EEnE Online rolled out a patch today after almost 2 years of silence from the devs!

EEnE Online rolled out a patch today after almost 2 years of silence from the devs!

>Kevin's bike now breaks less during scams
>Eddy's hitbox has been fixed
>Ship-in-a-bottle no longer locks to a players inventory
>Edtropolis overhauled to fix collision bugs
>Kankers getting nerfed to Hell finally
Time to dive back in boys

I don't have anything to contribute but these are the some of best threads on this shithole, thanks OP.

This threads fun every once in a while but once it's posted several times a day it gets old

>Nothing about nerfing Rolf, yet again.


Sounds great :)

> silence
Way to spread misinformation. I bet you play KotH online.

They gave him a new ult, Hammer of Discipline is wayyyy less overpowered. Long reach, but long wind up and doesn't lock you into an animation anymore, thank christ

git fucking gud

This shit needs to be ban worthy already

>implying KotH has servers anymore

Because no one's paying attn to your gay thread?

>not liking fun
damn user get that stick out of your ass

>How dare you have fun at five in the morning!

Are any of the real games good?

>I come to Sup Forums to talk about Sup Forums shit and roleplay

Someone host.

As far as licensed games go they're mediocre.

>what are time zones


Hosting a Free-for-Ed on Chimp Wurld, drop on in!

>kankers finally get hit with the nerf bat
As a Kevinfag, I'm okay with this.

Is there any reason to not play disco jimmy? Prove me wrong.
>pro tip:you can't

Jesus Christ, the wheel gave me nightmares when I started playing.

Fuck this instance, so goddamn much.

are they ever going to deal with issue about Edd never being able to upgrade his hat? He starts off great, sure, but having to miss out on better headgear seriously gimps him in end-game scams.

>instant sleep in debuff
>Kevin fags get dmg increase stacked onto their 25% increase against Ed boys
Honestly I'd take the old bike break rate over this shit

Any idea when they're going to open the testing servers for "Battle of the Bro" gamemode? All the kids vs an overbuffed Eddy's Brother sounds fun.

But no, more bullshit patches mid-ranked season.

>playing Edd on higher scam levels

sure its very rewarding but you'd have to have been playing him since the start to learn his abilities

>Kankers getting nerfed to Hell finally
>Sara not nerfed
>Rolf not nerfed


It's the current year!