What is the scariest video game moment?
What is the scariest video game moment?
That movie was absolut fucking garbage
Fucking plebs
when u bout to beat da game but she still suckin
Fantastic movie
I would say the Bear scene in Condemned 2 or the Mirror Scene in SH3
P.T. shits on every horror game ever created and it was only 1 hallway and a bathroom
Indeed it was. People only like it for the lesbian shit.
Lost Highway is far superior.
When the screen goes black during a loading screen and you see your reflection and are unceremoniously yanked out of your escapist womb into the real world for a brief and terrifying moment.
Consider suicide, you underage shitter.
I don't really get scared at video games due to complete desensitization from playing them ever since a young age an being a huge horror movie buff but moments that stick out to me are.
>Mirror room in SH3
>Mannequin in SH3
>Toluca Prison in SH2
>Shalesbridge Cradle in Thief 3
>Alma stuff in F.E.A.R
>Jumpscares are great when Kojima does it.
He's not reading your comments, user. He wont fuck you.
The moment where you see my peanus weanus, of course!
I laughed at posts like this and then it happened to me.
It's worse when you're fapping and get an unflattering angle.
I loved P.T but this is objectively wrong. Go back to watching Pewdiepie videos and Markiplier shit.
I'm a total gay faggot faker alright, now whats the movie
Trust me, it's shit. Watch Lost Highway instead.
ok fine I will, but whats the movie anyway?
Underrated: The car crash in Shattered Memories.
On day 8 of Pathologic, scrolling all the way out on the map screen.
Mulholland Dr. don't listen to the other user. It's a fantastic movie and he's just being a faggot about it.
titanic toddler
Mullholland Drive
When you have to update the game and you got shit internet.
>Movie that un-ironically plays ramstein in one of its scenes and has cameos of marilyn mansion
>Better than Mulholland Drive
I haven't seen Mulholland Drive yet but it can't be worse than Lost Highway, that movie had potential but it just went in the wrong direction.
every second of doom 64
this ost goddamn
I will never understand why pussies find that scene scary. Sup Forums is a massive fucking pussy btw.
I just wish the N64 controller wasn't so bad I could enjoy it more.
fuck meant to post this
Didn't it get ported to PC?
I have a physical copy along with Quake 2 for the N64
This scene was so terrifying the first time it happening.
nice playdough monster
also that game wasnt scary at all you pussy
PT is the only video game in history that was legitimately scary
thanks konami
Awesome, thanks man!
Everything in Thief
Not to mention those random noises you hear on the first floor of the hospital or in the sewer