It's time

It's time.


I'd play this.

>MOOM SAID IT'S MY TURN TO PLAY said the demons as they pulled Doomguy's hands away from the controller








who wins

The one that says "hey check out how hard i can pee"

Who is strongest heropon?


>climax to a Paul Robertson animation

It's Time?


dont do it

No its not fuck off.


I can't find the other one.

Excuse me?

METITEM has some epic torpedo tits and a nice drill dick.



Riir has dual biters, but any being that can grow a ring of hair is clearly a force to be reckoned with.

>Dark Souls 3 DLC boss fight

This seems like a stalemate to me. Superior weaponry vs. superior defense.

name is lore-friendly at least



I kek every time.


>a bib a toot

I've won


Slam dunk vs Hell yeah

The moon one looks like a serious work out

Three boobs? I wonder how many vaginas she has.

who would win?

What's Boris Johnson doing with those swords?

>Nicest person you'll ever meet... and TWISTED FUCKING PSYCHOPATH


Who would win in a fight?

I can be ur angle or yuor devil

>I can be your angle or your demon

Lamal dual wields pistols but erioiore is a madman

Lamal, because he has two guns.

>raw war
>smack dawm 2002



Well Lamaj has superior weaponry, but he looks scrawny and not like somebody with a lot of experience in a fight.

Now Erioioire is clearly a big badass, he just beat the shit out of two dudes and the police don't even dare to stop him.

notice the dick
she's a futa actually

Well, LAMAL Has two pistols but also looks to be fucking anorexic, while Erioioire looks to be built like a truck and likely has the strength of ten tards, so im gonna go with Erioioire.

who would win?

they're both horrifying

Give me the delegates Donald.

it's obvious, ABSOLUTE DNOD NON is the correct answer



Secoces Soos looks tired and beaten, an easy target for Dnond Non.

>Brits vs Americans

>prostrating emo kid
>magic casting goblin
i think we all know

Rockstar Gamag Ratscock.

Come on then faggot.


wrong image

what about this one

>I have ascended


Dual-wielding Merman vs Fire demon learned levitate.

>your weapons are useless Dioic
>behold my awesome power

two rifles can't really compare to a levitating fire mage

BattlAlttab has two rifles, a well formed jaw and is snapped to attention perfectly. Dleif-Field has a flaming chest and a unicycle. I think the winner is obvious.

Two brooms? How barbaric!




>this hungry skelleton still needs hands to keep his stick in the air

That's really something

>"No matter how hard you struggle, Battl8lttab, human effort has its limits. Even if you have two rifles, it's useless!"

holy kek

Holy shit Ronda actually looks really hot in the first joke.


The second one looks like a snarky magic cockgoblin. So that wins.

>dex vs str

>left: eastern female design
>right: western female design



>tfw too retarded to even know how to do this


>Left click pic from google and copy it
>Put it in mspaint
>Select half of it and copy it
>Make another copy of that half and flip it



Fabibaf is too greedy to dodge III E2E III's attacks





"You can't handle my Soviets traveler. They are too strong for you"