What games do Israeli people play?
What are your favorite Israeli games?
What games do Israeli people play?
What are your favorite Israeli games?
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Genocide 2
Republicans all agree 100 percent that we are pro-Israel, pro-Life, pro-gun. So why do we spend so much time on these issues? It’s just pandering, so who are they pandering to. I don’t think the Republicans understand evangelicals. We don’t need to be coddled to constantly—we’re not Democrats. There is no doubt that the Republican Party is the party of Israel and of Life. So why keep sucking up on Israel?
Any Ubisoft games.
>shilling this hard
you forgot to mention that le Drumpf xD is a kike
If we continue to dump more Mexican immigrants on the country, we’ll get to the point that we’ll never have another Republican president,” she said. “The Republicans are whistling past the graveyard. If we don’t change our policies on immigration, you’re going to be looking at Iran Deal after Iran Deal after Iran Deal. I can count on Americans to protect Israel. I don’t count on foreigners to care about Israel, and that’s who’s coming in to vote
Fuck off antisemite, remember the 6 millions.
Tycoons game.
Everything Tycoon
I was in Tel Aviv last summer - they played GTA: San Andreas and Dota 2.
I just play smash all day.
the Democratic party is the any-intellectual, ostracizing party now. Oh and abstinence is the only way to prevent STDs, and most of all, unwanted pregnancy, this i just slut talk. Tell me more about a "woman's right to choose" when you are forcing a teenage girl to get an abortion she doesn't want, "for her own good."
post nose with timestamp
I don't feel like taking 50 pictures right now.
Americans are so damn salty about Iran
Is Cutman jewish?
Paradox autism simulators, personally
I hate jews but I love Israel because its government is based and pissed off liberals like you.
Not vidya so fuck off though tumblrtard.
To answer the question OP, probably something like Squad or Insurgency
hello i am jewish
Civ 5 as Venice
>what games Jews play
What other human beings play.
>favorite Israeli game
There is non, there are the AAA games that everybody say Jews out for your gold but that just trying to make crappy people be of something specific so they'll hate the something specific more.
Source: I'm a zionist kike.
Pic unrelated
If you want a serious answer? Counter Strike. People here love that shit.
Ethnic Cleansing
How many did you kill per day ?
Why aren't we making AAA games bro?
>what games Jews play
20.7% Arab
>human beings
>literally JIDF
Do your people really despise Palestinians and Arabs in general that much?
Jews aren't human though.
>a map runs at 52fps
Nice one Ahmed. Don't let me catch you outside.
>upgrading your pc more than one time every 15 years
Yeah yeah but I'm talking about myself and my entire town, I know there is Itiopians, Muslim, Christian, badawi and what you can fish from the barrel.
No idea, there is the shit old games no one plays.
>a bipedal pleb
>literally jihad
That's right, we are hot blooded reptile like the queen of England.
Go hide in your basement before I turn on the gas, subhuman kike.
Yeah we do. They are the worst shits.
>open borders
>in a jewish country
>in the middle of middle-east
Literally the most retarded thing since the restoration of Izrael in the 50s in the first place.
Why does Tel Aviv sound so epic?
Like there could be a lord of the rings battle taking place there and it would feel right
beat me to it
It sounds like a Morrowind place to me
Because there are a lot of orcs there already.
Cant deny this proof
Israel has a right to defend itself against SATANIC ISLAMIC INVADERS
currently I play rainbow six siege.
Games I always love
Simcity 4
The sims 2
my brother still play there games
Cant deny this evidence
Jews and Muslims are cut from the same pile of shit.
I find it baffling and outrageous that anyone could support Palestine's terrorist government given how immoral practices they employ.
Palestinian people would be better off as Israeli citizens, too.
Propaganda isn't evidence, fact, or truth, kike.
I support Israel
But it's okay to let terrorists in Europe and America.
>BREAKING NEWS WORLDWIDE: Israel kills more innocent Muslims! Tragedy!
>Oh and we won't mention this, but they were human shields protecting the terrorists who were the real target
Every time
Did you know that israel tries to save civilian lives?
>zionist propaganda on Sup Forums
>replying to zionist propaganda
Jesus Christ you zionists give us a break. It is bad enough we have to hear it in movies, TV shows, from politicians & the government, from Sup Forums, facebook, twitter, etc. Just let us talk about videogames in peace.
You can convince some other goyim that your ethnic cleansing of an unarmed populace is justified. Just leave us be.
It's humorous to be anti-kike while being pro-Israel. I am but I acknowledge the irony especially given all the years of JIDF.
Civilians that houses terrorists are terrorists them selves
>You can convince some other goyim that your ethnic cleansing of an unarmed populace is justified.
>dey dindu nuffin!
lmaoing at your life, liberal cuck
i know that feel.
How much do you get paid by the JIDF to shill on a video game board?
I'm not saying that Israelis never make mistakes or that they are all blameless, but when I saw how absolutely spineless arab propaganda against them is, promoting hoaxes and writing complete and blatant falsehoods presented as "outrageous news", I lost any and all sympathy I might have once had for palestinian delusions of statehood.
Look at this proof
How much do you get paid by the MIDF to shill on a video game board?
>muh innocent muslims
i hate Arabs/Muslims as much as the next guy, but does the IDF really except poor brown peasants to wage anything other than an urban guerilla warfare?
>Kikes have to remind us everytime that they're not sub-human and need to shill on every website
JIDF are hard at work i see
The point of the image is to explain why civilian houses are being bombed, because there's always some retarded outrage about Israel bombing poor """innocent""" civilians.
Cant deny this
Get wiped off the face of this Earth.
last time i saw israelis was in Skazi audience
>You can convince some other goyim that your ethnic cleansing of an unarmed populace is justified.
You can't be more of a muzzie apologist than this. Kill yourself retard.
why don't israel jews just move to israel?
>no more gas for israel
I hope you thanked them
you're not supposed to actually engage in conversation with JIDF
if you do that they win
Why is Hamas so evil? Does it not care for people it purports to stand for at all?
thread theme
C'mon mods, this is hardly a game thread anymore.
OP does bring up a point though. Are Israelis a console-dominant market or PC-focused?
Arab here, can you Jews stop mentioning us everytime neonazi faggots shitpost about you?
From the sandniggers' perspective there isn't really anything they can do. Both sides are dug in with a 1984 "we have always been at war" mentality. They're both retaliating for retaliations ad infinitum. The difference is that Israel has US funding so hiding in homes is the only thing the sandniggers can do. That said, Hamas' charter literally says it wants to kill non-believers so they're automatically in the wrong.
Well, that should be expected considering you're suppressing them and treating them like WWII kikes, not really surprising they elected a terrorist organization to take control if they're the only hope of getting rid of the oppressive Israeli regime, heck they built a trump wall around them.
>People are actually replying to JIDF propaganda
Yes. I apologise for referencing Arabs in general when what I should have done is specify terrorist enabling arabs.
I recognize there are many honorable and fair people among you that merely get bad reputation through association with violent ideologues.
I thought that pic was a guy in red screaming because of his boner desu
I wish I could still enjoy video games
What are you even talking about, fuckhead?
>muh ebil mudslimes
fuck off
I can see a fat guy facing right, but no boners.
Thanks bro.