So you just played and finished a game that you enjoyed

So you just played and finished a game that you enjoyed .

Then you find out this guy was the creator and producer.

How would your attitude change about the game?

It wouldn't

i wouldn't care

I might vomit a little

I dont play games without researching developers first.

it wouldn't.

who is that anyway? What games have they made?

Zero fucks if I still liked the game.
Less than zero fucks if he turned out to be a level headed guy even though he looks like a humongous faggot.
Would probably give some fucks though if the game has irked me in a few areas and this faggot could potentially be responsible for them.

Eh, I enjoyed Fez but think Phil Fish is a little shit.

It wouldn't, but I do have my doubts that he would be capable of making a game i would enjoy.

then you are one insecure fuck

I still have no clue who the fuck that dude is.

He's an NSA operative.

It wouldn't. But my perception of him would change. I can respect anyone with the ability to make a good game

i don't care about how i look so why should i care about other people's appearances ?

Is it too late to get a refund because if not I'm getting a refund because fuck that faggot.

>How would your attitude change about the game?
It wouldn't unless he comes to my house and tells me my interpretations of the game were wrong.

Is there a SINGLE game developer that doesn't look like a fucking hipster faggot?
Bonus points if he's a chad.

I would have done my research before I played the game in the first place. A game is dropped at the first sign on a nu male tumor.

That's basically how it happened for me with Isaac and Nuclear Throne.

Good games but MacMillan and the whackjob that made NT can eat a dick.

I wouldn't give a shit. But people like him usually drops some heavy socio-political bullshit in their games so I wouldn't touch that shit to begin with.

inb4 Dingaling

My favorite author is a faggot who probably looks like this. At least with games I can just pirate them and nor give these dipshits any money. I'll still enjoy it, but I'm not paying for it.

What did he make?

Who's your favorite author?

>Eh, I enjoyed Fez but think Phil Fish is a little shit.

I don't give a shit who makes games. I play the games, not the developers. If the guy's a shit then I might not recommend the game to other people, but I'd still play it if it's good and enjoyable.

Fez had some of the most unique and interesting puzzles I've ever aged in a game, maybe only second to portal. Phil fish is a total cunt but that shouldn't stop you from enjoying it, the game itself is good.

>favourite author is a huge fedora tipper that got btfo when he tried to make games
>his books are top-tier, but I have to completely block him out when I read them
Fuck knows why he tried to make CLANG, a game with zero story elements, when his specialty is writing


john carmack
Sid Meier

oh you're talking about indie devs? why didn't you say so.


>Bonus points if he's a chad.

I shitpost about how much of a faggot he is on Sup Forums, but I actually don't mind and think he did a good job making a game I enjoyed.
My attitude wouldn't change.

still an ultracuck tbf

If I liked it then I still like it.

If I disliked it then I now hate it.

That's almost as retarded as judging a game because of its fanbase

Fucks a turboweeb who could be a top model.

I love this guy for his meme potential but I have no idea who he is. Is he actually associated with video games in any way or was this picture just taken from a costume party or something? I have to know.

Video games were being made for a long time before hipsters were a thing. Have you ever seen the photo of the Jagged Alliance 2 developers? Remember the idea of 'nerdiness' only got corrupted in the past few years. For a long time only actual nerds who looked and acted like nerds gave a single fuck about this stuff.

Also Japan

He's a Bernie supporter.

dumb mobileposter

>streamer ditz with tumblr hair
fuck off Cliffy :o)

what if the developer was a known pedophile and you know for a fact the money you give him will end up in thailand?

It wouldn't. That's dumb

I'd be more impressed that I actually finished a game for once.