Really no squad thread?
Vehicles are out. V7 is out. Convoy ops time is here.
Really no squad thread?
Vehicles are out. V7 is out. Convoy ops time is here.
Other urls found in this thread:
Added vehicle repair depot deployable. Costs 400 supply points and slowly and passively repairs vehicles in a radius around it.
Hesco/sandbag bunkers are now reduced to 300 supply points.
Hesco walls are now reduced to 200 supply points.
Single hescos are now 50 points.
Sandbag walls now cost 50 supply points rather than 100.
Added C sandbags to Insurgents and Militia. 50 points.
Added a new Pillbox-style Sandbag Wall that has firing ports.
Sandbag Walls are now stackable again.
Razor wire now cost 25 supply points.
M2A1 on tripod is now 350 supply points.
Dshk heavy machine gun on tripod is 350 supply points.
Concrete barriers are now 50 supply points.
Not all weapons will be able to damage all vehicle types.
Most vehicles in the game will be able to take about 2 hits from an RPG-7 HEAT round, M72 LAW or RKG-3 grenade. The exceptions are the technicals who can take about 1 and a few bursts of rifle fire to top it off. The other exception is the BTR that will be able to take roughly 3 rocket hits.
The BTRs main 14.5mm cannon will be able to easily chew through all vehicles before it. The gun has Magnification that can be switched with the 1 and 2 Number keys.
Heavy machine guns such as the M2 and the Dshk will be able to damage all current vehicles fairly easily. Some vehicles are more resistant than others, expect anywhere from a 1/3rd to almost a full belt of .50 cal ammo to be needed, depending on the vehicle you are firing at.
Rifles and infantry weapons are split into three categories.
7.62 Caliber weapons will be able to damage bring down soft skinned vehicles such as the technicals and trucks. Expect to spend up to several hundred rounds to reduce a healthy vehicle to a useless hunk of metal. Weapons in this category include everything from 7.62x39, such as the AKM, up to the 7.62x54R of the SVD.
5.56/5.45 Caliber weapons will be able to do light, and significantly less damage to technicals and trucks. You will need the determination of your entire squad to take down a fresh vehicle with just your hand weapons. Examples of these calibers are the M4 and the AK74 series of rifles.
Pistol calibers have no effect on a vehicle's health whatsoever. Conserve this ammo for self defense.
Fragmentation grenades. Hand grenades, the RPG-7s fragmentation grenade and the GP-25s fragmentation grenades do little to no damage on vehicles. They are only able to slightly damage unarmored technicals and trucks. Use the proper explosives for the job!
There is one exception to the fragmentation grenades. The US 40mm grenade launcher utilizes the HEDP rounds which are somewhat effective vs soft skinned vehicles. They will be able to damage all vehicles in the game, but at a significantly reduced rate as the armor of the vehicle increases.
There are currently no indicators of your vehicle's current health in the field. So keep track of what you have been fighting and return to base or a FOB to get fixed up and rearmed at a repair depot. Keeping your vehicle operational will give you a great advantage.
Soft vehicles driving around on their own in cities = bad idea man
Can you stop making this thread?
No one likes shilling.
Does your game run if I open it now?
It didn't so I got a refund.
Has there been other squad threads? There's like one a month on Sup Forums.
Fuck off. I'm reposting the info they released so you don't have to click their website and to bump the thread since we have to compete with spam when we're not making a Sony vs Nintendo thread.
I don't know dude maybe. It works on my machine. It works on the 1200 people who are in servers playing right nows machines.
>bumps the thread while complaining about shills
I know you didn't use sage because your post bumped it to the top of the front page
Optimised like fucking garbage.
well yeah its not like its a finished game. they're adding major content still.
v8 (the next one) is supposedly going to focus on optimizing what they have so they can cram more in. the big push is going from 72 player servers to 100. so they'll need optimizations to make it stable.
downloading the update now. what am i in for lads?
i'm going to try it out, but really i'm still looking forward to 100 players and the new animation system (better aiming, vaulting, weapon resting) etc. and we probably won't see any of that until v9.
Infinite dakka or hiding behind mud walls praying it goes away.
Should I buy this game now or wait a bit more?
Wait till its fucking optimised mate.
Is this f2p?
nah its forty bux m80.
I waited until vehicles. 9 hours in and I'm satisfied with it. There's a good amount of content and the players are pretty good.
Is it easy to get into? How do you find a good group of people to operate with?
Lost all respect for the devs when i learned what cry babies they are
Bunch of immature children, which suits the genre really
all servers are fucking full, im crashed after loading a map and im trying to get in for over 30 minutes
>join server
>look at the squads on map
>join the squad which is the least spread out
>"hello guys?"
>if they answer you're good
Sorry if this is in the details you posted but I no read good.
How do spawns work now with vehicles? It was all about setting up FOBs to spawn on when I played, is it still the same? Or do you have to be transported from main base now to the front?
>How do spawns work now with vehicles? It was all about setting up FOBs to spawn on when I played, is it still the same?
It's the same but it takes 5 minutes until FOBs are spawnable unless you have dropped off supplies (with logistics vehicle) near them.
>muh gun now points in a direction by itself for a moment like red orchestra or insurgency
i guess it will just take a little getting used too
Pretty sure you can turn that off, its dead zone or something
I really hope they dont add tanks or armed helis with thermal optics.
I'm really hoping they do. I want tanks and choppers.
Decent game but fuck all people play it and it runs like fucking dog shit.
Cant get over 20 fps when in an actual game but on training I can get an easy 180 fps.
My specific gripe is the Thermal part. Its no fun dying from some guy who can see you from 3 kilometers away cause you are lit up like a christmas tree and have 0 means of retaliation or avoidance unless you are a specific class that has a counter weapon and even then you are still 3 kilometers away running on foot and they are in a tank. Arma games really shows how unfun that can be.
But if they added a littlebird or some other types of attack helis and tanks without thermal, like some old kinds maybe with only night vision I'd be totally cool with that. Just sick of so many fps games with IR or some other vision modes that light everyone up for you. Especially in this game where it can be hard as fuck to see people normally, which is good imo.
What did they bitch about.?
It's a lot more accessible than ArmA.
wait another year and just keep playing PR
There's a hotfix in the work for that.
>no vodnik
y m8?
am i the only one that doesn't have performance issues?
i5 6600
gtx 760
i wouldnt expect any higher than this
>playing with one person connected on a local machine
>playing with 72 people connected on a server
Yeah it sucks I'm getting 30 fps right now but it's expected for an alpha.
People are complaining about 30-40 fps. I haven't seen any dips below 30.
>Is it easy to get into?
yeah its a lot more casually accessible than say arma 3 where you need to find a group or you'll be playing solo. you get the game, join a server, join any squad, and pick a role you want/is needed/is available then generally stick to your squad and follow the squad leaders vague orders (take this capture point, kill that vehicle).
>How do you find a good group of people to operate with?
i haven't bothered. i just join any server that isn't full or empty and that's it. just click join on a squad and start playing.
In summary
if you're infantry, your fucked
if you're not anti tank, youre fucked
you're going to get farmed for most of the game, get fucked
>user says the devs are crybabies then disappears when someone asks for juicy details
why tho
if you love infantry so much why don't you fuck off to insurgency? do you know what combined arms means? are you the same idiot from a few threads back saying there were tanks on ramiel?
>Humvee was just driving right at me and one of my squad mates
>fire rocket at it
>completely miss from 10 meters
In PR vehicles with thermals either got rekt instantaneously or went on to get massive amounts of kills. Most experienced vehicle crews end up hunting around for enemy assets for the entire match and those who don't get slaughtered early on.
Then again PR had fog domes and I don't think squad does so there's that. In either case PR did an excellent job with asset balancing, and made the AO extremely dangerous for vehicles, inexperienced crews who can't predict enemy asset placement or never bother to get out of their vehicle to listen get punished severely.
>you can't avoid vehicles by just not engaging them
>vehicles can't attack other vehicles
>squads don't usually have someone with an AT launcher
>there aren't multiple squads on a team
so you want to take out tanks with grenades or what?
there's combined arms, and there's getting raped by a BMP for half the game because the devs refuse to give you the means to counter said vehicles
get fucked, game's garbage, everyone thinking about buying this CHECK HOW MANY ARE ACTUALLY PLAYING THIS VERY MOMENT
game is terrible, it's basically a case of vehicle squads sniping you from the map limits now, DO NOT BUY IT
I've only played one game since V7. Here's how it worked in practice.
>In Delta, understaffed because its the 4th squad
>See that there are vehicles pushing up on capture point and we're getting shot up
>Die and switch to anti tank
>BMP (only vehicle that is impervious to small arms fire) sees me, I go prone behind a low wall and shimmy to the right
>Stand up, fire a law rocket into the fucker
>On its opposite side it gets hit by a second rocket while I'm reloading
>Fire my second and final rocket into it and its fully destroyed
>Russian side loses 30 tickets
>Infantry death is 1 ticket
Vehicles can be super strong but so can emplaced 50 cals. You don't run right into a 50 cal and you don't run right into a vehicle. Likewise, you don't place a 50 cal way in the open and expect to survive. Except for BMPs, drivers and gunners can be shot out of soft vehicles by infantry. They can be blown up in 1-2 hits by infantry. They can be shot to shit by infantry.
BMPs are a different story but they're very large and very LOUD. So you know they're there even if you can't see it even if it's not firing. Unless you walk out into the open and get shot up then vehicles are not anti infantry. They're support units. If you lose one not only is it going to be disabled for 8 minutes, it's going to cost your team half of their FOB supply to remake and you've lost the equivalent of 30 soldiers lives.
>firing a fucking rocket at something 10m away
I'm not sure if they even activate that close.
Maps either have huge amounts of foliage or clutter or are extremely open but are mostly asset based. The point of the game is to communicate with your asset squads to get support. A BMP should never be able to sit still for long enough racking up kills without getting taken out by something, and if it does then blame your horrible fucking team, not the devs.
>update has been out for 12 hours
>meanwhile all these blown up BMPs in my matches
k lol
>the raw desperation of the squad drones as they try to find more gullible retards to fill their ever dwindling community
god you're almost as bad as the fucking chivalry fags
Mines and SPGs when?
real question, how would YOU balance vehicles and infantry on these maps?
>squad drone
I think the game is kinda shit compared to PR, but I posted anyway because that's how PR balancing worked with vehicles and it worked well.
Here's your (you) faggot
>resorting to name calling because you got blown the fuck out and haven't played the game
it blew up on the wall behind it so it would have
By letting everyone choose an AT kit just like in battlefield 4 :^)
Then who would be medics, marksmen, and riflemen?
>btr goes down in two rocket hits
>you can have 4 rockets in one squad
Well that fucking sucks, even if blowing up that close might have injured all of you.
Did you lead the shot? I haven't engaged a vehicle that close yet.
>he thinks discussing a game is advertising it for developers
>he's so fucking warped from posting on Sup Forums that he thinks people aren't discussing a game
it was an anti tank rocket so we would have been fine.
i did lead the shot which is where i done goofed
playing to much battlefield i suppose
You can't do this and then not answer you fag. Tell us.
>carried by one retard who never actually goes with the squad, and if he does, get killed immediately by the magnified BMP cannon sights, along with half the squad
oh boy can you smelelelel
>OP posts literal a fucking game announcement in the thread
>a dozen yesmen come out of the woodwork
>the few dissenters are immediately set upon to keep up this charade and fool more naïve tards into buying this piece of shit
this is typical desperate shilling, not by developers, but from game drones and community clansmen begging for new meat because their game is dying
>US gets a shitty humvee
>Russia gets a fucking BTR
yeah, totally fair
>2 btr / team
>36 rockets / team
>militia is just a battalion of trucks
>Militia don't get optics
>US get ACOGs
>somehow insurgents don't lose every match
I can see where you're coming from and I've been frustrated by it before but it's also fun. One of the worst things Battlefield did as a series is do away with the asymmetrical warfare aspect of the games. Before BF3/4 one side would have something good and the other side would have a counter.
so how about those helis?
>4 men that can actually fire said rockets
>your putting your hopes on 4 men who may or may not be competent, to have a high enough skill level to match the easy to play BMP gunner
>god help you if the BMP gunner uses every cheesy trick in the book as well
Does anyone else's camera get fucked when entering a stationary turret?
i don't expect to see those until q2 2017 at the earliest.
I'd rather be the Yesman over a (You)man.
meh. you're saying that anti tank players may not be the best but not BMP players have the same chance of being bad.
BMP drivers can't even see very well and rely on their gunner and passengers to navigate for them.
how2fix pl0x
>he doesn't radio cas or ifv for support
>he didn't set up a tow fob at as overwatch on the objective at the beginning of the round
sounds like you're just shit and doesn't want to rely on your team, so the game's not for you.
i had to commit suicide
You keep saying that the game is dying which would be fine a week ago but right now there's 2000 players online. So uh, get fucked?
Been playing it and while it's a decent update the game still has some major issues, such as how incredibly blurry everything is (yes, I've tried using and not using AA, fuck off), how poorly the game runs (alfer, m8), and the community just being 10:1 trash/PR vets.
No, it probably won't. Last time I talked to Ross he hinted that it's likely going to be about weapons handling because currently weapon handling is trash. Optimization won't be done until the beta stages.
It's not supposed to be balanced, but you're way overstating the BTR. The BTR is a massive pile of shit in reality with armor that can barely stop .308 rounds, let alone .50 or anything higher than that. It's got SLIGHTLY higher firepower and SLIGHTLY more armor, but it costs a fuck ton more tickets. The game's not supposed to be balanced nor could it be on this occasion. There's no US match for the BTR because the Stryker and Bradley are well above the BTR and the M113 is well below, not to mention that it's only used by the fucking Chair Force.
Updated my game cause of this thread
My game keeps crashing now, the vehicles seem kinda cool. My squad leader accidentally ran some of us over while doing an 8 point turn. Heard some people bitching about too many vehicles. Saw some neat firefights. Am pleased except for these crashes. Gonna keep fiddling with settings.
The way they reworked AT to sorta-go where you point it has gotten to me, I'm so used to having to manually adjust I miss every couple of shots.
Blowing up Humvees is so satisfying however.
There's a developer post up acknowledging the frame rate dip and crashes as bugs and that they've started working on a hotfix.
Shit sux but it is the first day.
>No, it probably won't. Last time I talked to Ross he hinted that it's likely going to be about weapons handling because currently weapon handling is trash. Optimization won't be done until the beta stages.
I'm not talking about in depth kinda optimization. There's just some shit that needs done if they want to reach their goal of 100 player servers.
Its idiots like you that ruined RO2
a dev on twitch said that v8 is specifically for optimization and 100 player servers
Is it more like Project Reality now? I didn't like how fast moving matches appeared without vehicles to slow things down.
>Arma games really shows how unfun that can be.
There's a reason why proper arma groups use rules of engagement. The game isn't fun in an uncontrolled environment where everyone does whatever the fuck they please on a pub.
That's what I'm hoping.
No, everything is still incredibly fast paced at the moment and people are way more retarded in Squad than they are in PR, even PR vets. Stick with PR for now.
It's been out for less than 24 hours so there's no way to say anything concrete. The matches I've played haven't significantly slowed down in speed. They're still 300 ticket avg60 minute matches with a limit of 2 hours.
When I used to play A3 my group just flat out never used gunships. They have practically no place in ArmA.
What is PR like? PR players describe it as everything under the sun.