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You can say other mario games have bnetter platforming, OST or style, but alltogether MG is the one who wraps it up more perfectly

Fuck, that game was so magical.
>you will never hear the ost for the first time ever again

I got some fucking magical stuff right here, bud.
*Unzips dick*

>go underwater
>music sounds like its also underwater

The comfiness in that game was unbeliebable

another 10/10 for the DS and the best game on the platform

Please be gentle. This is a personal choice and I have my reasons.

I had it bundled with my Wii U and at the time my wifi was broken so I %100 it and it was pretty fun. Not amazing, but still fun.

Nothing to be ashamed about. Game is a blast single player, and coop is some of the most fun I've ever had in a multiplayer game

Inferior music to the original and they switched the control scheme for no reason.

7/10 game at best.

9/10, I can't stand the repetitive soundtrack. Game is tits otherwise though.

5/10 game.

What are your reasons? I'd give it a 9


>inb4 anything
no shut up tho

but not this port

It's a pretty alright game, but what makes you think it's a 10/10? I'm just curious.




I really wish more people would play this.

Dai-Ou-Jou Black Label was the first shmup I actually got attached to. I found a copy of EXTRA in a shop in Akiba a month ago, but I couldn't afford it.

I just got done making some arcade stick art for the HRAP V3SA I picked up recently, which I think is pretty cool.

The Super Mario Galaxy games are good but they are far from flawless.


Best hack n slash to date

The original is 10/10, but I can accept this.

Pic didnt show

My REALLY long explanations usually fall on deaf ears, so I'll simplify it the best way I can, but I probably won't.

>The most fun I've ever had with multiplayer. Some of the MOST memorable moments playing a video game with others hands down and I really miss that feeling.
>I've always been a HUGE fan of 2D platformers, but I itched for exceptional linear 3D platformer.
>3D Land scratched that itch, but 3D World took it too a whole new level and improved on 3D Land in every aspect.
>attention to detail and level design alone is a 10/10. That's the BIGGEST thing I look for in a platformer of this nature. I remember playing a demo right after E3 2013 and instantly falling in love. Mind you I've been playing Mario since World and adored 64 and both Galaxy games. However, this was EVERYTHING I wanted in a Mario game. I wanted them to take everything that made the core of the franchise great with the added benefit of """"3D"""""" space. Each level was crafted with the utmost care. Anyone can argue that, but I really felt it as I was playing.
>Being able to play as 5 different characters throughout the game, similar to SMB2
>powerups are some of the best this time around and the catsuit has a surprising amount of depth
>Music just blew me away. This is definitely a personal thing, because I absolutely love jazz. I've always loved jazz and I think it fits Mario well.
>Graphics are really nice. Once again, this is my opinion. I know people will get up in arms about the "bloom." That NEVER EVER bothered me. In fact, I think it's used appropriately.
>Lastly, the game is fucking fun. I know that's not a "legit" reason, but as kid I played video games for fun. The gaming community is so jaded and it's rare for me to enjoy a game for what it is anymore (maybe that's because I browse this I place). It's fun by myself and it's fun with friends and family. I honestly couldn't ask for anything better in a Mario game.

All the flavor of Tricky, with more of everything.


When i was a kid i wished for hundreds of kirby games to exist, and now that i'm 30 and there actually are a ton, i don't care about any of them

What is life

I'm glad I could enjoy your wish for you

I feel the same way about video games in general.

Also, Kirby is almost 25 years old.

GX just doesn't do it for me like this does.

This is a game for 10/10 games, not 10/100 games.

I think it's the soundtrack that makes it for me, I just didnt enjoy GX's ost at all.



*tips fedora respectfully towards you*


Just because it has good parts to it doesn't make it a 10/10.

Gameplay alone deserves a 2/10

There's been the same copy of this at my local JB HiFi for about 3 years now and it draws my eye every time, but never picked it up.

Should I?

Isn't even the best GTA game.

That doesn't technically have anything to do with GTA4 being a 10/10 or not.

It has its flaws I wouldn't really call it a 10/10.

Not that user and I have no opinion on GTA as a series or even their separate games, but to be a 10/10 is has to actually be perfect.
If you concede that's it's not the best game in it's series, meaning there's another game in said series better than it, then it cannot be a 10/10 by definition.

>but to be a 10/10 is has to actually be perfect.

I don't agree with this. But more importantly, I'm not the one who originally posited GTA4 as a 10/10; I don't really think it is one, either.

Can anyone please explain why this is considered so good? I don't think I get it yet. I absolutely adored Epic Yarn

It has milky way wishes and partners

10 out of 10 means that every single point of the game has everything perfect.
A 9.5/10 is damn near perfect.
10/10 literally means perfect.
You can't just not agree with a method of scoring.

You can disagree with how games "journalists" have made it seem that anything under 7/10 is garbage, but 10/10 means something is perfect.

>You can't just not agree with a method of scoring.

Sure I can. There's no such thing as a universal, objective grading scale. Why do you think professors include their own in course syllabuses?

10 games and 5 minigames in one package, which means fantastic variety in gameplay. It has some of the best copy abilities in the series (and was the start of abilities having multiple moves and inputs), some of the best bosses, loads of secrets, unlockables, great co-op, and fantastic music. It is Kirby in its most distilled form.

It's a numbered scaling system with the highest number being perfect.
Even those professors having their own have a highest score that, when reached, means a perfect score.

How do you not understand this?

looks pretty great, wish it was easier to put custom artwork on hori sticks though.

Your problem is that you're equating a 10/10 with perfection, which is unnecessary. Scales vary.

10/10 can just as easily mean that something satisfies ten distinct criteria, or that it simply represents something like "I like this super duper much" with a "9/10" meaning "I like this a whole lot", gradually decreasing in enthusiasm with each number lower.


Equating a perfect score with perfect work only makes sense in a test scenario. Anywhere else and I don't really think it makes sense to call a 10/10 perfect.

If that's a hard pill for you to swallow, fine.

this game is just super maximum comfy. 600 hours or so I've put into this game

then what the fuck do you call perfect then you fucking idiot? 10/10 literally means perfect. holy fuck I'm so fucking mad. stop being autistic about this stupid fucking bullshit. no one cares how you see perfect, a 10/10 is perfect. no 11/10 can't be perfect, because 11/10 is past the scale and the maximum of the scale is a 10/10. literally fucking die

Was about to post this, easily 10/10


>being this mad
>calling someone ELSE autistic

Dealing with hypocrites is too much trouble.


>great visuals
>fantastic combat
>top-tier optional content
>great challenge
>near-perfect OST
Tell me anons, why haven't you played the greatest ARPG of all time?

Calm down bro, you're right

Why are you so obsessed with perfection and the idea that all scoring systems are scaled to it? Are you green? Do you fantasize about absorbing teenagers?

>an obtainable score should represent an unobtainable trait

The middle and far right are 8/10 @ best

i'll take it, thats pretty generous for Sup Forums








Bloodborne yes




I was gonna post this but got duplicate file error.

Literally only casuals and hyper contrarians will disagree with this.


>it's an "autist has to respond to every post because he thinks anyone gives a shit about his opinion" episode

You cared enough to reply.

Am I the only one who thinks that this is the best game ever?

If you'd bothered to read the thread, you'd have your answer.

I'm not going to knock your choice, but I feel the first one was way better than the second. It pretty much redefined a genre, and basically gave people a reason to buy Xboxes besides Halo. 2 was good, but 1 was the one that blew everyone away.

The story is full retard.

not even out yet but i just know its 10/10 would play again

because 2.5/final mix is objectively better why would i play a game with less content?

Do people post these retarded multi quote responses ironically?

You look like a fucking idiot.

Opinion discarded

I posted Final Mix.

When people are late to the party, they like all to acknowledge their entrance. It's a matter of insecurity

Personally I think GX is the better game overall, but X definitely has a better style. GX gave me a monkey ball vibe

I agree. Witcher 3 and this one are the best rpgs I've played.

I've only played ds1 and ds2. I heard that ds3 should be alot better than ds2.

More like "a retard baiting episode"



thanks for your input, user :)

10/10 games tend to be exactly the right length

Definitely not a 10/10, not even close. Maybe a 7/10

Step back fampais.

Great taste anons.

Pretty close, but not quite.

You have awful taste.

Hell yeah, man. I can totally see why this game would be 10/10 for you. I'm glad you got that classic, youthful appreciation of a game again.

Seriously a perfect game, one of the few 10/10's I'd dish out.

name one thing wrong

nothings wrong at all
>press start

