>No mini map
>No retarded see through walls shit
>No hand holding
>No tacked on RPG elements
While the game has it's quirks, I appreciate that it doesn't insult my intelligence. Western games really have become worse through the years.
No mini map
Other urls found in this thread:
>play demo
>after demo ends watch short trailer on game
>pitch black mode
Wish i bought it desu
It shame that this ancient game never drops below 20 bucks each time I check to see if it on sell.
It's still for sale?
Vin Diesel seal of quality
Which one would I start with first? Butcher Bay or Dark Athena?
it drops fairly often
Butcher Bay. A lot of people say that Dark Athena isn't as good, but there's a lot of stuff I like about it. You be the judge, but start with Butcher Bay since it's obligatory for the story.
butcher bay, dark athena is the sequel.
Butcher Bay came out earlier and it's the only one I played, I highly recommend it. Great game.
When I bought Dark Athena it came with a remastered Butcher Bay so you can just buy Dark Athena.
But play BB first, its superior to DA. Not that DA isnt fun but its second half is just a drag.
butcher bay
if you haven't bought it yet, remember to buy dark athena since it just comes with butcher bay
I love the little details in the game.
Butcher Bay has godly texture work.
this is pretty much TECHNOLOGY-the game
and it's fucking 10 years old
fuck you developers
came out the same year as half life 2. Played both on PC and thought Butcher Bay was the better game.
Good game.
Pitch black mode was extremely fun, Got pretty intense at times.
sure is at least until you fall down the mutant hole
I was disappointed by this game. It's good but it feels like it was meant to be something more.
There's a dialogue system, and sections of the game where you can interact with characters from all different factions within the game outside of combat, but nothing you can choose to say matters much.
And there are some parts that are very awkward. Like when you get to pigtown for the first time, there's that big door with the retinal scanner and a couple guards hanging around. My first thought was to talk to a guard and convince them to open it for me, or to knock somebody out and put their head in the scanner, or perhaps find a control room where I could open it by other means.
Turns out you're supposed to use the scanner so that it fails and alerts security, then you kill the security force which responds to it, and then you proceed through a different door to another part of pigtown where people are oblivious to the fighting that just went on 50 feet away. Every time I replay I think there must be some way that makes more sense but even walkthroughs do it the same way.
Also the guns sucked.
>bitch promised a new riddick game
fuck u Vin
Despite all the praise Butcher's Bay gets I actually prefered Dark Athena, it's more focused on the action while the "free roaming" sections of BB where kinda clunky and broke the rythm of the game.