>Australians in space
How do we achieve this Sup Forums?
>Australians in space
How do we achieve this Sup Forums?
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But user, we are all in space.
I don't understand why there would be existing accents. If space exploration is American-led, wouldn't most people have the general American accent? Including aussies and brits.
There has already been Australian astronauts retard.
Put canada in space first, Aussie bantz will haunt them to the ends of the universe.
America is irrelevant in Mass Effect. The world is fully globalised and nation states are not more relevant to society than small villages are now.
Breaking their ground harnesses usually gets them there pretty quick
>Australian is space
>Is a criminal
Like pottery
Inform the government about the untapped resources in the asteroid belt, they'll put a space elevator in the outback to efficiently mine the fuck out of it.
I'm up for a multi trillion dollar project to launch the whole fuckin country into space.
They won't go. In space no one can hear you banter.
Put a bunnings sausage sizzle there.
Nah, as soon as they reach lower orbit, they'll come spinning back.
>mass effect
>only people with accents are British and Australian
>people with russians accents are all aliens
what ?
Shitposting fueled engines.
What alien has a Russian accent? They all sound American.
I wish I was a sexy alien.
there's some bad eastern europe accents with some of the quarians
Americans don't have an accent, history or culture. America is irrelevant long before the events of Mass Effect
> he hasn't gone to Joisey, Brooklyn, Boston or Texas
Granted, we don't all have accents where we live, but they do exist
It's true; America was a penal colony
In space, noone can hear you cunt
Say no more senpai
>America has no culture
>Watches American movies and listens to America music
inb4 you act like you don't
Your mum's my penis colony
Everyone has an accent you imbecile. It's not something you can't have.
Watching the Great Australian Spelling Bee actually mate
"Space australian" sounds stupid. Ain't neither crocodiles nor spiders in space.
Americans have an American accent. To people that aren't American, they consider us to have our own accent.
>history or culture
considering America invented the internet, it's kind a of weird to say they have not history or culture via one of their inventions
Aussies are trash. They'd rather being drunkards than have a functioning space program.
make first contact of course
>Great Australian Spelling Bee Australian "television"
Australians invented Wi-Fi
I swear, every other embark is " 'ere the dingoes get hungry". They're fucking everywhere.
more like penile colony am I right ladies
Wifi isn't the internet. It's a means of the internet.
Unless Australia suddenly owns the University of Hawaii, this isn't true.
Right there at 1992 mate
I don't know about Australians in space but I do know I want space age technology to clone the genetics of thus perfect Australian waifu so I can have a harem of them and keep spunking into every orifice they have over and over and over.
Oh wait nevermind she is Scottish and just moved there at a young age, disregard that, blow 'Straya into the stratosphere.
I don't agree with the original user, but that's also dumb.
It's like saying light bulbs are part of the american culture or that cars are only part of the French culture
Actually a Brit invented the internet then the USA millitary stole it to use as comms and then privatised it and sold it to the public.
USA once again claiming ownership and credit for stuff they had fuck all to do with.
More accurately, wifi would be shittier without a specific Australian invention
>Hi, I'm Janey Springs. I'm a lesbian.
>Hey Athena, you're really sexy because I'm a lesbian.
>Boys? As a lesbian, I think they're gross
>Did I mention that I'm a lesbian because that's certainly a thing that didn't stop happening.
You realise most white australians are English/Irish/Scottish, right?
Australians sitting on my face.
How do we achieve this?
Accents develop in relatively small areas
America doesn't have 1 accent for a reason
Get money and move to Ausland.
inventions are part of history, hence america has history
Good point, but so are most Amerifats and look what happened to them. I suppose Aussies generally have a much more health focused culture from what I have seen, must be due to all the time on the beaches and shit, got to look good in those bikinis.
I hate the thick meme but these are a bit too spoopy skellington for my tastes.
The difference being all your history only spans back around 200 years to when we colonised it. Everywhere else in the world has thousands of years.
There are plenty of fat Australians
I kinda wanna open it
>Australia in space
Literally never ever.
It's just not viable or worthwhile at this point in time
>wanting australians in space
Well there's guys that went up with NASA, one had a sick mo.
>"my history"
i didn't say i was American
>australian in space
>some of their deadly animals will find a way to climb on board
>they will evolve, adapt, to live in the void of space
>we will have rains of advanced deadly flying spiders or snakes
no thanks
Is the australian shitposting guy based on Bob Katter?
>The latest figures from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation shows Australia has jumped from fifth to fourth fattest nation with 28.3 per cent of the adult population obese. We are just behind the US (36.5%), Mexico (32.4%) and New Zealand (28.4%).
Plenty of fatties here m8
>How do we achieve this?
Come to Australia and be not American. Face sitting, or at least a quick fuck, pretty much guaranteed
>The difference being all your history only spans back around 200 years to when we colonised it.
Are you trying to say that nothing happened in America until the English came over and colonized it? Leave it to a britbong to think that absolutely nothing is important unless they have something to do with it.
America has had history as long as England. It just was unrecorded by the natives that lived there. So no one knows what was going on before it became colonized.
It's the standard "Hide x, do not post in x threads etc." template face, but with a slouch hat & tanned skin; though the resemblance is striking.
Holy shit, I never realized he's got the nose. That's amazing.
>New planet to be colonized by Strayans
>Local fauna is proven to be too deadly for any attempt at human colonization
>Aussies launch a box with a few Strayan snakes, spiders and a koala to the planet surface
>Two weeks later all local wildlife is wiped out
And that's how Australia will conquer the galaxy if we ever let these cunts off their island.
I really hate Churchill. Glorified beyond reason in history.
America will break up in the next century and Australia will pick up where they left off
>Every city has massive amounts of uninhabited area to the east for space launch debris
>Other things
Literally the perfect country to colonise space. American accented scum like Shepard will be descended from the Seppos we allow to come along
we'll build a fence
and make the space rabbits pay for it
this might work, but there isnt any poisonus snakess/spiders, sharks, crocks or any other deadly shit up there so whats the point?
would you play a game on easymode?
Mass Effect thread?
Nigga I know you're baiting but we're nowhere fucking near the equator and space flight is a fucking hell of a lot easier when your ships launch and enter orbit already in a Near-equatorial orbit.
Nobodys launching missions from Australia senpai.
Do it in Cairn then
Tell em there's a new bottle-o opening on the moon and all the grog's half off. Simple!
I thought the nose was added.
Awh fuck! Half price off my vb and winnie blues. I'm there
Nah, it's part of the template, I've seen it on many an edit.
>Entire episode is about Australians bullying kiwis
They're good fellas
Do it in Bali
Told you all it'd work.
Now we just have to get there first and actually OPEN a liquor store, or we're going to have a lot of angry, technologically advanced and most dangerously, SOBER Ausies coming for some fucking vengeance.
picture majora's mask but skullkid is a angry bogan
Best part is no abbos
>wanting australians on earth
i was going to post that, yer shitcunt, sport, m8, corr blimey crikey oh riley
just fuck me already
flip the spaceship upside down
>fully globalised
I remember being an idealistic 14 year old and thinking this would happen too. But it's a really juvenile and simplistic view of how things might turn out.
Humans are tribal in nature, that's never going to change, the sooner we accept that and work with it the better imo.
Proud I was from his electorate. Voted for him every time, just cause I knew it would piss off all the lefty millennials.
just buy some nasty creature's deadly venom and inject it into yourself
Shepard is canadian dumbass
t. tribal savage
The sooner we get rid of your kind the better
No one even drinks that here, it's not even in any of the liquor shops. It's pretty much purely an export beer.
put Australian in a large can
put explosives under it
seriously this is how rockets work
It's a meme now so don't question it. What would you have him drinking though? VB or something?
>voting someone to piss off someone else
formidable practice user