Let's try this again, hopefully this picture isn't corrupted this time. Anyway, I AM SO FUCKING READY! Tuesday can't get here fast enough.
Let's try this again, hopefully this picture isn't corrupted this time. Anyway...
Other urls found in this thread:
Me too my dear friend :D
I know. I cannot wait to be disappointed.
>tiny blood elf glaives
>be in beta
>got a fucking legendary from a fucking HC dungeon yesterday
>this is actually suppose to happen and not a beta thing
I don't know how to feel about this.
>friends trying to force me to play this game
>they will all quit in a month or two
All I know is the last picture I posted to start this thread was taking me to a 404 page.
I know I shouldn't go into it with high hopes, but from what I've seen of the gameplay and previews it looks really fun. Also I'm not sure if Demon Hunters are considered bigger edgelords than Death Knights, they seem like it to me and edgelord classes appeal to lots of people in WoW.
But I am getting Final Fantasy, already pre-ordered it but the game doesn't come out until September 30th, Legion comes out August 30th and Demon Hunter is playable on August 9th if you pre-purchased Legion.
Yes, we are all aware Night Elves are the original Demon Hunters and Illidan was a Night Elf, you know some people don't play Alliance races so Blood Elf is their only option if you want to be a Demon Hunter on the horde side.
I personally think aesthetic wise, Night Elves look stupid compared to Blood Elves. Also not everyone likes the bulky look of armor and weapons on certain races, It certainly looks like armor and weapons on Night Elves look bulkier compared to Blood Elves, but Blood Elves are much skinnier and smaller I believe so it makes sense that their weapons don't look as big.
Even so most people will probably go Night Elf just do to lore reasons, Illidan was a Night Elf and Night Elves are the main Demon Hunter race. It says in the lore that only very few Blood Elves trained in the Demon Hunter ways, it's somewhat rare supposedly for Blood Elves to be Demon Hunters.
Game isn't even out and people have already found out how to get the best of everything, I take it this was discovered by players in the beta? It kind of pisses me off when people do this, like I get they're trying to help but why not let people figure out for themselves. It's more fun and immersive that way, telling people what to do isn't really fun.
Since I missed the Garrison Gravy Train I'm okay with this.
The guys voice makes me want to stab my ears though.
I fucking hate how every god damn one of these videos speaks to their audience as if they're fucking retards.
how do i kill time until tuesday
Agreed, his voice is very annoying.
Also agreed, if you watch the class preview videos they take very slowly and clearly, like they're taking to retarded people. I guess they just want to make sure everyone understands what they're saying and that it makes sense.
Masturbate, play other video games, read a book, watch TV, browse the internet, etc.
That armor is pretty lewd.
Man, you're not supposed to do that.
For the longest time I thought that icon was a big of something different than what it is.
Heres your (you)
mobas came about because of mmo pvp dipshit
mmo pvp has always been overdesigned poorly cobbled together shit, anything that makes them more like moba is a good thing
I made a shitty image.
>mobas came about because of mmo pvp
>not because of unit-focused RTS gameplay like Dawn of War and WC3
How to spot underaged posters in one post or less, everyone
That isn't news to anyone, of course you have people complaining about "Muh rotations" because now instead of 8-12 button rotations, you only have like 4-6 with a bunch of procs.
I personally don't care about rotations, also Legion looks great to me from what I've seen of it. If your only arguments are "Well they took away our rotations and it's just a fancier looking WoD 2.0" then that's a shit argument. You can have your opinion and be upset about your rotations, but I don't think EVERYONE really gives a shit if they make rotations easier and more simplified.
Demon Hunters and Legion in general still look great, but feel free to ride in the boat of misery and be miserable with the rest of the people who are getting upset over trivial things. You're not going to bring me down, and no I'm not shilling, I just think the game looks great and I've been hyped for months waiting on it. I did find WoD to be absolutely garbage/shit tier, but Legion looks 10x better than WoD, at least to me it does.
Actually the majority of people I saw rated WoD as the worst expansion in WoW history so far, not many people cared for it and I've already seen way more favorable opinions on Legion as well. I like to think Legion will make up for the garbage that was Warlords of Draneor.
Do what?
Not really, I don't think Demon Hunters are meant to wear much clothing anyway, Illidan didn't wear much. Well, his chest was partially exposed but that was about it.
the female armour better be open-chested
y'know, gender equality and all that.
God I fucking wish sub rogues had less buttons. I don't know about the other specs but I have my whole bar filled and shit above it too.
Combine that and even WITH 50 more energy I feel starved, it's just a pain in the ass.
How do I make gold during the pre-patch?
Please, I'm poor.
do old raids
People still play sub? I've been seeing nothing but Outlaw and Assassination from the rogues on my server. I've also seen a bunch of people claim that the Outlaw spec is super fun, though I heard that it's actually shit and needs a lot of work to be optimal.
Alright, thanks.
I like that I teleport all over the place and my burst damage is crazy high now, but I'm spending more time looking at the cooldown numbers on my buttons than on the action on-screen.
>Demon Hunter
>mobas came about because of mmo pvp dipshit
>spends his entire life crying about how awful everything is and how horrible and twisted it has made him
Someone care to explain what this is?
I don't play world of nerd-craft.
What's this game?
>Please spoon feed me about something I'm not interested in so I can make snyde remarks
How about no
Fat ass detected. Stay mad nerd.
Then why the fuck did you bother commenting? I mean, I/we can explain it but what's the point? You don't play the game, even if you knew it wouldn't really change anything.
Ape Escape 2
>WoW should be like it was in vanilla! all blizzard can do is fuck up!
Here's some history since you're barely 18.
Starcraft custom map called tower defense. Had to stop waves of monsters guided through a lane from killing a hivemind by stacking turrets in the fog. This was the first moba.
Wc3 comes out and similar map made in custom
Standalone mod called dota is released
LoL is released
Lots of other shitty mobas and dota2 were released.
Now kys.
>Akama Joins the fucking Demon Hunters instead of Shamans.
what blizzard ?
The Akama of our dimension hasn't been a Shaman for a very long time, all he wants is demons dead.
It's a sad and depressing thread about the 15 people who still play WoW
>Playing Arms spec for Warrior
>Not playing Fury
I'll be too busy focusing on my Demon Hunter, also I don't even really mess with Warriors so it doesn't really matter to me.
>It's more fun and immersive that way, telling people what to do isn't really fun.
This game stopped being 'fun' after the first expansion.
ohh it's WoW. Looks so different now
Are Monks fun/good DPS and Healers?
sounds like you guys are a little sensitive about WoW
>Doesn't mention aeon of strife
>Attributes it to tower defense
kys famalam
Some specs need to be simple. If any spec should be simple, its probobly a fighter spec of somekind. I agree with BM being simple too, baseline at least. The simplicity of paladins has always kept me away from them. I dont like that they are trying to make havoc simple, agile mobile classes need to be hard to play to keep the plebs out. Like come on, you just made Genji, why u do DH like dis?
>wasting debuff slots
Warrior at 100
Mage at 100
Paladin pre purchase boosted to 100
Hunter now at 92
Every time I max out a class it just makes me want to level another one, I literally can't stop and even raiding with guild me never isn't as enjoyable as leveling while listening to music
I don't even know what to main in legion and its fucking annoying
How are WW monks looking?
WW is a ton of fun. Brewmaster got destroyed though. Some people like it, it definitly lines up with the class fantasy more but holy shit does it feel like hot garbage and they took all my favorite buttons away
>Hasint been shaman for a very long time.
>Literally Fight his ass in the brawlers guild and he summons ghosts wolves, chuck lighting at you.
Nope still dumb as fuck we got fucking shafted pretty hard.
Warrior seems to have received the best treatment next to Death Knights.
>Thinks MOBAs come from tower defense
>Doesnt even mention MMO combat, the thing that was originally (retardedly) being argued that MOBAs came from
Do you have any fucking idea what you're talking about at all? AT ALL?
>Brewmaster got destroyed though.
There's no way out are legit this fucking stupid. Get the fuck out of the thread if you can't evn BACK THAT UP with anything at all.
Butthurt BTFO-fags in this thread everywhere apparently.
>It's a sad and depressing thread about the 15 people who still play WoW
>15 people who still play WoW
Go shitpost somewhere else, millions still play the game and with Legion coming out soon the subscriber count will go back up, albeit only for a few months probably, also don't give me that "Well 6 million subscribers are based out of Asia" Who cares? Blizzard doesn't release numbers anymore, and frankly it doesn't matter to me how many people are playing the game.
No I'm "sensitive" to people asking autistic questions, you are literally wanting someone to explain a game to you that you have no interest in playing and you will never have any interest in playing it, so why ask? Other than to shit post and be an nuisance.
Go back to with all your other normie friends and talk about lifting weights and shit. I bet all you play is Battlefield and Call of Duty, wouldn't know an RPG if it slapped you in the face.
Pretty sure everyone will defend their main and tell you every other class is shit, WW Monk mains will say the class is god-like while everyone who doesn't main them will tell you it's shit, just play what you enjoy. I'm pretty sure WW Monks are in the top 10 for DPS still, at least I thought they were.
>I don't like that they are trying to make havoc simple, agile mobile classes need to be hard to play to keep the plebs out
It's a brand new class, I'm sure after it's released to the public, Blizzard will start making changes to the class like nerfs and what not depending on the reactions the class gets from players. Wasn't it the same way when Monks were released with MoP or Death Knights with WotLK?
Too bad I find Warriors boring as fuck to play
>Boosting Paly
What a waste, ret is garbage now
No idea what to boost. I'm already planning on maining rogue and i have a pally at 100 and a shaman and monk close.
>Mfw Assassination Rogue
I am VERY okay with this. I've been looking for an excuse to play this spec since BC and I finally have one.
I have my Legion boost but I'm just returning to the game after 6+ years, so I feel pretty much new to the game.
Boosting seems kind of dumb because I'm going to have no idea what I'm doing at 100.
>frankly it doesn't matter to me
Yes, clearly...
Legit pick Fury warrior
Power and AoE of Unholy DK without the shitty rune management
Good thing that you have 100-110 to figure it out then.
Bro, I get what you're doing, but please don't shit post in this thread. We get enough people tossing shit in these threads, we don't need you making it worse with some soapbox rant.
Anyone with half a brain can pick up these new specs in a few minutes. The only problem with boosting (imo) is the complete lack of attachment you have to the character, giving a shit about it is a pretty huge part of an RPG after all.
Makr my words, in 3-4 months people will quit WoW in droves. The classes just are too gutted and it is such a bore to play. There is no room to get good at anything, there is no room to form a connection with your class and strife to be better than the rest.
And I do realize I helped a paid WoW shill right now, but these threads are going to be all over the place anyways.
I hope, for your sake, that you're being paid to post this.
but is it fun
>Brewmaster main detected
I'm not that user, but just ignore it. People are always going to talk shit about every class, especially classes you like/main.
Yeah it is, also Ret Paladins aren't very fun to play but who am I to tell people what to play? If they like Ret Pallys then let them play them.
I think Assassination Rogue looks pretty fun
>Types out a well thought out reply to a comment
>Implying I care just because I didn't just ignore the comment
Alright user, here's your (YOU) again.
I'm not even shitposting, I'm just answering/replying to what people are saying. I realize I'm eating obvious bait, but I can't help it.
This, I remember leveling my Mage back in WotLK from level 1 to level 80 and I was super attached to it, then I boosted a Warrior from level 1 to 100 and I don't give a shit about it, it's not even fun to play and I regret wasting my boost on it.
I just like to type stuff out, and I over-analyze everything, it's a bad habit of mine. Just because you don't like typing out a lot of words and what not doesn't mean other people can't do it, some people enjoy writing and typing out a lot because they have a lot to say.
If you don't like it then why reply? Just ignore me, damn.
>And I do realize I helped a paid WoW shill right now
Good lord people, stop with the shill meme. I'm not shilling, I'm just really excited and looking forward to Demon Hunters and the new expansion in general. Can people just not be excited for it without being called a shill, or being accused of shilling? Jesus Christ, let it go.
This is what autism looks like
NOT 1-2-3-4 (repeat)
Vanilla had a loooooot of buttons though. Lots of options for multiple scenarios. This class fantasy garbage is killing me, and I die even more inside thinking of how Demon Hunters could have been released during TBC - Having a plethora of abilities to use along with the overall better everything.
a tip
get a profession like tailoring, bs or lw cause every faggot and their mother is gonna spam trade chat for a certain item crafted from those professions (2 in lw) for a quest part of a chain to unlock upgradable crafting stuff
you will make easy money out of those fags in the first month of release like engineering did back in WotLK, eventhough that quest didnt give you jack shit in the end unlike this on
I feel sorry for you.
I don't think you're a shill. I just legitimately cannot comprehend how you are still enjoying his game, unless maybe you just started playing it a year or so ago.
If you've been playing this game since it first showed up, seriously - how are you still enjoying it?
Not even trying to trigger you or whatever. I just honestly cannot comprehend how it could hold someone's interest for that long. The subscribers didn't drop en masse because it was a shitty game, they dropped because anything loses its charm after years of doing the same thing day in, day out.
>easy money
>in Wow
I mean, why? Is anyone honestly still looking for money?
Not really, I'm just bored and have nothing to do. I don't mind replying to people and sharing my thoughts/opinions, sorry you are incapable of doing the same.
Alright, we get it. Why don't you write a book about it? Or put it on a t-shirt and advocate for it?
Yeah, I remember people saying Leatherworking and Skinning were good professions for the Demon Hunter, but you have a point, everyone will be choosing them.
That's fine, I don't think there is anything wrong with me but maybe it's denial. Either way ignorance is bliss, it's the internet, and if people writing blocks of paragraphs and replying to everyone is autistic, well then so be it.
I bet you're terrible at holding a conversation, I'm only basing that off the fact that long paragraphs seem to make you uncomfortable. And you don't seem to understand how people can write so much, or for what purpose. Do you not have to write essays in college? Or in school? I bet that was a challenge for you, trying to come up with five or six pages of bullshit.
I'm sorry writing is challenging and complex for you, maybe I'm the one who should feel sorry for you.
I started back in WotLK, right when it first came out. I thought WotLK was an amazing expansion, Death Knights were cool and Arthas was an amazing villain/character.
>ever resting
nigga this shit is a goldmine
>that feel when saw that MRP with the list of pigsluts that have given the person money or games on steam when I went into Lion's Pride for flour for the darkmoon faire quest
Reminder that class rotations are a byproduct of simulations and is everything wrong with the genre.
Seriously, reconsider why you think a rotation needs to be complex to enjoy an MMO. Vanilla had pants on head stupid easy rotations and is regarded higher than any recent rotations, even though they put vanilla to shame in terms of complexity.
Enjoy your game with a UI that's managed to age worse than WoW's in only a few years.
Pays for their sub fees, which is a nice way to save $15 here and there. It's honestly a pushover to make 5k - 10k gold a day even if you're braindead.
>I started back in WotLK, right when it first came out.
8 years later, what still interests you about this game? Why do you still play it but aren't still playing whatever other games you were playing 6, 8, 10 years ago?
he was illidan's right hand, of course he joins the demon hunters
I just enjoy questing, getting gear, exploring, getting new stuff, raiding, etc.
I mean, sure, over those eight years there might have been times I took a hiatus from WoW. I guess I can say I've been playing on and off for eight years, but I never gave it up for good. I always came back to it.
>Implying I'm going to come back
I left with Warlords, and though I do miss the friends I made playing that game I will not look back.
christ fuck why do newfags always ousts themselves immediately and never try to be subtle or integrate
Not him but WoW is still a very good game up until the point where you run out of content.
I mean yes there are other things you can do, but let's face it, everyone either raids or stops playing. PvPers are a very small minority.
Fair enough. More power to you user, enjoy.
He's a shitposting newfag who MUST respond to EVERY person who quotes to him with some 100% serious (as newfags read every post at complete face value), and being a newfag, he is likely underage and immune to any critique or responsibility for his childish ways.
>I mean, sure, over those eight years there might have been times I took a hiatus from WoW.
Doesn't everyone? I mean shit, the ONLY time in WoW's history where I stayed subbed through the whole thing was Wrath. Every other xpac and for Vanilla, I unsubbed whenever I got bored with the current content and resubbed when new content was released.
How am I ousting myself? All I did was make a thread about how excited I am for the new class and expansion? I fail to see why that's a big deal, Jesus.
Or I just enjoy replying to everyone, also I'm not replying to literally EVERY single person on this thread, I'm only replying to people I feel like replying to.
Why do you care? Does it really bother you that much that I'm replying to so many people? That's really more autistic than calling me autistic for writing so much and replying to everyone, you're the one getting upset, not me.
I believe that's what most people do, I know I did it as well. I remember resubbing for MoP because I was excited to try out the Monk class, and I thought Pandarians were cool at the time.
I got bored within a month or so.
So...do the Illidari just forgive and forget Akama's betrayal that foiled their plans, led to their imprisonment and their leader's death?
it depends, you get 2 possible lieutenants, one was the quest giver in Nagrand who was against Illidan's plans in the first place, so he doesn't mind Akama's betrayal. But if you choose the other, more loyal guy, you bind Akama's soul again and his shade is your follower
muh 8 slots