Will it ever end, Sup Forums?

Will it ever end, Sup Forums?

It's a pretty fun game.

Fans of the game said he was too sexy


I feel sick over game industry turning everything into Hitler simulators. please no more murder centered gaming.

So they even gave him pink hair?

That's not what's atrocious.

It's the doubling of all prices, removing magicite farming, and having the shittiest gacha on the planet that make it not worth the time to complain.

>they gave me a medal for killing two men and a discharge for loving one

Explain, I'm having fun with it and they just removed the counter for magicite.

There's no reason to play global if you like the game.
None of the jobs or abilities right now are worth pulling for, and everything costs twice as much as it does in JP for no good reason.

Even without that bullshit counter, you still get less magicite than an active JP player. It's just that you don't have to do anything to get it.

that outfit looks retarded though so who cares

>SJWs are taking pretty men away now

Who's left to sexualize?


>We're slowly approaching the furfag era

At least it might scare off the SJWs.


The Japs censored it, not SJWs. He was too sexy.

Also this only affect his Onion Knight costume. All his other costumes are pretty fucking gay. Ranger especially.

They removed the expiring magicite?


Nice. I uninstalled it because of that.

P-post them.

Any tips on this game for a noob?
I just got to this place.

You are of the homosexual persuasion user

That was pretty gay

They're literally Americanising everything, skin on show is bad but murder is ok

Fantasy creatures
The fact that they aren't even representations of real things will at least slow the sjw roll

I decided to turn gay but looking at this make it seem like a bad idea.

I'd say always take a class that has the elements the boss is vulnerable and strong against, for example if you have to fight red dragon take a class (and cards) that have fire and water, so you can collect fire orbs to resist and water orbs to use water skills

Also if you have the Yuna card, use it often, you might unlock an extra skill which in this card's case, increases the healing effect by 10%, its other extra skills are copies of that so you can increase it up to 30%

When picking rental cards, hold your finger over the small icons to read up on extra skills, most support cards have "using this card doesn't cost an action" which are good for a boost + small heal without sacrificing an emergency elemental drive

Don't bother playing anymore, it's shit

>Will it ever end?

Spoiler alert: It will never end because it has always been there.
Games from Japan have literally always been censored, even more so in the past where entire levels or characters got cut.
You're either a Sup Forums shitter or someone who has started playing videogames last week

Sure it's dumb and I prefer my games uncensored but complaining about slight changes such as in the OP that has no effect on the gameplay is equally dumb

Will what end? both those outfits are still in the game, they only swapped the starting outfit.

And there are outfits where all he wears is just shorts so what's the problem?