Why do I still feel like "next gen" is still in its baby steps?

Why do I still feel like "next gen" is still in its baby steps?
I got a PS4 as a gift, and so far I've bought and played the exclusives on it that I wanted to try.
>inFamous Second Son (it was okay)
>Killzone Shadowfall (kind of dull but pretty)
>Ratchet and Clank (it's ratchet and clank)
>Uncharted 4 (fucking boring but very pretty)

That's really it. I guess there's a couple small indie titles here and there, and a few remasters or new releases I can look forward to, but not that many.
This isn't just PS4, though. It's all of next gen. How the hell do you have a console out for 3 years and not have fuck all worth playing on it?
To any console-exclusive players, what the fuck have you been playing?

your taste is awful

western games are garbage on every platform


Lots of fun western games, and lots of TERRIBLE ones for weebs.
Playing good games from either end is key, but I bought all 4 of those because I've player previous games in the series and liked them enough to warrant checking out the sequel.

But if you'll point out some non visual-novel weeb games that are out, I'll happily look them up. If they're worth buying.

infamous: second son was incredible

I blame the near extermination of middle market/AA developers that happened last gen. Big AAA titles cost a lot, take a lot of time to developed and aren't even guaranteed to be good.

Oh and OP, if you like stealth games, pick up Styx Master of Shadows. I played it on PC earlier this year and really enjoyed it. Story is a bit eh and they start reusing levels in the latter half but those are really my only complaints.

stop playing western garbage.
now go pick up GG Xrd Relevator and the Odin Sphere remaster

>gravity rush remastered
>disgaea 5
they're not cutting edge but they're godlike sony / PS4 exclusives respectively

Yes, go switch from western garbage to weeb garbage, good idea.

You don't know a thing about either games he just listed do you

except the games i listed are actually very well designed games.

coz its not next gen the current one is just halfway through

There are good games from both ends, although I'm enty-level to the weeb market. I play a shit tonne of great games on PC, the closest thing to what constitutes a "weeb game" that I enjoyed was Ni No Kuni.

Gravity Rush looks rad, though. Might check it out.

>boring and pretty

This sums up this gen rather accurate. Who gives a shit if games run at 1080p 60fps if its just a interactive movie, walking simulator or dull? The only fun game i played so far this gen is sunset overdrive.

>western games are garbage on every platform

western games have quality while most of your weeb shit is shovelware shit or weird shit

only good jap games are western like like mgs

not every japanese games is Nep tier garbage user.
i played almost every noteworthy release this year and a jap game still ended up being the best.

I have a PC, so I'm not console exclusive, but this is what I have.

Use my PS4 a ton.

I personally highly recommend Gravity Rush Remastered, Disgaea 5, Odin Sphere Leifthrasir and Guilty Gear Xrd Revelator.

Your underage is showing.

>you bought first light for 15$ instead of porting the physical for 25$
>go home where i have shit internet
>play for a few hours
>need to download more contant

Only plays weeb shit

yeah, fuck weebshit like Fifa 14 and GTA5

I play Rocket League. All video games are garbage. Seems like games were only ever good because of nostalgia.

>he went out and bought a standalone DLC in it's own separate box in order to boost up his video game collection

hot damn

I bought it cause I like Infamous and prefer physical, though.

>not playing a mix of Japanese and Western games
Though I definitely lean more towards Japanese, yeah.

I haven't bought the new Xbox or Playstation yet and I doubt I will for at least a few more years. The games just aren't there, this whole generation is being pushed forcibly with empty hype and it's really making me bitter. It feels like the whole industry is just running on fumes and has no soul.

I can at least say I got SOMETHING out of the Wii U, 3DS and Vita. But it still feels like a piece is missing and it might not ever come back.

As compared to what the west is pumping out right now? It's great