What are some clever usages of Anti-Piracy?

What are some clever usages of Anti-Piracy?

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Post some real ones.

Earthbound will always be the best

Spyro 3 had a voice actor bring up the fact that it was a pirated copy and it made it so you couldn't finish the final world.

Invincible pink Rape Scorpion.

What game?

A fallout 4 version only let you get to the area Preston is at and everyone told you to die when you tried to talk to them.

when Dragon quest 9 game out, they distributed a rom that bricked people's DS's

Not him but one of the serious sam games

Alan Wake's eyepatch

Serious Sam 3, if my memory serves correctly.

This pretty much.
It's so minor up until you reach threed, then you really start to notice. But even if you manage to play through to the end, lel nope, wiped.

Though I would like to point out it detects tilted carts as pirated carts, which is a shame.

In Gamedev Tycoon your sales will slowly dwindle due to piracy resulting in a near assured loss.

Why did you delete this, DID THEY GET YOU?

If I'm not mistaken, what actually happened is the game devs distributed a specific build of their game on filesharing networks, rather than it being an anti-piracy measure in the build for sale.

Why would you lie?
I pirated it just fine.



I won't fall for your lies again, Todd

they're clever and funny but basically the only way you'll ever see them is if you manage to botch cracking a game
people who say things like "YEAH, TAKE THAT PIRATES!" when talking about this stuff are out of touch morons

I played it 10 years ago and didn't notice anything. What is meant to happen?
I like DQ5. Where everyone refuse to leave the boat so you are stuck forever.

MGS did if fairly nicely, since they tied it in the the actual game rather than just have a screen in the beginning saying "Write the third word on page 4 of the manual.

The game spawns significantly more random enemies in the areas making it extremely difficult to proceed through the game, it also has numerous points where the game will wipe your save file and freeze if it detects the cart is not legitimate, the most famous one being at the final boss, where the crash comes across as very creepy, though you are very unlikely to encounter it in actual play because it would probably have been wiped before then.

I pirated Superstar Ultra and during Gourmet Race DeDeDe told me to die and I couldn't run


Not clever, but aggravating when every site with the patch had it taken down.

>end of credits
>"....And no thanks to you!"

Name one game where this happens.

In cases like Earthbound, how do emulators trick the game into thinking it's a real copy so it doesn't wipe progress right before the end?

Henry Hatsworth had the first miniboss be invincible. Made it hard to emulate for awhile.

In Batman Arkham City, Batman's cape won't open if you try to glide causing him to plummet to his death and rendering the game impossible to complete.

The Sims 4 covers the entire screen with the pixelated censor filter normally used for covering naked Sims

Crysis replaces the player's bullets with harmless chickens

While not totally anti-piracy, Dark Souls players who managed to log into the game servers before the official launch date would be invaded by black phantoms with 99 points in all stats.

Pokemon games from Black and White onwards don't award any experience to your Pokemon

So they countered a mildly illegal action with a more illegal action? Did they get sued or was the rom never actually traced back to them?

Even if that was in a game, I doubt anyone would read through the credits.

they bypass the checks that the game makes, like checking for certain characteristics that an emulator has

I thought the Arkham games don't have fall damage.

The first game had a lot of platforming over bottomless pits and rooms filled with deadly gas.

>Pokemon games from Black and White onwards don't award any experience to your Pokemon
Heh, I remember this. It got bypassed literally a day after the ROM released. Hilarious.

You sound so pleased with yourself, as if you actually did something.

Spyro 3
Serious Sam 3
Far Cry 4 (whichever one had the FOV issue to weed out the pirates)
Donkey Kong Country 1/2/3
Batman Arkham Asylum (i'm probably wrong here but whatever)
Pokemon Black and White (no exp gained after battles)
Pokemon Diamond/Pearl (pokeballs spin indefinitely upon entering a battle)
GTA thing with the wonky camera

I pirated all of those and never had any isues. Just what do you need to do to see one of those anti-piracy things, rush to download the game day 1?

Pretty much.

The Bamham one is correct. You get a shitty cape that doesn't do anything and doesn't allow you to glide.

Well no shit user. Time can allow those issues to be worked out.
Sometimes the crack wasnt done right so these things happen. It's nothing even remotely surprising to me.

It's just part of the anti-piracy measures.

What was the one where you shoot chickens from your gun instead of bullets?
Same for the one with an eyepatch you cant remove

Game Dev tycoon was pretty fun of a ride. Devs uploaded one specially made to fuck your company for piracy and uploaded a torrent themselves to fuck with people. Was some good shit.

NES games would check to see if a certain chip was present.
SNES games would check how much RAM was available. If it was an illegal amount, which was only possible due to being played on anything that wasn't exactly an SNES, it would perform its anti-piracy routines.

Those are the only measures I know of. There are probably more. What emulators do is perfectly simulate emulate those conditions for the game ROM, tricking the game into thinking that it's being played on genuine hardware.

I think that's Crysis 1, I could be mistaken though. Eye Patch is Alan Wake I think.

Michael Jackson: The Experience for DS had a pretty good antipiracy


The one in the OP is real


>Although the official retail Puggsy cart does not contain SRAM, the game attempts to write to it anyway, in order to detect third-party copying devices (which always contain SRAM). If the write is successful, the game will appear to function normally. However, the player won't jump as high as normal. In addition to this, after clearing a few levels, the game will stop and present the player with a personal "gotcha" message from the Traveller's Tales devs themselves. Rather infamously, many emulators which blindly create SRAM regions for each game will also trip the check.

>The game also tries to prevent these tests from being easily detected and removed — there are six write checks split into three sets, with one of them stored at the end of a subroutine called four times throughout the game, another checked once immediately before one instance of the subroutine call is executed, and the third in a vertical interrupt routine. The SRAM address the game checks also cannot be detected easily, as the game loads an address some random distance away from the actual address and adds the distance immediately afterward through lea instructions. All checks have different base values and distances.

>Hodd Toward.jpg

He is pleased because an anti-piracy measure was countered in a day, you moron.

>mfw lost my Dial-a-Pirate wheel as a kid

It is real though. Only reason we don't ever see it anymore is because emulation has gotten so good that the games can't detect it anymore

Pretty sure this is an anti-piracy screen that shows on some nip 3ds cart games when they're dumped and converted to cia format.
At least that's the idea I get from google translate.

>Pokemon D/P
Never heard of this, got any proof or something? I'm intrigued

Tinybuild did something similar with No Time to Explain. Everyone wore pirate hats and I believe the portals wouldn't open or something?

yeah theres some footage of this.
if the game detects its running in an emulated environment it will lock itself like that

cant find the footage but its absolutely a thing. i might be mixing it up with HG/SS but i know one of them did this

no idea. i just love methods that fuck with people. thats what made spyro 3 so special to me

probably with HG/SS because i remember it there and perhaps on platinum but i could be wrong on that

the fact its a thing is great. they wont stop spinning once you enter the match. and if they dont stop the match never begins

>fucking serebii owner playing black and white on an R4 early on to write articles
>specifically mentions its fact that there is no exp gain
>didnt even realize thats anti piracy measures taking effect
>a man that says he always buys his shit fairly

No, it isn't. A ROM hacker put that text into a ROM of FireRed which got spread online. You can even tell that "By the way" is a character name because of the colon after it.
It isn't a real anti piracy measure from GameFreak.

>take any rom
>you will find this when you poke at the rom
>only way to trigger it now is use a fucking old as shit emulator build
user do your mcfucking homework

and as a second thought - you can you know, check the japanese version for the same shit for the same results

>DKC 123
I know of all those you posted except for DKC series. Did I miss something?


heres DKC2 for ya

I use to stick bootleg carts into my s&k cart just to hear this song


those are some good jams

who doesn't sonic blink

Titan Quest
>PC exclusive, platform known for broken shovelware
>game has a couple issues on its own, like rubberbanding that inevitably gets any glass cannon character killed sooner or later
>devs add anti-piracy measure in the form of completely random crashes with no error code
>dev later blames pirates for spreading bad word of mouth when their studio goes out of business


I'll take things that never happened because it's illegal.

By downloading shitty cracks from random people.

he is, it's just too fast 4 u

There are three ways
One: Hacks built into the emulator. This is what caused emulators to bloat back in the early days, as hacks for each kind of anti-piracy check kept getting added to the emulators.
Two: Accurate emulation.
Three: Patched ROMs.

Didn't a Mortal Kombat game boot into an entirely different game?

>In Batman Arkham City, Batman's cape won't open if you try to glide causing him to plummet to his death and rendering the game impossible to complete.
the best part of this is that people who bought the game were also affected

Probably because Arkham City activation process was such a hot mess.


>I was a cracker once


Self righteous nigger

from which game was that?

>Pokemon games from Black and White onwards don't award any experience to your Pokemon
That's dumb cause it's too noticeable.
It should instead only make it so your pokes can only have 0-15 IV, while all trainers have 16-31

AI Pokemon should always have 31 IVs in all stats to begin with

Are you pretending to be retarded? Even the page you linked says it's fake.
>Even on Bulbapedia('s talk page for the games) it's been confirmed that this was a quick hack in 2009 [2] and the mention of it in their article removed finally removed by this February. Also, following the offsets posted over there, 0x17FC5F and 0x71A23D, and a quickly put together table, I can see the regular Auroraticket message in my ROM at the first offset (no mention of "buy it or die" anywhere) [3] and only FFs at the second offset [4]. Plus, my death-less ROM's CRC32, MD5 and SHA-1 checksums match those in No-Intro's database for FireRed v1.0 [5]

LoZ: Spirit Tracks
When you step into the train for the first time, a small tutorial shows you how to move the train
The lever to control the speed is removed, so you can't move around.

Way back in the day the devs put a message only crackers could read. One dev asked them to hold off a week or two so they can get sales and profit it worked

I thought the flute minigame was some sort of anti-piracy protection, but then I learned it's just that bad.

Oh god, the Internet Safety Dolphin.
What a dumb-ass brain-fart that was.

Eh. Ideally it should vary.
Rival/Gyms/"Evil" team boss/E4, yes.
Random trainers should have IVs based on their trainerclass.

>a message only crackers can read

P much

Only anti-piracy that ever stopped me from playing the game emulated.

They did a good job.

Reminds me of this.


In decent emulators like Kega Fusion you can just toggle battery saving off and it'll work perfectly. But yeah, it's pretty cute.


holy shit, the guy who wrote that is still around

thanks user.


what did they mean by this?

when pokemon black and white came out there was no xp

are developer messages ok?

Um well you see uh uh you um see uh boy is it hot in here isn't it? Let me just open a window haha

I haven't noted this on my copy and I've sold billions of copies, even of single games.