Is there any reason why a body type such as this isn't attainable in every game with body sliders?

Is there any reason why a body type such as this isn't attainable in every game with body sliders?

I'm seriously asking here. This isn't a thick posting thread.

Is there any reason why body sliders max out at such a limiting side? Why don't devs let players make much greater proportions? And I'm not talking about just asses. But stomachs, legs, hips, arms, boobs, everything. Why are body sliders always so disappointingly conservative?

Other urls found in this thread:

womens with steroids are ugly af fampai

There are several board for this shit. These slow boards are ignored while everyone posts it here.

Probably conservative because it's easier to make it conservative than to give you the ability to go crazy, otherwise her biceps and thunder thighs would clip through herself.
Also name? Google keeps giving me some random muslim bodybuilder....she's kinda cute actually.
>Halal storefront
Dear Allah.

Because it drastically increases the amount of work you have to do on your game making sure every bit of clothing/weapon/whatever fits properly

Because women on steroids is a bad, bad thing for a number of reasons.

Increased variety in proportions makes all outfits clippy as fuck.

>that skin
this is not treating the body as a temple
this is not self improvement
this person has a problem

>put in drastic body sliders
>you've now got to spend months and months developing every bit of clothing to work on your bodies
>even when you spend all that time and money it will cause massive clipping issues and people will bitch the game looks like shit
tldr version is a total waste of time.

Pretty sure you can make her in Dragon's Dogma, at least her body should be easy to replicate.

>Muscle fag copies my thread.
>Mod deletes my thread where we were already having legit discussin.
>Leaves the musclefag thread up.

Hey, we were talking about the technical requirements for such a feature in video games, what mods are capable of doing, and (most) all of our images were vidya related thickness. There was literally so reason why it can't be discussed here.

But apparently mods don't even skim the threads they delete.

In that thread were you the one who posted that last webm before it was deleted? It looked like a girl walking, tattoos on back, huge ass... I couldn't see it before it was deleted

>30 dyel autists crying about MUH STEROIDS MUH NOT ATTRACTIVE

lmfao every time

>This person has a problem
Oily greasy skin?

No, I didn't post that one. It looked like some body mod applied to a dragon girl. Learn how to archive, newfriend.

Because if they go too extreme clothes start clipping all over the place, making fitting clothes isn't that easy when you have to accommodate for hundreds of different possible model sizes. They have to limit that shit at some point or horrible warping and clipping will happen.

You're dumb. There's only so much variation because armours would need to conform to the body in many different ways, and that's hard to dev, test and dev again.

But anons, most male characters will have comparable or bigger muscles than those girls. That's a completely attainable physique for body sliders. You didn't even post true limit pushing examples.

Show me some of these examples of limits being pushed, then

I might be retarded here but I think this pic was reversed, I mean she was on the right not left. Is that called specular? I'm not sure. You can try editing it that way and then searching

>those hands

Just google body builders.

is this incase the suicide bomb fails to detonate and they have to kill everyone bare handed?

Because they have a completely different model and unless clothes are unisex different elements.

>archive for deleted thread

Look at their arms though. Realistically, they barely take more space than an average female model's arm.

shit i laughed.

Hint: You should be able to see this post.

yeah, dragon dogma did fine

Who's they?

because you need another mesh for defined mucles

"they" as in the arms of the muscle girls posted in this thread. They're not that much bigger than an average model. I doubt their level of mass would create complications.

>Is there any reason why body sliders max out at such a limiting side?
it's extra work and many devs are already too lazy to implement good features in their games, so fetish sliders is the last of them

>strangely has 5inch clit

Because it needs to line up with the game's animations.

Muscle girls in this thread are photos of real people, nobody programmed them.
Nor did they have to make sure theirs conflicted with the woman's body

All I can think about now is getting an agressive handjob from that woman while looking at her tiddies, while she takes on a dominant motherly role over me.

I'm saying that if you take an average female 3D model, and then alter the size to that of the muscle women women in the thread, you don't have to put much work into that. their arms are slightly thicker. That's about it. All you need to do is make the arms of the armor slightly thicker to match.

>tfw no games where you can make your PCfu eat until she's mostly a ball and then roll over your enemies

sounds like you're being simplistic

pretty much, it's like being able to have a fat character in, say WoW, they'd have to redo all the armors and clothes to fit and not clip like hell
they'd have to start out making a game with all these different types and that's a lot of work when the publisher is breathing down your necks

Perhaps I am.
I'm just thinking Dark Souls can produce arms of the same circumference. They make it look easy.

Who is the lucky bastard fucking that muscle princess?

>She'll never put her arm around your shoulders and hug you
>She'll never big spoon you at night so you don't do nightmares

Why am I even going

That's really not big by videogame standards. Every man in skyrim looks like that.

jesus I bet she could literally rip your cock off.

probably some xbox huge guy

>girl is more ripped than you
>"b-but she's not big like the men in my video games!"

That pose is so contrived.

how do you guys find masculinity in women attractive?

where are all your female equivalents who want feminine fuckbois?

how triggered are the SJW at this post?

No dick? That's disgusting,

But we're talking about videogames, senpai?

because its fucking gross and nobody wants to see that shite apart from fagboys like op

>where are all your female equivalents who want feminine fuckbois?

That probably exists. I would argue that the canons of beauty for males are quite different nowadays in countries like korea or japan. Look at their stars. They're all fuckboys

That girl probably has a penis.

You dumb fucks don't even realize a woman on steroids is extremely harmful for the female fetus, giving her male genitals.

Keep glorifying a disgusting and damaging behaviour you fucking retards.

>sticking her ass out
>pushing her arm against her body to make biceps/tricep look bigger

>where are all your female equivalents who want feminine fuckbois?
You mean the average fujoshi?

worried that if she clenches when i'm penetrating shell tear my dick off 2bh

id be fine with it

could be worse

I love when their nipples are just barely poking out

>That girl probably has a penis.
that's why she's perfect

>tfw she will never do this to you

lets mix it up a bit

I want her to do that as I am about to cum. The pain from her thighs and her effort to bury my dick deeper and deeper into her would probably be wonderful


you're playing with fire user

is this some kind of abortion technique that they use whenever the baby is black

that looks so fucking wrong

its like an abortion or extreme menstruation or something

its just about the least sexy thing a woman could do, ever

do you understand how textures and meshes work?

Muscles are something you have to work for tho.

SJWs are more into defending fatasses.

We need to finalize feminism and make women work out and earn money while we get chubby raising the children at home

I wonder where I could get a onepiece like that

My dick does not tingle a bit.

Cuz womyn should be anorectic or fat.

Dragon's Dogma, Saints Row and modded Skyrim are like the only games where you can put some muscle on girls.

How many chicks with muscles end up getting a boob job ?

can you imagine how screwed we'd be if women were naturally physically stronger than men? lmao holy shit


SJW hates women who take care of themselves, doesn't matter if she have muscle or not, they love ""body positive"" wales who don't shower in months.

You just don't have high enough test

pulling numbers out my ass i'd say the majority since the bigger ones have no tits left pretty much

>those man hands

Well history would be quite different.
>tfw alt history where males are rare and frail while earth is populated by amazons who use you like a reproductive bull

What's her name?

James Franco played the retard so perfectly in that movie

there would be no history because women are literally too retarded to into civilisation

there would just be loads of hair pulling and banana throwing

Name of OP's pic is Rebekka Armstrong I think

So basically girls have to choose between having tits or muscles.

Well maybe you don't know that but the biggest difference homo sapiens has compared to its contemporains or predecessors is that its males are more feminized with less testosterone in their body, making social bonding and interactions easier instead of retarded alphas fighting all day for dominance.

Also projections for future evolution have a feminization scenario where males get more and more feminized because traits such as agressivity and muscular builds are less and less needed in modern societies

google says moosefix

>she has muscles so she's on steroids
Is this your logic?

Thank you google by proxy, I didn't get anything.

i'm a neckbeard so i can't say for certain but since boobs are mostly fat it seems logical that you have to trade them for lower body fat or big muscles

Until there's a war.

lol nice try hambeast.

go back

Well that's only if they are bodybuilding though, since they go for that 0% bodyfat and that kills the boobs
So I wouldn't say you have to choose between those two necessarly

>Is there any reason why a body type such as this isn't attainable in every game with body sliders?
Yes, the fact your character isn't flexing on the creation screen.

well, women don't have the testosterone levels for that kind of muscle growth naturally. Doesn't matter how hard they work out or how good their diet is.

>daily meme

Well you sure showed me with this scientific article with demonstrated arguments.

True, but modern conflicts are mainly won by air or long distance weapons. The soldier in the field is getting behind more and more. Of course he is still needed, but when drones will become truly operational and deployable on ground, we won't need soldiers anymore

>tfw no mama bear gf