Which Souls game has the best NPC cast?
Talking about all of them, as a group rather than as individuals.
Which Souls game has the best NPC cast?
Talking about all of them, as a group rather than as individuals.
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>have your wits about you!
I'm surprised you didn't got with Stockpile Thomas.
Most people tend to, when posting Demon's Souls NPCs.
I want to have tea with the Hoonter of Hoonters.
>Save him from petrification
>First thing he does is insult you
What the fuck was his problem?
I like the gay samurai and his manlover ninja in the darkroom garden.
DeS imo
brostrava is best npc
I asked for NPCs in Souls games, but Bloodborne is fine too.
Strangely though, I found the NPCs the weakest of the whole lot. Like, so many of their questlines just end so quickly. I think I was most pissed off by Annalise and how she has no reaction when you bring her back from being smashed to a pulp by Alfred.
Dark Souls 1
>Giant Blacksmith
>Hawkeye Gough
>Big Hat Logan
>Kaathe and Frampt
>Domnhall of Zena
>Oswald of Carim
>The Fair Lady
>Shiva of the East
>Siegmeyer / Sieglinde
Jesus Christ, how can the others even compete? Dark Souls 1 just has so many of them and the majority of them are interesting and very memorable.
Do the other games even have this many NPCS? Maybe that's why they've all felt so dead imo.
>not liking your over the shoulder boulder holder stone trader
Not all that memorable.
Blacksmith Lenigrast
Steady Hand McDuff
Weaponsmith Ornifex
Boss Soul Traders
Straid of Olaphis
Weaponsmith Ornifex
Carhillion of the Fold
Chancellor Wellager
Cromwell the Pardoner
Felkin the Outcast
Grave Warden Agdayne
Head of Vengarl
Laddersmith Gilligan
Licia of Lindeldt
Lonesome Gavlan
Magerold of Lanafir
Maughlin the Armourer
Merchant Hag Melentia
Rosabeth of Melfia
Royal Sorcerer Navlaan
Stone Trader Chloanne
Straid of Olaphis
Sweet Shalquoir
Covenant Leaders
Belfry Guard
Blue Sentinel Targray
Darkdiver Grandahl
Magerold of Lanafir
The Rat King
Saulden, the Crestfallen Warrior
Titchy Gren
NPC Summons
Abbess Feeva
Ashen Knight Boyd
Bashful Ray
Benhart of Jugo
Bradley of the Old Guard
Captain Drummond
Carhillion of the Fold
Creighton the Wanderer
Devotee Scarlett
Drifter Swordsman Aidel
Felicia the Brave
Grave Warden Agdayne
Head of Vengarl
Jester Thomas
Lone Hunter Schmidt
Lucatiel of Mirrah
Manhunter O'harrah
Manscorpion Tark
Masterless Glencour
Mild Mannered Pate
Pilgrim Bellclaire
Rapacious Andrei
Ruined Aflis
Sellsword Luet
Steelheart Ellie
Steel-willed Lorrie
Transcendent Edde
Twiggy Shei
Aldia, Scholar of the First Sin
Alsanna, Silent Oracle
Emerald Herald
Housekeeper Milibeth
Loyce Knight
Sparkling Sisters Dyna and Tillo
I feel like it should be pointed out that quantity does not equal quality.
Either DeS or DS3.
All DS2 npc are a static shit with barely any character arcs.
She's lived for a long ass time, maybe this ain't the first time?
When I made that DS1 list I picked the ones I found memorable only. There are plenty more in the game. Also I forgot Priscilla, should've had her in the list. Even more if we can count bosses too.
u wot
I can not remember a single NPC other than the firekeeper and the horny4hollows dude that interested me
>Inb4 muh patches
>Inb4 muh onionbro
while as in das2 I could remember all the NPC's in the hub.
Except for the merchant
Fuck the merchant
Who else stopped and fapped?
>amazing chest ahead
Yeah, fair's fair, I could probably list about a dozen or so NPCs from Dark Souls 2 and that's only because I'm currently replaying the game.
One thing to point out is that I loved those two red phantoms in Ivory Crown DLC. The one who made himself look like a barrel to backstab you when you go for the chest in the hallway and the white phantom who even gestures at you and waits for you to fight some enemies before he attacks you.
To the cat's voice, yes.
He was a nigger
Dark Souls1 Crestfallen Warrior > All
i don't care what you can or cannot remember shitstain
ds2 npcs are static as fuck
ds3 ones have best character development in series starting with a crestfallen who actually stops being a depressed shit and goes on a pilgrimage
Gee thanks user I bought Sotfs for the first time and just barely started the dlc
>well, what do we have here? you must be a new arrival
... shit.
Sorry, user, I didn't mean to spoil you.
I just figured people in this thread would be already well familiar with the game.
If I'd have known, I'd have put that in spoilers.
Dark Souls 2 is the best solely for that one invader NPC who pretends to be a white phantom and waves to you
I shit my pants when he backstabbed me and then just rolled away and disapeared
What mods are you using?
Nothing except the Gem ENB.
It looks really good. Is there much of a performance impact?
None whatsoever.
Keep in mind, this doesn't work with SotFS edition of the game.
If it wasn't for silly messages like those I would've stopped playing halfway through.
It's because of the switch to DX11.
ENB works only with DX9.
For DX11, you only have SweetFX/Reshade stuff and that doesn't measure up, sadly enough.
>ambush from behind in short, try thrusting
Dark Souls 1 and it's not even my favorite game in the series. I just think it excels in this aspect.
>tongue, but whole
>tongue but hole
first time i saw that message i literally died for 30 min straight. yes childish humor etc etc kek
demon's souls
My favorite was one I found by Darkdiver Grandahl
>Weakness: Right Leg and then Left Leg
What a cunt.
sunbros, where we at?
I don't remember that room being on fire. This supposed to happen?
The ones that made me giggle like an idiot were on the long way down to the Throne of Want which got more and more ridiculous, starting with
>Running Required!
and ending with stuff like
>Try Left Leg And Then Right Leg!
Seriously, to everyone who left those messages: I love you guys.
I liked the room at the hub town with the treasure chest that had all around it
>Treasure Right
>Treasure Left
>Treasure Up
>Treasure Down
Horse but hole
I love Lautrec, but I really wish he was more like Yurt, in terms of how much your game could be impacted by him being around and alive.
Demon's might have one of the smallest casts but it's certainly a memorable one.
>mfw that rivalry between the spellcasters and miracle users
>mfw saving Ostrava's twink ass so many times he realizes he's a worthless fuccboi and an heros
>mfw having to disguise myself to save best girl
>mfw Biorr shows up to help against Penetrator
>mfw the entire Yurt and Mephistopheles quest
>mfw delicious maiden feet
horse but? WHAT?!?!?!
>Try Tongue but Hole
>when she swings them back and forth
Nah, you can do that on your own.
>Careful woman ahead, weakness : bleeding
>boulder and then boulder
What was the skeleton one again?
>find whip
>"woman required"
i like seeing giant bones of creatures, because then you can like, picture what it was like, before they were giant bones
>Don't give up, skeleton!
>Sticky White Stuff
Nothing better than 50% budget boobs and Solaire.
>99 stacks
The boob mole really ties it all together
>fancy meeting you guys here!
He's from AC originally, right?
yeah patch the good luck
It sure do, it seems they put half the economy just on that. Her freaking lips do not even move.
This is a good thread.
I'd say DaSII's cast was solid at best -- they didn't change at all, but they were pleasant enough. Collecting them for the hub was fun because it almost counteracted the sense of tension that the game had most of the time just playing through it.
DaS1's cast was more memorable overall though because the atmosphere was perhaps the strongest and most engaging it has been in the whole series. They received more attention because the the danger/emptiness of the environments and the loneliness of the world overall compelled you cling to other characters who existed in it -- this effect was also played on at the bonfires when other PCs appeared as shades, but the tangible presence and personality of the NPCs was even more strongly felt. They also had proper arcs and questlines which lent as much to their character as their dialogue did.
I had trouble recalling NPCs from 3 because most were weak in the same way that 2's were, and generally the impression one gleans of them is more murky on account of 3's "launch atmosphere". I think if one had picked it up unaware of its popularity, they might be engrossed in a different way than I assume many were at release, and more receptive of the NPCs' personalities as a result.
Someone else pointed out above that characters in Bloodborne were lacking due their surprisingly shallow questlines and arcs, though Eileen is sort of an exception. I'd add that they also came up a bit shy on complexity, and many were criminally underutilized, Gehrman being the foremost example..
Unfortunately, I haven't played DeS, but the a lot of the cast have obviously stuck in the consciousness of its fanbase.
Use a torch on the walls. You can manually set them alight.
Yeah, Dark Souls 3 NPCs aren't really all that particularly noteworthy, in the same way that Bloodborne's weren't.
I wish there was more to do with Eigon, more to do with Anri, more to do with Karla.... basically, everything about the NPCs in DaS 3 felt short/unfinished.
To be fair, she is just an illusion
imo bloodborne is the best game
but i enjoyed dark souls 1s npcs far more
I think nostalgia must be clouding your judgement because NPCs in DS3 have the most complex and interdependant quests. Siegward/Patches saving Geriward or Anri's quest with 3 different ending and Eyegon with both
To be fair she existed somewhere, waifus are always illusions anyway in the long run : - )
>basically, everything about the NPCs in DaS 3 felt short/unfinished.
This is too true. Their concepts are great, but it feels like development for most of them stopped there. Why do many have less to say and do when you meet them out in the world than the fucking ladderman or cartographer in 2? Some do have quests, at least, and have things going on in the background like 1's NPCs, but a few of those and others don't quite meet their potential or change much. Eygon and Hawkwood are compelling, but the former could have done more.
Here's hoping the DLC will make a standout addition or two to the cast.
3's NPCs just didn't turn up often enough or move around often enough to leave much of an impression. Anri is memorable because she did both of those things and had that little extra stuff in Anor Londo, but the only other one that really pops up in different places is just a Siegmeyer clone.
Even 2, who I thought had some really bland NPCs, still had a good amount that would pop up in different areas as you progressed through the game and seemed to be progressing through their own shit at the same time, like Luactiel and Benhart, and some cheeky mofos like Straid.
Apart from Anri and Karla I can't recall anyone from 3 that really stood out.
No, not nostalgia at all.
I've played a hundred hours or so of Dark Souls 3 when it came out and I recently replayed Dark Souls 1 and am currently going through Dark Souls 2, just about to head off and do the DLCs.
I did this just to compare the games how they feel.
Don't get me wrong, there's a lot of good stuff about Dark Souls 3, it's just - they don't really improve all that much in the NPC department. And shouldn't sequels do that? Get even better?
Demon Souls had the best NPCs. The only problem was World Tendency bullshit means playing the game in a very specific way in order to see them.
> Stockpile Thomas
> The whole Faith vs Magic thing with Urbain and Freke and their followers hating eachother across the Nexus.
> Give you info on the story of Latria/Madian Astrea
> Yurt is by far the best secretly evil NPC in the series, and will fuck your game up permenantly if you let him.
> A unique merchent for every World
> Patch's tricks you twice and has quite a bit to say
> Ostrava and Bjoir help you out in levels
> Each area (except Boletaria Palace) has a friendly NPC who appears at Pure White World Tendancy and gives you a quest
any good bloodbourne ones? I'm not paying for online so I feel like I'm missing out, since there's usually atleast a couple really funny ones. Bout halfway through currently.
I think Lautrec is perfect. You know he's suspicious but you've got no idea what he's gonna do, and he takes out the firekeeper at the best possible moment for a new payer's first run; after they've been away from Firelink for the longest period of time yet through one of the most frustrating and difficult areas for a first timer. Making it back to Firelink after the depths and blighttown only to realize your only safe haven has been violated was a real 10/10 moment.
I can understand wanting a more lasting impact from the dickass murderous NPC but considering the game also had the option for dark Anor Londo I think that covers it.
Why did Sony do that? Charge for online. Wasn't one of their bigger advertisement points for PS3 how you didn't have to pay for online?
Demon's Souls by far.
werewolf guy from Bloodborne could fuck up your life pretty hard too
I guess they felt they could since their biggest competition was. Either way I don't plan on spending whatever money per month for one game. I got my pvping itch scratched with ds3 so I'm good on that front. I really just miss the notes.
I think I can forgive Siegward, almost. I believe he's supposed to be evidence for the fact that the unkindled "fail safe" that the world has for ensuring the rekindling of the first flame is drawing even ancient heroes from the ground.
Or maybe he's just fanservice. Or he's Miyazaki's favorite.
It's said that they could introduced original characters instead, but most of the rest of the cast in original and fell flat anyway. Sieg is still solid at least.
Das3 has my nigga Greirat
but it also has the most badass crestfallen, Hawkwood
nigga gets off his ass, beats oceiros, and fights dragons
Yeah. It has the best "we're in this shit together" feeling, And Thomas is... well, Thomas.
inb4 someone posts that theory that everyone in Nexus is a demon
On a whole?
DaS1 or DeS. Personally, I liked DaS1 the best
But halve of DS3 NPCs are from DS
How would you say Karla stood out?
Did you just like her design, like I do?
He lost his way ;_;
Best girl.
>just a Seigmeyer clone
he's the exact opposite of Seigmeyer in terms of personality, please actually try talking to the guy before saying stuff like this
>he's the exact opposite of Seigmeyer in terms of personality