ITT: 10/10 games
ITT: 10/10 games
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>Blood souls 3
Don't people say that this is worse than DS2?
Pic unrelated, I take it. It's a high 7.
That's some good bait. I hope.
Some do. Some think its way better.
And a surprisingly vocal group can't seem to seperate DaS2 from the equation at all, and will ignore DaS3's flaws in order to better shit on its predecessor.
that make ds1 a 20/10, right?
it's what doom 3 was trying to be
What a thrill...
I'm curious, what makes DaS1 better than DeS in your eyes? I never really cared for the estus system in DaS and I personally liked the characters and setting more. I'm not starting shit, I just was curious.
just personal opinion really
i enjoyed the boss fights a bit more and i liked how the world came together
it also aged quite a bit better than demons souls and i can play it on my PC instead of having to get out my playstation 3
I mostly agree with you, except you rated bloodborne a bit overkill high. and you were strangely harsh to ds3 when it was pretty fantastic, but yea opinions
>From softs new IPs
cmon step it up
Darkness and silence through the night...
>9/10 Aged poorly
>9/10 Unfinished
>6/10 "Quantity > quality"
>10/10 flawless
>7/10 rehash/meh level design
>all these people saying bloodborne is king
I'm not following, why is that? I had a great time with it, but that's it. Only once.
>no replay value at all. even something DS2 had
>chalice dungeons (biggest offender)
>very poor pvp compared to the other titles (although all souls pvp is silly)
>dull dlc areas (though fantastic bosses)
are these kinds of things just overlooked? Game still had some beautiful bosses but I give it a personal tie to ds3
Still in my opinion the closest any video game has gotten to perfection
It's hard to think of what I'd change
Metal Max 2 is literally a perfect game