Branch D

>Branch D
>Final Song boss
WHAT THE FUCKING SHIT IS THAT SHIT. I don't even know when to click.

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Git gud

bet you're looking at the screen when it's all part of the plan

Of course. I'm not hearing any kind of sound that tells me when to click, I think.

So who here actually beat the game?

beating it of course means without cheating

it does tell you though, it's just not a "do it at same time" deal

I did. Took me like 20 hours but I did it

You need a sense of rhythm to do the Final Song

Only problem with that is that the timing changes between phases.

I love the song for this boss but whenever I listen to it I hear the damn bells chiming in my mind and it's very distracting

Took me about 4 days, averaging 4-5 hours each day.

The moment you stop trusting your eyes and start tapping the beat out with your foot is when you safely get past the 2nd stage everytime.

>entire game is easy as shit
>final boss appears

>Drakengard 1s final boss was universally hated.
>Drakengard 3s final boss is pretty much the same bullshit
Cavia the absolute mad man.

The only difference is the last boss to the first game is easy as shit

Ay whut? Queen Beast was a shitload more difficult than Flower Zero

The loading times for that boss makes it even worse.

> rhythm game boss that lasts 8 minutes where you can't fuck up once and the camera exists to fuck you and has a bullshit last note
> easier than simon says that lasts 3 minutes that give you plenty of opportunities to fuck up except in 2 or 3 spots

>8 minutes
What the fuck.

Length is irrelevant when you get a hold of the rhythm, the last half minute from the first game is literally a nightmare.

Drakengard devs are sadists basically.
hold onto your dicks

I mean it's hard but I find the other one harder

This was made by Taro's wife.
Imagine having Taro as a husband.
The wife must have a few screws loose


I can only imagine the sheer ptsd people who played the first game must have felt when they first saw this

I never said it was easy. But it is easier

The people who actually managed to play D1 enough to get to ending D are hardcore masochists dude, they proably started fapping on the spot.

>tfw still haven't finished this game

Apparently to unlock the last branch I need to get all the weapons, but that means inevitably grinding for some money, and the side missions are so shitty and repetitive that just the thought of doing it has stopped me picking up the game in weeks.

I'm not even able to do it 3 times in a row. What the flying fuck.
The purity sand mission of accord, the one with the giant ceberus where you have to collect 7 or 9 books and then the sand payment mission when it's unlocked and repeat it.

My theory is that theyll never release these games on PC because everyone would just cheat all the grind away. The profits from PC release wont make up for the reduced suffering the players would have to endure.

it's pretty easy once you realize you can pause whenever you need to refocus and can count ahead the next several notes before unpausing


>Everyone who beat Drakengard games are secretly Decadus inside.

>can't even get to 5

this is tool assisted r-right

I made it until the 2nd one appeared. Yeah.

Yay, made it until the 3rd one appeared but what the fuck is going on with the camera, holy shit.

it gets worse

>playing drakengard
Were you expecting a good game?

the dancing fish men make it

>it just keeps getting harder and never lets up

I give up for now.

Not me, I knew this shit would happen because Drakengard 1. Loaded up a youtube video and just played it like a rhythm game.

When your game is shit you put cheap gimmicks like this to make it look artistic or special, and with no surprise faggots on Sup Forums eat it up and worship the game.

nigger you don't even know

worth it

>Final ending of Nier
Taro never fucks around.

D1 was class.

I even liked D2.

I've finished D3 too ,but never played the DLC.
Can I still buy the DLC or are the servers closed? I haven't ever played online on console.

>Inuart's sword secretly deals extra damage to Caim in his boss fight in D2

it's the little things

Can't wait for Automatas final ending desu.

Yea, despite all the things people criticize Drakengard games for.
You just know from all those little things that he put a lot of thought into the game.

The drums make this godly

Will we ever see a pairing as pure and good ever again?

Also I'd pay gold if Taro would make an unlicensed Precure game.

This is both beautiful and horrifying

I just remembered I have this saved

Reminder that I want to fuck Four.

was she the one with the psuedo-grotesqueries or was that Three?

That's Three.

Never got laid.
But wanted it so badly.

english Zero is a more refreshing character than japanese Zero

I have the US game. Can I still play the EU DLC of the sisters?

Thats not hard. Try playing something like holy wars lead guitar on rocksmith.

English Zero sounds like a bitch, and she talks like a bitch.

Japanese Zero sounds nice, but she talks like a bitch.

I thought both worked really well.

Four is the girl who tries to keep up that good girl image.

God, the extra drums from the game are great.

>who tries to keep up that good girl image.
She's a good girl.

Are there more people like Taro in the game industry?
Or at the very least how many in the game industry actively make downright depressing endings in their games?

If you can fap to that rhythm only coming to the very last beat while looking shrugging Zero in her eyes.
She will become real.
If you're a virgin she will kill you though.

This, elves deserved it for not being human.

>no one is worshpping it

>looking shrugging Zero in her eyes

I don't know about people who make downright depressing games but in the shadow hearts series the bad engings have always been the canon endings.

the boss looks easy

I have too. Surprisingly it "only" took me a bit more than 3 hours non-stop. I feared I would to get stuck for days, but aside from the last Zero segment, the rest isn't really that hard.

The last note is the most absolutely cheap fucking horseshit they've ever done though.

Muscle memory is one hell of a thing.

Also doesn't the flower count?

That works.

I just want more like Drakengard.
A bit strange, dark, and ultimately depressing.
But a canon bad ending also works.

>The last note
Taro doen not fuck around

Also I told a friend to get the Nier ending D before C.

DLCs are region locked.

she can't see out of it so no

The last note that you can't even hear over the dialogue fucked me over, so I was pretty much forced to look it up.

Still felt pretty satisfied when I finally did finish it.

What would sex with Four be like?

considering her hang ups, it'd never happen

You just need to step up your game.

She'd probably say during sex you're raping her.
How you're disgusting.
Please don't kiss me
I hate this

It wouldn't be very fun

>people call final minigame of DoD1 D ending difficult
>one of the female singers in the music crew for the game finished it on her second try

really makes you think....

well the shadow hearts series can cover the strange and dark part and partially the depressing side oft hings.
but it's not as depressing as drakengard 1 and the series become goofier/happier as it goes on, with the 3rd one (hope from a new world or something) being the happiest of them all.

oh and koudelka for the ps1 is actually the very first game in the series but you do not have to play it to get the gist of things in shadow hearts 1.

>that qt drum in the audience