ITT: Games with hilarious glitches.
ITT: Games with hilarious glitches
what is the glitch op?
The whole game
Enter the Matrix was much better.
there is a video you can unlock that shows some examples. They knew how fucked up their game was.
Arent glitches considered features in bethesda games?
>"should we give the animals any swimming animations?"
>"nah just make them walk around on the bottom of the water"
was this game good
The initial release was basically one gigantic glitch.
GTA is king of glitch comedy
I really liked it.
Really? I never played it but heard nothing but bad things.
Spyro Enter the Dragonfly has a glitch that lets you fight the final boss in two minutes.
I miss crazy glitches in games. It makes me sad they almost always end up getting fixed.
>"No time for explanations, get in the car!"
this game is actually pretty fucking tight if you can get past the bugs
I remember having a great time with the game for a while. I really liked how the moveset grows over the course of the game to the point where you have a completely different playstyle at the end compared to the start. Early game it's all about weapons and police officers pose a fair threat to you, but by the end you have giant kung fu fights with dozens of agents where you fly off the walls and send people flying all over the place. I'd play it again if it worked on the xbox 360.
this was the funniest fucking game ever. the stupid physics when you flew over the SF hills and crashing into cops was gold. these aren't even glitches but i'm laughing like hell right now just remembering it.
>Game has a funny glitch in 2016
>Feedback is nothing but negativity about how garbage the game is
>Companies like bethesda known for and based around their fun little glitches and modding capabilities to fix them at your desire
>everyone bitches relentless about how they're crutching on their community and releasing unfinished games.
Infantile, but I laughed
Heavy Rain
For glitches, yeah. They rushed that game to get it released in time for the movie and it shows. I don't think I've ever played a game as broken as that shit.
Fallout 4 having 5 guns and infinite variations of 1 quest wasn't a fun little glitch
Dorf Fort.
my only complaint was how after about the halfway point all the moves you unlock just linearly extend the one 'hyper combo'
also the bug in the level split into four mini levels where replaying one minilevel would cause you to lose the moves you unlocked from the other three, and from that point on it was impossible to have everything unlocked on that save
>nobody posted Skate 3 yet
I do remember being locked out of the complete skill tree by those broken-up levels. I also remember the top of the skill tree being a bunch of weird haiku stuff rather than a new combo or something which I thought was cool.
Hyper-combo might have been a bit dull but at least they kept the levels varied from start to end. I liked to play through the whole game start to finish because there was so much cool stuff all over. The stuff from the first movie was probably coolest though. The game probably played the best when guns were still pretty useful and the enemies were cops and soldiers who used a variety of tactics to fight you.
Also making a substantial part of the game playing through Neo's training simulations was a stroke of genius. They were some of the coolest parts of the game and felt like great additions to the lore of The Matrix.
I think they blew most of the budget on parties. Lots of wasteful spending back then.
I bet the owner of that cart gets all the whores.
Were Shiny Entertainment that kind of developer? Might explain why they died one game later.
>He did all that without standing
Wat. Did I read that right?
Not really.
They went under because most of their games like MDK, Earthworm Jim, Sacrifice and Messiah were too different for the masses.
I thought Earthworm Jim was huge. The other stuff was pretty out of the way but I remember a lot of people being into Earthworm Jim.
this video always creeped me out a bit
imagine if the physics of real life could glitch like that and you bump your head against the car trunk door only to glitch through it and violently twist your head off your torso
They got a huge budget for the Matrix game, much larger than they're used to. I guess they got careless. You can see that not a lot of effort actually went into developing the game. They probably kinda tried to make up for it with The Path of Neo, but it was too little and too late, plus it wasn't very good either.
>you can see that not a lot of effort actually went into developing the game.
Nah not really, there was obviously effort. All I see is the game is unfinished. Another 6 months to a year of development would have saved it.