Do you guys remember Elsword?

Do you guys remember Elsword?
You know, Grand Chase's successor

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My dick

Yeah, I remember it. Haven't played in over a year though.

Yeah, I remember it very well. I loved the gameplay and playing it with a friend was great. The progression was really slow and turned me off. I should probably try it again after all those updates.

How is it nowadays?

never played, was it better than GC?

KR only but basically now there is a psuedo third job

I'm probably the only one who is still playing this.
Pretty similar actually

Dang, so you pretty much gotta buy that new slot?

>gook trash anime wannabe

Yes, just for one slot

sorry, I don't know who that is or where shes from.

Only played it for eve

I had a lot of fun with Grand Chase, I remember doing an intense grind to try to unlock Amy, that shit was awful.

Is it possible to play Elsword as a filthy gajin? I wouldn't mind getting back into it.

KR version?
It's pretty fun though repetitive. And the story progression is a bit slower although it's an improvement from before when leveling took ages.
I still play it because some characters are fun to play as

>Come on Sup Forums to pass the time
>Find this thread

Aisha is and always will be my waifu for laifu. Loved her the moment I played this ages ago.

who was the best grand chase girl and why was it delicious brown fan girl whose name I don't remember?

Played this game for over a year, will continue to play said game because of her.

>Played Elesis for the giant ass claymore
>In-Game claymore is tiny

I used to play it occasionally since I enjoyed the combat, but I did hate the extremely slow progression. However, I haven't played it after they did the semi-recent revamp of the skill trees Did they make Thousand Star + Energetic Heart a thing again?

Yes. No more pick one of the two skills. Also you gain levels faster and the early game dungeons became much shorter

That was my soul reason for liking her when i first played the game, and then over the course of the game i fell in love with her.

Also the only problem i have with her in this game is that they didn't give her duel swords for her third job class.

>No dual sword
I'm glad because it would have been too similar to IS in terms of theme. Not like edgy Elesis is better though
BH is the best Elesis

Looks like I'll have to play again then. Sounds like there are a lot more fun combinations of abilities.

I remember Chung.



CN is good again

Played it a long time ago, didn't get into it.
PVE was doing the same combo over and over again to do decent damage and PVP was just who could stunlock the other first.
Has it changed much?

Lies! I refuse to believe it.

From what you said, it hasn't changed. We instead get more skills amd characters

Praise your Queen!

You can have both plus energy needles. The pay off is, you have no dmg, and you're a bottomless pit for all thing MP restore items go into.

Elsword's story is nearing to the end apparently. KR already got final area
She's not absolutely shit anymore apparently

Played it a bit with my cousin.

He was Aisha, and I was the titular character.

Had some ERP moments here and there.

I hate when people say this

>Its the same combo over and over!

Well no shit dude, i found something to beats your character of course i am keep using it, especially i you keep getting caught with it.

How about you try getting good, or you know change the your strategy.

Really? I never played CN, but that's nice to hear.

I mainly played PVE so I used Particle Ray instead since it had more damage in awakening.

Source or your a liar.

Your queen cant take a hit to save her life.

I see you read good, the combo repetition was a problem with PVE, the only problem I had with PVP was the stunlocking which got old real quick.

You say that as though she's still bad. Code Nemesis is rather good now. The current shit classes are Lord Knight (Elsword) and Code Battle Seraph (Eve). Everyone else is varying degrees of Good to "Fuck-this-cunt" tier

Why would you allow your Queen to get hit?
That's some shit tier praising you got there. Git gud

>The current shit classes are Code Battle Seraph (Eve)

Fuck everything.

Is that for PvP, PvE, or both?
>Level 99 will be the final level cap
>Elsword’s story(Epic Quests) ends in Elysion. No more stories beyond that.

Try fight a good ST raven, fucking horrifying.

I mainly play PvE but CBS still destroys mobs easily

They nerfed everything she had bro. More mana for less dmg on core abilities (Particle, Giga, Luna, Kungle). Higher cooldown for El, and EH, and they last less time too. She's slightly better now, but if you have no gear for her, she's trash.

Both for the most part. Battle Seraph got the shaft harder than Lord Knight. The recent Korean update gave everyone a final "power up" called Transcendence, Lord Knight's was just garbage, it didn't add anything good to his kit, so he's a step behind the power curve of everyone else.
Battle Seraph was gutted a while back (lowered damage numbers, increased mana usage, etc) and they haven't brought her back up. Her Transcendence didn't do anything to help either.

Well, everyone's fine for normal dungeons, but if you want to be high tier on the Raid board or you get into high ranked pvp, you'll start having problems.

Everyone can be played for all of the content, it's only when you aim for the highest points where people will start seeing the downsides of a class. But have fun with it, I never deleted my Code Nemesis through all her years of being a buff-bot.

I was hoping you didn't have proof.

I played it a while ago and had fun with it, but... wow, it gets pretty grindy sometimes and it really feels like you're just going through the paces for a lot of the game.

>Do this dungeon.
>Now do it again but meet some stupid condition like "Kill X lizardmen" that you would complete from going through the dungeon normally anyway
>Now kill the dungeon boss, which you have to do to finish a dungeon anyway

Occasionally the game will ask you to collect monster drops and you might need to redo the same dungeon again. If the dungeon has a miniboss, expect a mission to kill that too.

And then you complete that dungeon and move on to the next one.

Like, the game is fun and all but I just got sick and tired of doing the same fucking dungeons 5 times, then moving on to the next dungeon and doing THAT five times. Not only that, certain quests like the skill notebook and the job change quests are giant fucking bottlenecks where you can farm for materials so much that you almost always end up over-leveling your current set of dungeons.

I stopped once I got my Code Empress to Hamel and stopped playing for a couple of years. Then they revamped the game a LOT and it really confused me. Now there are fields between towns? And you have MORE story quests to kill X monsters or collect Y drops? God fucking damn it.

Every now and again I feel like playing again, especially with some of the new characters and classes. But then I think about getting stuck in fucking Bethma killing all of those fucking fire komodos to get the fucking fine leathers to make the fucking skill notebook again. And then getting stuck in fucking Altera, grinding up for my job change...

i wasn't really talking about your post i was just ranting.


Why praise the queen when I can praise the empress?

Sall good man, I see where your coming from though.
>Its so lame i keep getting killed by your hadouken there is NOTHING I can do against this shit game

Yeah, the private server helps buy bumping up the exp gained (and giving some free things like Class changes), so it takes less than half the time to hit max level than on official servers. But then it's up to you to grind for gear for high level pvp, or you could be a title collector, or just do the gear dungeons and sell shit and see how big a jew you can become.

If you can't stand a simple level grind, then it's probably not for you.

Well that kills a lot of motivation to go back to play since CBS was the most fun I had with Elsword. EM was the second most fun class to me, did they fuck that too?

Code Nemesis was typically the party buffslut anyway, so as long as she could do that it's fine.

Skillbook's gone bro. Still have to do quest to unlock skills tho.

God damn ive faped so much to Eve now that ive lost count

No, EM is still blasting spells for days. Not sure when you quit playing, but her Memorization skill is fun for maximum spell spam at bosses.

Skillbiok is gone and skill quest drops drop more often. But it's still the same with the quest like you said. Doing the dungeons several times before moving onto the next. It doesn't help each playthrough lacks variety until Sander


Oh wow i keep getting hit by your combos which you set up in several different ways and do different things

>Noob spammer kill yourself.

Come on there only so many ways i can beat your ass.

>Fuck with EM
Nope she's god tier now.

CBS is still a very fun class only if you have B-Slot.
EM is also fun and she finally has a field clearer

Seriously? Holy fucking shit, that's fucking AMAZING. Quests to unlock certain skills doesn't sound too bad, unless they're all skill notebook-tier annoying.

Ah, private servers. Never thought about that. Any good ones? Are they stable and have enough players to consistently make a full party? I might try it out.

It wasn't the level grind that got to me, it was how much I needed to repeat the same dungeons over and over, or farm the same monsters over and over. If I could just keep moving forward, I wouldn't mind at all.

Thanks for reminding that I used to fap to Aisha literally everyday. Now I have to do it again.

>elsword generals on /vg/ are dead

That's good news. Sounds like I'm going to have a lot of fun then.

There might not be a lot of porn, but the stuff that exists just hits all the right buttons.

It's been a good while since I last played it.
Are the NA and EU economies still fucked? Alternatively, any decent private servers?

There's only one private server that works, but it's fairly shit.
The staff is horrible, the community is even more retarded, it's considerably well behind on updates, it's international which means PvP is a horrifying lagfest.
But other than that it has a considerably increased leveling speed, a lot of costumes for free, a number of quality of life things like most things stacking up to 999 instead of 100, less RNG, more craftable stuff, free job/skill quest skips, some other things like that.

Only private I'm aware of is Void Elsword, and they're slow on the updates, but still active. Next planned update will have Rose (gunner chick from DFO) and whatever else they can jam in there.
It's stable, but if you're going to pvp, be aware it's located EU-side and you'll end up facing some Indo's, so expect lag from them.
As for parties, levelling will be lonely but fast. Like you can do the first 3 or 4 dungeons and skip to the next area fast.

How can one girl be so best?

>can't even use different weapons with each job
>jobs just give you some skills and that's it
>you just have to spam your infinite combo in dungeon to win
Grand chase was so much better than this game.

>Be gook in Worst Korea
>Plays KR elsword but no one to play with
At least I'm getting so many good shit KR throws at you literally every event

So, good for soloing I guess? Good if you just want to try out all the characters and stuff fast? I might try it out then. Thanks for that.

Yeah, you'll be able to get to the 2nd (final) class of any character in a day.

>There will never be new Aisha porn ever
At least the stuff that exists are good

Yeah, if you just want to have a quick look at Elsword then the private server does the job well, all new characters get a bunch of free shit, including a free B-slot, so you don't have to throw 10 USD for the privilege of having 8 skill slots.
As far as leveling goes, you could probably cap in a day if you have nothing else to do with your life. Ariel sells stamina pots if you run out, so you can carry on with the autism as long as you like.

Server's called Elsword Void, google should know the rest.

A shame it died.


So, who is your favourite character? Both to play as and generally.

For me, it's Eve for both. It's probably partly nostalgia based or something, since Code Empress was my first character and all but I liked her a lot. Good mix of ranges as well as melee and magic type damage. Summoning Nasod servants was pretty cool too.

Design wise I like Chung. He's pretty cool, especially when he goes berserk and gets the helmet. I have no idea why Iron Paladin looks like a girl though.

Also like Ara's design, she's got great legs.

I liked Void Princess' design a lot and even tried to level one up. I am not a fan of Aisha's playstyle though, got up to Dark Magician and gave up on that.

>he's not playing gc reborn

It back up user.

Rena was my first character way back on release, Grand Archer specifically.
With everything after, Eve became number one. All of her classes are great and varied.

They eventually released Rena's Night Watcher class that I absolutely adore, but she's dead in the water due to negligence.

Everyone has their charm points, but I never actually liked Elsword himself, far too bland.


Eve hands down.


Aisha because I usually pick mage characters in MMOs. Fell in love with her as I kept playing.

Yeah, I log into KR from time to time to grab the event shit. Don't know why I even bother, there's fuck all to do. Hardly ever touched the endgame, it's meaningless.
Dress-up game.

>always play as mages given the choice
>the only female character I don't have created is Aisha
She's just shit.

>it's another grindfest gook shit with anime ripoff graphic
It's 2016 already and gook still ripoff jap art style?

It's a 2007 game, retard. And yes, they do. Nothing wrong with it.

>Do you guys remember some weeb obscured shit?
>You know, some weeb obscured shit successor
No, i don't

So gook is literally chink with kimchi and plastic surgery eh

>only the Japs are allowed to draw in this style because reasons
Are you dense?

Since we have Elesis from Grand Chase and Rose from Dungeon Fighter Online, what other crossover characters do you think we'd get? Feel free to say who you'd like to see as well.

>only the Japs are allowed to draw in this style because reasons
Of course, otherwise it's weeaboo shit or bootleg when other try to drawn it

I want to see a character from Herowarz get in, since KoG is publishing it as well. Mary or Hades preferably.