Your better buy this PC
Your better buy this PC
Wait since when was this coming to steam? I thought it was just a vita/ps4 thing
Why would I possibly buy this when I haven't even heard of its prequel, much less played it?
>le weeb version of monster hunter
It was announced it was coming to PC when the game was announced for localization
convince why I should buy it?
Why would I buy another game in the constant stream of weeb shit infesting PC?
It's $60 baka
I like my hunting games in handhelds so in buying the vita version
isn't monster hunter weeb game?
You get the first game for free if you buy God Eater 2
>Soul Sacrifice Delta will never get a PS4 version
Not in Canadaland.
Holy shit. I never knew people on Sup Forums had such garbage taste. I guess bland call of duty games is the only things you like
>doesn't like weeb shit
>must like CoD
Every time
I'd consider it if it had the real voices, but hey, it doesn't. I don't really like dubs.
>le it's only weeb if I don't like it xD
I don't own a Shita, so I haven't played its prequel. I have literally never played a CoD game.
Nice job selling the game to us.
If you disregard every japanese game as "weebshit" you're either underage or retarded
I enjoy Soul Sac more than MH
Official huntan games tier list
SS > MH > God Eater > > > > >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Toukiden
Their some dubs that are good. Stop being a weeb elitist.
Is it a video game? Then Sup Forums hates it.
Get with the times, grandpa. It's only weebshit if it's on the vita.
Not every Japanese game is weebshit but most are.
Bawwww, you crying because ppl dont give a damn about shit eater?
Its a garbage game, a shit version of mh
Kill yourself
>game that barely scrapes by to be the 3rd best of that genre
As mentioned above you get both games when you buy 2.
This fucking HUD looks so bad, I hope the game is ok.
This is pure weebshit tho, including the chuuni blood arts
Its fucking censored. Why bother.
quit greentexting your overpriced games nooks and aussies. no one else knows that feel and every single time it just results in people saying it's not that price then you replying it is where I live.
happens in literally every single one of these thread with these weeb games. please just stop already. overpriced games. sucks. we get the point.
Literally every single game would be better if it was in its original language with subs instead of using dubs. There isn't a single exception.
>Poor man's monhun.
No ty.
I know right? Can't wait for Skyrim remaster me and my wife's son love bethesda and AAA western games! Haha high five bruh Todd Howard fanclub 4 lyfe!!!
Please stop.
I don't see why you posted that the first time, or are even repeating it. Yes, I can read the advertisement just fine. That doesn't convince me why I should possibly buy this without even having the slightest knowledge of the previous game.
Because censorship only matters if its nintendo
No it isn't
Stop parroting shit you're clueless about
Bamco even restored content that was censored from Burst
I never said all dubs were bad, I just said I didn't like them. I'm not going to change my opinion just because some guy on an image board asked me to either.
This looks boring as fuck
They announced it in December 2015
This is the first time we seen any footage from PC version though
Of all the things to get all fanny flustered about this is a rather petty one.
Some people said this game was censored, is it true ?
Sorry mate, I only play Political Correct games.
>Sup Forums used to love and have constant threads about God eater.
So what shitty YouTuber changed your minds about it? Because from what I can tell you niggers ever change your taste to shit is some shitty cringey YouTuber filling your empty heads with garbage like the shed you all are
No it's not
As said above, Bamco even restored scenes that were previously censored in the western release of Burst
50 entire dollars? Get real.
nice job failing to provide any points why this is worth anyone's time
"As mentioned" =/= "I mentioned"
I hope Capcom decides to make the next MH multi plat so then everyone can stop pretending the rip offs are good.
Then why the fuck are people bicthing?
That's the PS4 price here. Steam is 49.99. Vita is 39.99. The price gaps are kinda insane. I guess they think people who shill for a PS4 are kinda bad at finances and can be taken advantage of.
Fuck off, Japan doesn't make as many good games as they use to in the good old days.
Nope... or at least Bamco never mentioned anything about "alteration/edit/censor". So yeah, right now this game is not censored simply because we don't know if the game is really censored or not...
Because they're clueless
>dub only
I know nothing about God Eater, Is thi sgame actually good?
from what I can take from this thread is that people would rather want another halo/cod clone
Oh well
It's probably literal Nintendo babbies mad that it's not on 3DS. It's the exact same kind of faggots that never played a single Monster Hunter when it was on PS2 and PSP because mommy couldn't afford a non Nintendo system. Now that MH is on 3DS they act like they have always been "hardcore fans" and say things like "omg MH iz more bettr and more hurdcore lol."
When it was a Vita exclusive it was weeaboo garbage. Now that its on PC its a great game
I told the fag to convince me.
Forgot to add, my post above is about God Eater 2 Rage Burst.
They reduced the blood in God Eater Resurrection. The blood is still there, monster still bleed when you slash/shoot them but don't expect blood splatter on screen.
Spoken like a true nostalgia cuck.
Great bait
>60 fps on PC
>30 fps on ps4
Never ever they said? KEK
What a nostalgia cuck
That's how Sup Forums reacts to everything on the vita and the PS4
Games on those consoles are garbage
But once they come to PC they're great
>overpriced monster hunter clone
>retarded grind gameplay
>bugged as fuck port
>no support after release
>Vita exclusive
The first game came out for PSP, dumbass. This is the first time that the 2nd game is coming to America.
The remake of 1 is technically the 3rd game, and that came out only about a month ago.
It's basically a faster Monster Hunter with a few more gameplay mechanics like meme bullets that may or may not seem extraneous depending on your tastes.
I'd say its about as good as MH3/4, but I think MHFU is still the apex of hunting games.
But God Eater sucked.
No I can assure you no one ever said never ever to you about God Eater shitposter
Then where's the people saying it's good? Played on psp it's crap
You realize Monster Hunter is the Call of Duty of Japan, right?
A friend want to get it so ill play it with him. It sucks that PC can't play Resurrection early like the ps4/vita players.
you know, I though the board had some decent taste. But whatever. I'll get God eater enjoy it while everyone is playing shitty minecraft clone in space
>$50 for a vita game
lmao. why dont the gooks make some actual fucking videogames that are on par with todays standards and release them on steam? then id consider it.
It was never Vita exclusive
God Eater: PSP
Gods Eater Burst: PSP
God Eater 2: PSP & Vita
God Eater 2 Rage Burst: Vita & PS4 (& PC)
God Eater Resurrection: Vita & PS4 (& PC)
>lol why isn't every dev making my generic white boy cod clone xDDD
Threads like these always attract shitposters and contrarians, regardless of what game it is, so of course the amount of people that say it's good won't be as many. Half of the people here have never even played it and just say "lel weeb game" (but MH isn't weeb tho because I say so!).
Also, great argument for why it's crap there, faggot.
Still have to play god eater
Toukiden 2 looks like it mite b good
Played it, hated it, accept it. You like it, I deal with it faggot
God eater was never good. Just a weeb monster hunter
Toukiden was too similar to Monster Hunter while bring worse. At least the others ganzes changed stuff up enough.
I also forgot to mention FF Explorers, I'd consider that even worse
Yeah, I hope they also port Toukiden 2 to PC.
And it better be a good port this time. No mouse support in first game is bullshit.
Speaking of control, I hope God Eater supports kb/m controls
My autocorrect was still on German
Calm down there, fagboi. Go back to slow grinder hunter #594859 240p edition :^)
Will there be a way to rip the Vita voice files and patch the Japanese voices for the PC version?
fuck you i love call of suty games
>muh mango hacknslash look at my half a meter wide sword, that's what good taste is all about
Sorry my opinion made you type like a fool, stop posting
Maybe, Vita homebrew is now a thing
>weeb monster hunter
Great oxymoron there, faggot. How are you enjoying your bushido style longsword.
Consider suicide.
That looks more japanese than weeb retard. That difference between a nig and a black is night and day