

30th anniversary timeline video

LINUX port soon

Other urls found in this thread:

I'm curious, what was the game built with?

Any particular programming language or software?

Having a dedicated morph button is the greatest thing ever and it's going to ruin all other 2D Metroid games for me.


Super Mario Maker

Playing AM2R is like playing a completely fresh, new game, while still feeling like I'm reliving my childhood.
It's fucking glorious.

that's a good question I'll let more tech capable anons answer that
on this link you'll find they are working since 2008

Played till the Hydro area.

It's really good so far. I'm enjoying it.

Is this a SNES rom?


500 people asked today if this is a rom..
open the link user


Metroid II had the best level progression. No stupid heavy backtracking for a shitty green door with a shitty missile upgrade.

how the fuck are you supposed to bomb that one boss into the spikes without getting hit in the process

Don't forget about

I'm finding it harder than Zero Mission

Charge your beam and morph

Well that was fun. Has anyone made a map of all the secrets yet? Also is there some additional bonus area that I may have missed?

>Sonic Mania

Is this the year where fans started making better games than big studios?

No seriously. Sauce?

Huh. So mother brain was originally a chozo supercomputer?

There is a full map image somewhere I made, but is in the last thread and I cannot post it.

I asked while it was downloading. Since the download took more than a minute I now realize it's not a rom.

My finish screen. Didn't realize the thread was autosaging.

just edit a pixel of the image and rename it, moron

The chozo are responsible for a lot of the shit that Samus has to clean up.

Cant right now.


Does anyone know what game music 5A and 5B are from? I can't pinpoint it. It sounds almost like Axiom Verge music. It's hauntingly good.

>playing Metroid oustide of a Nintendo console

too bad its incomplete

So is this the definitive version of Metroid 2 now?

>Still believing Nintendo gives a shit about Metroid

Thank you.


>Nintendo will never make another 2D Metroid


Yeah it's pretty sex

Welp, I thought I had the last version of that.

DoctorM64 still wants to add on to it.

some user called me a brainwashed because I said metroid 1 was not to be considered a game anymore since zero mission is available and it would happen the same to metroid 2

am I brainwashed?

This is my last item. I don't get what I'm supposed to do here. A well timed diaonal spineshark?

Pls help. I have 99% otherwise.

Not really, but I'd suspect it's more playable for the majority of people.

How the hell do you read it? Amtwor?

Did Nintendo even tweet about Metroid today?

Nope. Metroid 1 isn't canon anymore.

>not to be considered a game anymore
I mean, what, do you revoke its license or something?


Case in point.

No, no they didn't.


I just realised I have never played through a Metroid game.

Can one of you homosexuals tell me where to start and what is the best way to play?

Have you realized that threads without sonyggers and steam cucks are much cleaner?

in the way you don't have any reason to play it at all

I'm thinking about fapping to Samus in honor of the anniversary.

Not a single word. Miiverse is showing some love though.

user you really have to pick up from the side of it

fuck off

Metroid 1 deserves to be played, if only to understand why Kraid was nerfed to shit in the later games.

Yeah, that's impossible, besides playing for story alone. They're not really the same. The newer versions are just easier to stomach, but that doesn't invalidate the older versions. They're just different.

Other M.

>Emulate Zero Mission, google GBA emu and download rom off emuparadise
>Download AM2R
>Emulate Super Metroid, google snes emu and download rom off emuparadise
>Emulate Metroid Fusion, you have the GBA emu already so google the rom.

>Metroid Zero Mission deserves to be played, if only to understand why Kraid was nerfed to shit in the later games.

I agree 100%

>They're just different.
Metroid 1 is virtually unplayable and there is 0% reason to play it today.

>skip Metroid NES

you're virtually unplayable

agree 100%

mGBA = best GBA emulator

Wii port up-to-date

either this or zero mission, or if you are brave enough you could power through the original, knowing all the limitations that implies
the original, a bit clunky and with many same rooms, but still pretty nice, but playing either this remake, super metroid or zero mission will spoil you
as for any recomendations for any metroid:

>skip I and II
>not skip Hunters

So for those who already finished this, how long is it in comparison to super metroid?

Are you really saying Metroid 1 NES is playable without nostalgia glass?

What the fuck is this numale domain

If you must play the NES Metroid I strongly suggest playing this romhack.

It adds a save game feature, allows you to combine the wave and ice beam, and has a mini-map when you pause the game.

It's about the same length. Intro sequence is shorter, though.

>Playing AM2R before Super

I get you're going through it chronologically, but the different mechanics coming from Super onward will be jarring if you basically go in the wrong order for it

I don't know but the emulator is the best out there and it's not even in the final stage

negro, you jump and shoot, and you keep that nintendo power map at your lap.

jesus fucking christ

>tfw the shinesparks secret area in the first zone only gives you one super missiles tank for completing it.

I'm kinda mad

you know what I mean negress

I didnt play it until the GBA version came out

it plays fine, you pussy

I've played metroid 2 before but I didn't like it very much. How close to the original is this game? Is the map the same?

4:30 for a casual run, 5:10 for 100% (using user's map for the last 10% or so)

Optional should be called "spin offs/side stuff" and Skip should be called Optional. Just because the games are old doesnt mean they shouldnt be played.

and add a skip category to put other M and FF in it

Thats the 100% item version. Just not the 100% map.


you actually mean 3/10 but it's a nostalgia game..

Why is Samus' sprite so small? Is there any way to get the camera to zoom in so it looks more like Super Metroid?

not really...

Is this the right time for nintendo to sue?

Game Sack
>Game with better engine, sound and graphics

>But the 8bit black and white game is superior because it give me high school memories

There's no need. Once Federation Force is out no one will care about this cheap imitation.

>torizo on hard

Jesus Christ

Is the worst, but ZM doesn't erase it from history. It's the last one anyone should play, that's for sure.

Just started up the game, I think I did a minor sequence break by getting the spider ball as my first upgrade and then climbing and exploring on everything. The lack of shinies to get early on in the big open start area sucks.

Also as someone who never played M2 before, won't the spiderball completely break most anything because if you have access to a wall then you have a way to reach the other side unless there's guaranteed, bomb-immune damage in the way.

Fun so far though.

It's depressing to know that low% runners won't have to fight him or the danmaku donut. I want to see suffering.

Not really. Samus' sprite is too small in this remake. I'd rather play the black and white Gameboy game because Samus had a large, clear sprite.

pics or saying how or both?



So what exactly is this? Is it a copy of Metroid 2 with better graphics?
Is it like a major remake making it its own game altogether?
And is there a game preceding this one that isn't the original official Metroid 1?

>playing the wii u carpal tunnel simulator with broken animations and visuals for a few more rows of simultaneously displayed pixels
I'm pretty sure everyone that says they prefer trilogy over the originals are aliens, or people who don't play games for more than 20 minutes in one sitting.

Both if possible.

Major remake of 2.
Zero Mission precedes Metroid 2.

NES Metroid 1 doesn't count anymore because of Zero Mission being the true events of Metroid 1

I wish croc was in this game so I could kill him

>Is it like a major remake making it its own game altogether?


Has anyone gotten the obligatory swimsuit image yet?