I'd finished the pirated version.

That said, it's been years since I've been a piratefag but apparently I'm still terrible according to because I rarely pay more than $5 for games.

Thirty dollars each through eBay listings.

>unless it's an untranslated visual novel
I played Steins;Gate back when we only had the fan translation.
I enjoyed it so much, I bought it twice (PC and Vita) at full price.

no, because I only pirate games that aren't worth the purchase, such as fallout 4

In recent memory

>pirated skyrim
>thought it was "alright" in the weakest sense of the word. still got about 30 hours out of it
Bought the legendary edition for 5 bucks on pc later. I thought it was worth that much

>pirated bioshock infinite
>hated it because of the shitty story and worthless bullet sponge gunplay, did not buy

does this count?
>pirated DX:HR leaked beta, went in expecting dogshit
>got glorious game, insta preorder, everythingwentbetterthanexpected at release

>pirated every single ace attorney game while poorfag
>loved the fuck out of them, bought them later. still buyfaging the rest of the new games day 1.

Dozens of unlisted pirate, didn't like, didn't finish DS/PSP games. Not including games I couldn't buy anymore since they weren't on store shelves and/or not on PSN

>pirated DX:HR leaked beta, went in expecting dogshit
>got glorious game, insta preorder, everythingwentbetterthanexpected at release

Sounds like games need to "leak" more often.

hotline miami 2
serious sam 3

Honestly this. It's become my policy to try and not pirate games. Times are getting tougher for me though, so I might pirate a few 3DS games.

I'm more bummed that I pirate so much music from artists I like. Sure there is the "they get nothing anyways!" argument, but a lot of these guys deserve the money so it sucks

Excluding games that were pirated for the purpose of LAN parties, I've bought just about every game I've pirated, though it is often at a sale price.

In fact, Danganronpa 2 is all that comes to mind as far as what I haven't bought yet, partially because a friend bought the first one for me as a gift full price when I'd have otherwise been waiting for it to be 66+% off.